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>be NEET >parents give you a big old glass of pinot noir
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tfw his height starts with 5.png
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>be NEET
>parents give you a big old glass of pinot noir
>they tell you immediately afterwards to drive to the store
Th-they aren't trying to get me killed, right?
It was just a simple oversight, wasn't it?
Drive to the store to buy what? More pinot noir?
Ice cream to help them celebrate their anniversary.
Gonna chug some coffee.
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>be chad
>stepdad to some piece of shit neet
>calls me his dad because his real dad gave up on him
>decide to get rid of him
>act friendly and give him a drink
>tell him to drive out to the store to buy more
>call the cops on him
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Wouldn't it just be easier to use his computer to distribute CP and then get him v& for a whole lot longer than a DUI?
Plus, he'd probably get murdered in prison.
Well, I have no idea. On the odd chance you don't die, give us an update.
I forgot about not hating every person I saw when out and about, it was much more pleasant than being at the grocery store in a normal state.
Got back unscathed.
Cool, glad you got home safe. Now back to the NEET lifestyle for you.
>>parents give you a big old glass of pinot noir

Learn to handle your shit you fucking non-alcoholic pleb. I'm on 4 cocktails right now and I could EASILY drive to the store.
>parents are actually drunk
>faggot NEET son can handle 1 fucking glass to get them more
>they need to drink the pain and shame away from having faggot NEET son

At least do one fucking thing for them besides fail OP.
I just got them their fucking anniversary ice cream, CHAD
I don't drink frequently so my tolerance will be low enough that I can affordably drink myself to sleep when things get emotionally rough.
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