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Why the fuck did HS hype college up to be "sooooooo hard?"
It's fucking 10x easier than HS.
Plus, in HS you have fucking teenage retards around you at all time, including while you eat or take a fucking shit. Now, I don't have to make any social contact with my coursemates, and can basically ignore their existence completely without it causing an adverse effect on my life.
I wish I never fucking took those AdvPlacement classes, they're worth literally nothing in college and AP biology is much harder than college biology.
what kind of hack community college are you going to?

why are you taking English classes? you wanna make minimum wage when you graduate?

i feel like you're making shit up, because if you've ever been in a STEM class that was competitive due to the grading curve against people aiming for medical school, engineering programs, etc, you wouldn't be saying this retarded shit.
Top kek if you think all your classes will be as easy as your freshman classes
>why are you taking English classes?
The english was an example because highschool doesn't exactly have any humanities courses that can relate to eachother in a comparison.
But the blurb that's in the green is actually taken from my world religions course, in which they literally give you 2 hours of youtube videos and a few pages of info (it's an online class) and you just have to submit a short essay
every two weeks.

I am an engineering student but the engineering specific courses aren't that hard. Atleast, they're easier that retarded year-long AP classes that I took.
It gets harder after the intro classes. Also its only hyped as sooo hard because most people are retarded.
Itt defense of the STEM meme.
>teenage retards
Hate to tell you this, but college students in general aren't exactly the peak of maturity. This is especially true in engineering classes where everyone thinks they're special because of getting asspats all day for being in such a "hard" major.

You will soon find out that some people can actually become worse than they were in high school.
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