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The point of /r9k/
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So I'm a /b/ tard that's finally ventured to this board. My question is, what is the purpose of this board? The sticky post at the front doesn't make it clear. Anyone care to clarify?
What's the point of /b/ anyways?

90% of the content are nude female pics.
And the rest is poop.
Openly discussing the vapid and slutty nature of women

Various red pill/MGTOW/MRA topics

Robot(male) related feels eg 'yfw no gf'

Being a NEET

Things like that.
The main use of /b/ now is to go there and make yourself feel better by realising you're not as autistic and cancerous as the majority of /b/ users. There's also some good r34 there sometimes.
Essentially a place for those that feel like they can''t live up to societies expectations to feel like they belong.

Neets, outcasts, ugly or socially inept people. A big portion of the posters are ironic and of the others only few really really have no hope.

If you want to be a good part of the board, sympathise, don't condemn.
I know red pilling so basically the same?
And it sounds like I was on the wrong board for a long time...
I'm guessing I'd fit in well considering I'm a social outcast who's good at manipulating people?

Congratulations you are every 4chan user, do you buy any chance also feel like you are smarter than those around you
Most here are NOT good at manipulating people. It's fun here though. Everyone here has problems and accepts the others' as well.

Then for a board that doesn't allow reposts there's an aweful lot of the same stuff going on at all times.

Also mbti at times as well as the stranger stuff you know from /b/.

Some here are depressed, the autism meme may or may not actuallly apply to some here, some are neets, there's a lot of hate at times.

Don't know you so can't say if you fit. Personally as long as you post interesting stuff and don't condemn I think you'll be fine.
Not really, a lot of people can be smart in one area and dumb in another so just play to your strengths.
Okay, sounds like an actual good board with a purpose. I'll enjoy my stay. Thanks anon.
It's just a circle jerk with no lube.
What i said was what the board should be. About half of the posts are shit. Then again that's in almost all bigger boards the case.
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The point is to shut the fuck up and take it in the ass like the steamy little shit nugget that you are.

yoo fuggen widda bess son!

>A big portion of the posters are ironic

That's not true. Right?
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