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I feel like watching some movies. Can you robots recommend some
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I feel like watching some movies.
Can you robots recommend some /r9k/ tier movies?
Beautiful Mind


The Revenant

Those are my most recent watches that I really enjoyed. Best watched knowing nothing about them beforehand.
Buffalo 66 is good
Before I Disappear
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thsi is all required robot watching
Blue Valentine makes you happy to be single.
Breakfast Club :^)

if you can identify with any of the characters

if you can't, that's ok because of the moral of the story

Thanks for the recommendations fellow robots.
I just watched the Hateful Eight the other day. Pretty damn good, even if its made by a beta nu-male cuck.

Another good movie I watched recently was For Your Eyes Only, one of the better James Bond films starring Roger Moore
The Piano Teacher (2001)
just suffocating
Eraserhead is essential for robots
Training Day
Synecdoche N.Y.
David Holzman's Diary
Suicide Letter (I think? It's a foreign film...)
(Orig) Oldboy
Funny Games
Southland Tales
Just binge watch twin peaks

Also, on series.
Elfin Lied
Kill La Kill
(even if u don't like anime. Trust me.)
This movie is a just an art-house meme spouted by people to make them feel better about wasting an hour and a half of their lives.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead is pretty good. The full movie should be on YouTube for free.
Aguirre, the Wrath of God

Even if you hate the movie you'll enjoy how great the scenery looks. Le Feu Follet and Peeping Tom are good older robot-y films too
all of the All Night Long movies
Combat Shock was pretty good the directors cut has a different name I can't remember
If someone streams it in an hour and a half I'd be down to watch.
The Lobster or The Double

Lobster is literally /r9k/: the dating simulator: the film.
I used to really like indie movies like Wristcutters and the chumbscrubber they used to make so many of those crappy teenager movies
Try Shame. One of the better robot movies I've seen in a while. Similar to American psycho in some ways, but very much it's own thing.
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