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That Kid thread
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>that kid who drew anime really badly and would roleplay as a furry on omegle
>that kid who committed suicide
>that kid who yelled a joke over and over until someone heard it
>that kid who yelled a joke over and over until someone heard it

and ill keep doing it until one of you assholes laugh
>that gay Spanish kid who fucked another Spanish kid during recess
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That kid with a backpack like this.
thats meta as fuck
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>That autistic kid who pissed himself in class while screaming bloody murder

One time he whipped out his dick and pissed on stacey
>that kid that rubbed a stacies leg in the middle of class even though she was totally uncomfortable
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post greentext
unique remark
Fucking Kek stacy BTFO
>That weeb kid who had weird weeb friends and always drew anime in class
Please go back to r3ddit, you stupid fucking faggot.
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I had a shitty "anime xD" drawing phase in 5th grade and actually began practicing drawing from there. I'm in uni now and draw pretty well.
>That kid who ventured into the girls bathroom and shit on the floor

Man was a fucking hero
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>that tard who smeared shit all over the bathroom

It was disgusting. The school was under some health standard investigation afterwards lmao
>that teacher who stole from a charity
>that retard who screamed everyday during 3rd period
>that nigger with the speech impediment who thought girls peed out of their butts
>that other nigger who was a failed normie and was deemed creepy
>that annoying kid who got beat up by a middle school girl when he was in 10the grade
>that cheerleader who looked like a troll doll in the face
>that one guy who was a solid 7/10 Chad but preferred hanging out with geeks
>that ugly girl whose boyfriends always went crazy after they dated
That girl stole my first kiss and it haunts me to this day.
>That kid who shit into a condom and hung it on a doorknob
>that kid who looked at porn on google images and got caught
>That kid who got caught looking at gay porn and said he was "Just joking"

He came out of the closet two weeks later
>That fat kid who would scream "Make it all go away" at the top of his lungs while running laps in gym class
>That tard who broke out of the school and the next day got a special lockdown code just for him whenever he broke out
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>that kid who was your best friend in elementary school who grew up to be a gay furry
>that kid who couldn't control his farts and ripped them all day long
>that kid kid who brought mountain dew to every class and chugged a few two liters every day
>that special kid who was also in a wheelchair and had mental hamstrings, who never could have any friends but was always happy and high fived people.

I was so judgmental in school I wish I could go back and just be happy
>that kid that thought EVERYONE had a penis and almost grew up not knowing what a vagina was.
>that kid who discovered his sexuality WAY too early.
>That kid who talks about sex before he hit puberty
>that kid who grew up to have paedophilia syndrome.
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>That kid who cried during square dancing
>that kid who would run around the basketball court during recess with his arms up like Naruto
fuck you reddit fag kill yourself but leave before you do
>that nigger
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Mine was worse
>12 y/o
>on a camping trip with a program similar to boy scouts
>counselor making fun of me
>don't know how to respond
>autism kicks in
>kiss him on the mouth

every time I remember it I consider suicide
Broke out of school?
>That kid who thinks filthy frank is funny
Runes aren't bad tbqh. Would pin on a denim jacket
This is my friend excluding the furry part as far as I know.
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>That severely mentally retarded kid who raped and nearly killed a girl
>got away with it "oh he's retarded, he didn't know what he was doing ;^)"
>no one was ever allowed alone with him ever again
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>That kid who repeated your joke and got far more laffs

Fuck you, Chris
>that weird kid on the bus everybody bullied who got charges for molesting his senior year
You are not the real Franku.
>that kid that got assraped in front of the whole school
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>That who pulled the fire alarm took off all his clothes and ran down the hallways flinging shit and screaming like a fucking chimp

Mfw the whole school was evacuated and we got a week off
>that kid who thought he was a really good artist because he could draw anime

Fuck you I didn't spend so much time learning proportions to see tits the size of exercise balls and eyes like satelite dishes
>>that kid who drew anime really badly and would roleplay as a furry on omegle
I hate how newfags don't understand the point of these these threads yet they always create them
Greentext in gory detail pls, also was the girl a stacy?
Kek. Nice dubs
>kiss him on the mouth

why would that ever be an option to react to bullying
this reminds me of 6th grade math
>doing a "dictionary" project, everyone has computers
>me and 2 friends sitting in way back of class, fortress walls of textbooks around us no one can see
>watch porn
>see out of corner of eye retarded math teacher walking over
>at the last second, hit apple "w" instead of q
>window closes, firefox still open
>bar at top says firefox
>what were you guys doing
>let me check your history, she says
>moves mouse cursor to top bar where it says "firefox history"
>at last second, blurt out "we were using firefox, you can't check history on it
>teacher stares for 5 seconds, cursor over the button that would end my life
>i trust you
>walks away
>That kid that called back to previous threads
this should be good
sounds like something out of a yaoi manga
>that kid who danced to Soulja boy in the middle of a big normie circle like their dancing monkey at homecoming
>the cutter with the words "kill and die cut into his arms who was not emo and was pretty funny

that was middle school
now i'm more of the...

>kinda popular dude who's a furfag piece of trash when alone
Honestly what's the appeal of being a furry? I could get just masterbating to it, but getting the suit and actually calling yourself a furry, why?
how did the counselor react?
what was the aftermath?
>that kid who didn't do shit at secondary school and still got straight "A"s
>that kid who couldn't play one game for more than 5-6 month, while parents are playing the same MMO for 3 FUCKING YEARS
>that kid who still doesn't know how to install drivers and Windows
>that kid who was probably the most salty person in teamwork events
gee that's really specific
are you a skunk in love with an alien
Probably just didnt want to deal with it, i wouldnt either
i don't a fucking fursuit and i call myself a furfag. i call every furry a furfag most the furries i know are lgbt.
my fursona is a ram. i just picked some random shit that would grab attention.
tried running like this once, just to see if it would change anything.

it didn't and i still regret it.
>that kid that just wanted to be part of your group so you tell him to call in a bomb threat and he does it from a pay phone that is on school security cameras
>that grown man with a fetish who won't shut up about it and I'd adamant that it is secretly the way the world worms

Looking at you cucks, blacked guys, pedos and etc.

holy shit
what a fucking fag
That kid who masturbated in the stall
You didn't answer my question
What's the appeal?
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>that kid that got stuck in the elevator
>that kid who could never be trusted with games since he always returned them all scratched up
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>that kid who everyone just sort of assumed was getting laid but in reality had no romantic life at all because he has no idea how to interact with women
Unironically me. At least it means I have some hope if I quit being a socially awkward pussy.
>that kid who didn't get the point of these fucking threads
God, you're fucking dense. You would watch Filthy Frank, you underaged brat.
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>that kid who did his research project on suicide and killed himself in front of the class
I think he's funny desu
gb2 weedit
>not looking at thiccfags, bellygf fags, etc.
mote meet beam
>that kid who always talked about girls and relationships but never had a gf
yyou're everything that is wrong with this site today
>that kid who was way more of a sperglord than you but still had a gf
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>tfw your life isn't a yaoi manga
can't take it
This. Also

>that kid who got you detention for defending yourself
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>that kid that got kicked out of a group of friends because they realised he was a loser
>that kid who was massively autistic and people talked to him just to laugh at what he'd say, but he seemed somewhat self aware yet always wore a trenchcoat and never showered
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literally me, I knew they were taking the piss but it was better than getting my ass kicked
>that kid who was $75 in debt to the school library
> that qt weeb girl that liked all the same video games as you and you constantly found your self being next to because you had alot of mutual friends and would occasionally have awkward interactions with but you only talked to her twice a year.
I know that chad
cool dude
>that kid that got roofied at a party and got raped up the ass by a twink
>that kid that always tried to have tequila Fridays with stoner buddies but never succeeded
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>that kid that cried over everything in middle school
>tfw you were the kid with the $114 library debt
>tfw you have absolutely no idea how any of those books disappeared or where they are now
how the fuck do i get raped by a twink
please respond
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>that girl who was obviously molested and kept making sexual advances on boys at a very young age
I got labelled a troublemaker right from the get-go after she took me aside and showed me her pussy at recess. Teachers just assumed it had been my idea and didn't question why a five-year old girl was showing boys her cunt.
I'd ask the guy that actually got raped but he killed himself. No idea either.
>That one kid who started to vape in class.
This actually happened to me last year.
>inb4 underaged
I was a senior in high school
I should kill myself now, huh?
Sorry for challenging your statement in some way.
> that kid who spent the first three years of high school studying to make his parents proud and then had a break down senior year and gave up on life
$53 is the worst I've gotten. They even threatened to ban me from the school.

>that library teacher who went to the Middle East in an attempt to see his family, but never returned
That was me. I would go in once every few months, and usually just skip half the day when I did go in. My fondest memory of high school is one of my teachers hugging me and telling me to try and be happy, on the day I went in to clean out my locker.
fug, too accurate
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>that girl who was 4'11" and still had giant tits
That was me. My then best friend and I used to draw manga . One time some retarded Armenian in our class who was 3 years older than the rest of us grabbed the paper we were drawing on and started shoving it in my friend's mouth. The teacher didn't even notice
fuck I had this. she dropped the class mid quarter and I missed smiling at her
>that kid who made fun of nerds in a pathetic attempt to fit in
I'm sorry.
post ur work anon prove it
>>that one guy who was a solid 7/10 Chad but preferred hanging out with geeks
he was always so nice to me.
> that kid who wore a naruto headband to school
probably me desu, though my fetishes are so wide I think I can just be referred to as that sick creep.

sorry for being human refuse
Are rage faces/comics still a thing among normies?
>That kid who insisted on showing THIS to everyone

>that kid that drew sonic characters on all their papers
definetly wasn't me or anything
glad I was out of school by this point desu.
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oh no

what do we do

>that one guy who was a solid 7/10 Chad but preferred hanging out with geeks

That's my brother. He is a 8/10 though. He was always nice enough to take me out with him since I had no friends
how woould any of us know we're robots
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very nice. show us your anime drawings. we know you still have them
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I'm not >>29086884
Just thought I'd pose as him since he'd never respond with his animu drawings anyway. Here's the closest thing I have to anime that I've drawn that I have saved on my phone
>that Mexican manlet on the football team who hated me because I'm tall
Go to hell Joey
> that kid who's really popular in all classes but noone talks to him outside of those classes
>that tard that used his retard strength to beat the shit out of a bullying chad
I would do that shit everyday. Never got caught
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>That kid who got caught making a poop hammock
>That kid who strangled some Chad in a fit of tard rage
>That kid who walked straight out of the girls bathroom

God bless you Zack.
>That Chad who always liked you for some reason and invited you to stuff but everyone else glared at you and said hi to you and even sat next to you if none of his friends were in your class
>That kid who got yelled at in front of the class for making an 85 on an assignment
>that kid that pretended to stab his teacher with a pencil after being scolded for something and got sent to the hall
>that kid who would bounce tennis balls towards the teacher while she was writing on the board
>that kid who had to write a 3 page paper about PE clothes because he didn't show up with PE clothes too many times
>that kid who failed PE class because of not participating and not having PE clothes
>that kid who asked to go the restroom, sneak out, go to the neighborhood by the school, have a few smokes, and come back 20 minutes later reeking of cigarettes.

I'm sure I'll get a (You) this time I tell ya
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>That Kakashi kid

I hate those people...kill them....kill them all...
>That kid who's mother let you drink and stuff so you'd drink in his bedroom
I like him quite a bit though. He is funny as hell.
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>that white kid who rapped
Fuck off redditfag

>That quiet kid that everyone liked that flipped his shit on a Chad one day
>that kid who somehow managed to fit in with the normies/chads and hang out with them everyday despite being a fucking beta autist, while there was a beta autist social circle in the same grade

who here /that kid/
>that kid that had autistic bursts of rage at least once a month
>that kid that was just as smart as the nerds but still was a Chad
>that kid that just lacked any intelligence whatsoever
>that kid that always wore shirts with dragons on them to school
>that kid that wore shorts during winter
How does he drink from his bottle???
Why does every school have a fucking rapper?

why do americans have tards in normal schools?

To be fair, tards are hardly distinguishable from normal American kids
really hope OP of that thread finds this thread.
O shit that's nice af
Because if the schools didn't allow tards there would be lawsuits out the ass, even though it's a known fact that tards can't integrate into a normal school setting.
>Be identical twin
>That Kid was some fag with a weird obsession with twin stuff
>Constantly asking us questions about being twins
>Some are very personal like do our dicks match
>Tell him to fuck off repeatedly
>Eventually just stopped coming to school, figure he moved, nobody cared enough to find out the real reason
>That black kid who thought girls peed out their butts

But they do tho
okay fine these are good. They remind me of DaVinci's drawings of corpses
do your dicks match?
Im not sure anon, I have not seen it since we were children

I assume they do though
are your boipussies tight?
They've never been fucked, which is true for most guys I think, so yeah probably
would you consider tickling my glans with your tongue under my forskin? i got phismosis i could go all in
It's a nurturing thing. Soft cuddly and sweet. Kinda like that feeling of safety you got when you were a kid and you cuddled your teddy bear. It's comforting to some people. Like beer
Sorry anon I like girls
yeah, we all did
that does not mean you can't be a bro and show a fellow robot some love.
not the guy you were responding to before
But thats forbidden love!
best kind of love
I was the kid who even the loose kids didn't want to hang out with. Knowing that I was useless at that I decided to focus on studying. Even got my grades up. I was so proud of myself. I would talk to my Mom about all the cool stuff I learn in school and National Geographic. She'd say "Is all you talk about. No wonder nobody wants to talk to you at school. This bloody child of mine, why can't I have a normal kid."
I then stomped caring about getting good grades. I just became a recluse to this day.
Maybe she was right I dunno.
Challenged normie here

I couldn't fucking stand the betas and nerds in my school. They would ALL wear fedoras, wear trench coats with cargo shorts and all have terribly underdeveloped voices. And when gays started getting popular they all started to turn gay yet never fuck anything, it was the fastest approach to getting social acceptance.

Although the normie circle was fucking boring and vapid I still chose to sit next or near them and listen to my iPod.
Yeah my school only had 1 security guard and he was a fat piece of shit and couldn't run down the tard.

>Tard speed
Being popular in the autist group doesn't count anon. They probably laugh at you behind your back anyway
What is the point of threads like this?
Nah nig stick to natgeo, if its who you are then be the best motherfucking geographer there is. And your moms a cunt
Full story
>mfw I was friends with 2 twins
>mfw I asked the same question to fuck with them
>mfw I disappeared from school (rehab)
>mfw I have no face
that kid who was a baby goat
>That severely autistic kid who was also gay and touched and said weird shit to other kids
>That autistic kid who asked a teacher out
>That kid who stabbed another student in the tech rooms
I told my kindergarten teacher that I had sex all the time and the other kids thought I was really cool
That kid who was an absolute degenerate
>ugly af
>shitty social skills
>6 foot 6 twig
>could balance properly due to being so tall and skinny
>shit at sport
>IQ of ~4
>despite being omega tries to be cool and follow normie trends
>fucking annoying and clingy
>pretty much no good qualities
Anyone know this rare and cancerous breed?
>that kid who huffed poppers in school and pretended he was high
>that kid who brought an acoustic guitar to parties but could only play the intro to Wonderwall
>that kid who ate sandwiches with moldy bread and didn't seem to notice
>That older "kid" who was held back and hit on all the younger girls.
>That kid who wore a Hoodie everyday, no matter the season.
>That kid who wore the same clothes everyday.
>That kid who quoted South Park.
>That kid who killed his mom and went to school like normal until the police came into class to take him away.
>That kid who fucked the teacher.
>That kid who ran with his arms behind his back like Sonic.
>That kid who shot another kid with a Nail Gun.
>That gay kid who needs to tell everyone how gay he is.
>That black kid who was really bad at sports.
>That kid who never ate lunch at school.
>That kid who would put a book over a playboy mag in the library to look like he's studying.
>That kid who wore a Hoodie everyday, no matter the season.
I am still that kid at the age of 25. Hoodies are comfy.
muslims , next question
Giggled at #4
Here's your (you)
> those loud degenerate theater kids who always talked about being outcasts and lonely
Crying to their theater club friends how lonely they are. I still get mad.
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>Junior in highschool, firend who is a grill begs me to go to theater club with her after school
>go to theater class and they were all fucking spergs
Are you Stratton?
>that kid who literally his from a group of girls because they gave him a love letter

W-wasn't me or anything guys
Was he using a proper mod or one of those shitty lmao 10 quid vape pens
>that one girl who stalked you and was obsessed with you even though Noone else liked you but she was clinically insane
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He takes the cap off of course
You realize this is a good chunck of /r9k/'s ideal GF right?
>>go to theater class and they were all fucking spergs
But they were spergs together.
>That kid who became an "assistant captain" in cross coiuntry for having Aspergers
>That chad who became an outcast after it was discovered that he had a diaper fetish
>That normie jokester kid who almost got expelled after a girl told on him for making a joke about killing a teacher
>That kid who would always talk about nuking North Korea
Then they're faggots, she probably would have killed me

fug, I remember her well. I don't know how she didn't develop back problems sooner.
i'm popular in the normie group faggot.
>ftw right now i'm the kid in class on 4chan in r9k and on tumblr rebloging gay yiff
Stratton Marty?
but the sex would have been awesome
> that kid who still liked blink 182 in 2015
This isn't about me, fortunately enough.
>that guy who hates America without a real reason
>that guy who smoked hookah and mother hadn't known about it until he posted a photo on his page
>that guy who was hitting on girl only to have her workbooks
>being a kid in 2015
I really hope this is real. news article?
> that nerdy kid who always did his homework and had a giant backpack
> that girl who told guys to help her do stuff because she was a girl
> that time that girl asked that nerdy kid if she could copy his homework and he told her to fuck of
> growing up

>that fat asian kid who was so desparate for attention that he would cough loudly and stomp his feet until somebody told him to shut up
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>tfw I was the kid who wore a hoody regardless of the weather
Being called a fatass till I started starving myself made me a bit uncomfortable admittedly.
>tfw the only hoodie I had for a while was one with massive rips all over it where some literal emo giant (like 300lbs easy) ripped my fucking jacket
>that Chad who suddenly starts talking about specific categories of hentai and has a furry wallpaper in computer class but still fucks different girls every single week
That guy is seriously dangerous
this happened at my school and it took the school 6 months of locking the boys bathroom to realize that the famed 'poocaso' was one of the special needs kids
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This is so funny but you could also see that at my reaction pic but this damn robot wont let me post else
i ran on the field with a traffic cone between my legs
>that teacher who was a pedo and somehow died later that year
>that teacher who was completely incompetent that couldn't get fired because she had tenure
>that art teacher who took her job way to seriously and would give kids that weren't even in her class detentions
>that kid who fucking got amnesia
>that sperg kid who was actually great to talk to about cartoons
>that weird couple that got caught fucking in the bathroom
>that kid who claimed he boosted cars for $500, an ounce of weed, and an eight ball of crack

Not my school, but these also happened

>that teacher who got fired for vaping in class
>that substitute teacher who drank a fifth of vodka before class one day
>that band director who got caught having sex with a 16 year old male student in his car by a park ranger
>that guy that was first getting an n-gage and coming with it to school with the sonic game in
>that same guy who would always share porns via infrared on phones

god bless you benjamin you were one of the best friends i ever had
same thing happened at my school
i walked in the gym and he fat tard boy was on top of a tard girl kissing and grinding. the wranglers and they had to tear him away from her. He got violent and she just looked scared and confused like she always did
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>That kid who shat up his back on the literal first day of school
>He got up with his fully brown back and asked the kid next to him for some deodorant to cover the smell
>Not realising it was literally smeared up his whole back
Jack if you're out there I'm fucking sorry dude
>That kid that was confident enough to fight the wrestling coach who was also a former marine

Later that day the kid had to go to the hospital because of a broken nose and 2 broken ribs. Wrestling coach got fired later that day.
>that kid showed his dick to a guy for a chicken nugget
I was the best bey-blader in the school
>that kid who was me
>used to show my dick in the closet to chicks.
>that quiet kid who flipped shit on some stacies in a group assignment becuase they didnt listen to what he said and then said that thing themselves a few minutes later as if I had never said it
>the cool as fuck teacher who sympathized with the kid and laughed her ass off at her desk
Kid was me pham
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>That one uber qt that moved to your school just as you were about to move away
>then you later heard she moved away anyway

Christ she was beautiful. Hold me /r9k/
>That one kid who got held back and basically gave up school and only went to fuck around
Anthony, you were badass desu fampai
>that one fat kid who thought he was a badass because he didn't need a jacket in the cold
>that kid who was always in aftercare
>that kid who brushed his teeth everyday at school after lunch
>the kid who was in average classes, and failing, but everyone knew he was actually very intelligent
You were fascinating and cool Sam

>the kid who never said anything besides "chill," "nah" and "maybe" yet was still charismatic and always in groups of people.. just listening
Based Michael you perfect minimalist
>the kid with dead eyes and ice cold hands. Hardly showed emotion and had an extremely deep monotone voice
You belong in a movie Zack
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>That kid who started to hate someone/something because you told him
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>that kid with a downish voice and face (he didn't have Down's) whose parents refused to accept he had some mental illness
>that (same) kid who went from acting as my best friend to hating me in a matter of days; when we were 13 he punched me in the face at school cause I laughed at him as he was playing hide-and-seek
>that (same) kid who got angry at teachers in junior school (we were about 9 years old) so he stood on his chair and pissed himself. His father brought him clean clothes, but while he was getting changed he ran out of the bathroom wearing his panties and knocked every classroom in the hallway.

The saddest thing is that he has a girlfriend now (she's about a 5/10) even though he still looks and sounds retarded.
In the meantime, I went from outgoing funny mini-Chad to socially awkward weirdo and I find it hard even to message back grills on Tinder.
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>That kid who started fights they couldn't win
>That kid who manipulated and bullied their 'friends'
>That kid who threatened to kill themselves with zero intention to actually do so
>That kid who gained the teachers favor so other kids got punished
>That kid who drew anime in class
It was me. It was all me.
>that kid who skated
>that kid who passed out in sex ed
There was a kid that always did that to me, and the one time I did it back he tried to start a fight with me
No one will read this but whatever

>That kid who was obviously gay and retarded and had a flock of girls around him 24/7
>That kid who never raised his hand and always called out the answers but the teachers let him
>That kid who was literally retarded and could never get in trouble
>That kid who wore every single NBA jersey
>That kid who tried so hard to fit in
>Those kids who spent 500+ on their shoes
>That kid who was a 3/10 at most but was popular and genuinely accepted by chads
>That kid that everybody hated but laughed at his jokes so he'd go away
>That kid who felt the need to state every fact he knew in an attempt to make people think he was smart
>That kid who thought he was black
>That kid who wore shorts over sweat pants
>That kid who wore a fanny pack
>That kid that wore a fisherman's vest
>That kid who always wore some anime jacket
>Those kids who only played LoL
>That kid who was actually normal
>That kid who was ugly as shit but would always get a girlfriends
>That kid who's arms were so short he looked like a T-rex
>That kid who never grew out of rage comics
>That kid that exaggerated an accent intentionally in a non joking matter to seem cool
>That weeb who would take basketball so seriously
>That kid who made google chrome shortcuts redirect to blacktube
>That kid who opened the shortcut to blacktube and told the 60 year old Russian Algebra teacher
>That kid who exclusively listened to eminem
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Why don't you go latch back on to Finster's corroded nipple, Randell!
>that kid who always carried around a skateboard but never skated and always took the bus and would purposely scratch his deck to make it look like he skated.
>that kid who failed literally every class because he didn't put in any effort then claims he's still intelligent
This was me desu

I was getting bullied pretty bad and didn't know how to cope.
tfw I fingered that same girl, but one inch shorter.

I fingered a big titted midget
>that kid who yelled a joke over and over until someone heard it
>that other nigger who was a failed normie and was deemed creepy
>That kid who repeated your joke and got far more laffs fuck him
>that kid who was probably the most salty person in teamwork events
> that kid who spent the first three years of high school studying to make his parents proud and then had a break down senior year and gave up on life. I didn't study, but I tried my hardest and always failed

How did this thread describe my time in school so well
Sonic doesn't run with his arms behind his back
>that kid who discovered his sexuality WAY too early.
>That kid who talks about sex before he hit puberty

>mfw me
i was
>that kid who plays guitar
>that one kid that likes metal music
>that kid that hung around with the school stoner
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>Kids are attractive the GIGAsecond they turn 18 years.
>Kids aren't ready once they become aware.
Redpill me please ?
>that kid who got wikipedia blocked by searching for smegma
I mean, leek spin ain't bad

No. They are only used by those who refuse to let go of 2008.
What emotion is that pepe trying to convey?
At least you left an alpha impression.
And you just let him? Rofl
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>be nig 1st grade me
>have two female friends
>"hey anon! youre suppose to run like this!"
>i follow them throughout the playground and we're all running like naruto
>they tell me that im weird and stop talking to me
>other kids thought i was weird for doing it but not the other girls
>that was the only time i ran like that

life hurts
>that kid who had nothing interesting to say and people forgot about

That was me.
>>That kid who was obviously gay and retarded and had a flock of girls around him 24/7
Jesus fucking christ this. Faggot called me ugly.
>Fuck you Nathan
>that kid that was always beat up by girls

First one's exactly me
Spergs undivided
>that one kid who showed people 4chan.
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