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Why do you want to move out?
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Peeps living with your parents, why do you want to move out? living with your parents is the best way to save money. You really think your going to get a entry level job and all the sudden move out? Allot of entry level jobs are part-time and the pay usually not enough to get yourself a one bedroom apartment. If there any success story besides the..."Stayed at home while finish college and found a career." I will like it here em.
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I'm the "stayed at home while finish college and found career" OP and let me tell you, living like a teenager with a little more responsibility and a lot more money gets old. You can't get rid of that nagging feeling that you're missing out on something critical and important like developing your own identity and gaining critical life skills and independence. The games and toys and junk food or whatever it is you're thinking of that will satisfy you will not. I plan to leave after I save up a bit more of a nice cushion.
The judgment you get if you're not a NEET is awful. If you are a NEET, any good parent would be ashamed of you unless it was physically impossible for you to leave NEETdom.

So if you really, really don't give a shit what others think, you should be good
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Thats good, I would have done that too if I had the opportunity. I was kicked out of the house at 19 because my mom was a crazy because I wouldn't let her look at my bank statements. And my dad wouldn't let me move in because he has a new family that I'm not related to. So I had to work two jobs while living in the worst conditions and find a new home every 4 months off Craigslist. Not all the people on here, but most of them cry about living with there parents and the first thing there gonna do is find a job and move out. But it really doesn't work like that. You need to save allot to live on your own.
I'm 19 in uni, and I can't wait to move the fuck out. What's holding me back is, like you said, it's the best way of saving money. It's the wrestle between liking money, but wanting to get the my own place. I can't have a gf because of the way my parents are, and the apartment is pretty small so I can't exactly have friends over. I just want to leave because I don't like relying on people, regardless of how self destructive it is
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>living like a teenager
Try gaining your parents' honest respect by accomplishing something with your life other than working for Shekelstein and making almost as much in a month as your dad does in one day.

After making myself into a respectable tradesman with extensive career options wherever and whenever I wanted, I moved back into my parents' big country home and took a few months off with several thousand in the bank. Although I did a few normie crapshoots, I mostly spent my time between helping them renovate the house to prep it for an eventual sale and just shitposting/drinking. Probably gained more parental respect in those months than I did in all the years I wasted at uni.

>entry level job
I worked at ShitMart for a year before getting into the construction industry. Paid minimum wage, part-time. It wasn't fun and it made my weewee pretty small, but it was necessary. If you can't suck it up and swallow your pride for a year or more, you're not a real adult and don't deserve respect anyway.

Moving out is overrated anywaya, sure at some point in your life it's probably nice (unless you're either super-rural with a hundred acres and a guest house, or your parents are so fucking rich it's not even funny) but moving out before you can do so is kinda retarded. Generally the only real reason you'd do it would be if you wanted to fuck sluts all the time without parental disapproval, which I hardly need to state is an unwelcome desire on this hallowed conclave of the holy known as /r9k/

I'm 19 right now and the idea that people my age are financially independent boggles my mind.
It just depends on where you live, in Australia the government gives student benefits, so they help with some rent, usually under 50%, and minimum wages aren't too bad.
>almost 20
>still live at home

Is that too old?
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I'm sorry things turned out that way for you anon and tee bee h I'd probably have kms at 19 if I had been kicked out. I wasn't well at that point in my life but I realized things had to change and I worked on it quite a bit. I was also smart enough to realize what you stated after watching so many people I knew suffer due to "muh independence". I've sacrificed relationships and friendships over living at home which is my only regret from taking this opportunity.

Living at home doesn't have to be shit and I advise young anons in this thread to take the opportunity to learn from your parents. If you don't know how to cook or have a father handy with DIY stuff, learn from them and then leave. You'll be much better off for it.
I live in a big house with my pops. Going to college and collecting VA bux. The only reason I want to move out is because I keep the old man up when I have a girl over and we fuck too loud. Next day it's always "did you not get much sleep last night?" That and me and pops have the same name so the guy keeps opening my fuckin mail.
I'm going to college so I'm still living with my parents, but as soon as I get a chance I'll move out withouth thinking twice, I feel like I'm missing something important in life by living with my parents, and I certainly dont want to start living my life as a totally independent man by the age of 30. I'm 20 now and I'm studying a 6 years long career
>living like a teenager
>Try gaining your parents' honest respect by accomplishing something with your life other than working for Shekelstein and making almost as much in a month as your dad does in one day.

I'd ironically need to move out for that anon. I've accomplished a lot while I've been under their roof and they're definitely proud of me now but something I've noticed is that no matter what you do, if you haven't lived on your own and established an identity for yourself separate from them you'll always be "their little boy/girl" and same with everyone who knows you in that town. I help out around the house a lot and as strange as it sounds it feels like my parents are trying to keep me here longer because of that. Its taken me a long time to build up the confidence to leave despite knowing I could make it because of subtle manipulation on my parents part making me think I'm incapable of doing anything but relying on them. Its a complex situation desu.

26+ is where you should really start busting your ass to leave but that doesn't mean sit there now that you've got some time. It goes quickly anon.
There are no opportunities in the midwest. It's where people go to stagnate and die. You need a reliable car and a 2 gallons of gas to get anywhere or do anything. I don't mind living in a nice basement but I'll be stuck here forever if there isn't a drastic change.

I already missed out on the opportunities that my peers were offered because I was slightly behind the curve. Unfortunately, the chances of getting hit by a drunk driver are higher than me getting offered anything other than a food service gig for the next year or so.
I don't get why you guys want to move out so bad. I love my parents and until I get married I don't see any reason to move out. I get free home cooked meals, company, less expenses, and I keep my parents happy. I'll work full time as a programmer soon and be able to save a ton of money. I'll never understand this obsession with living on your own.
1.Small towns have shitty internet
2.Not many jobs
3.Religious bullshit goes unchallenged
4.Gender ratio makes getting laid hard
Space (especially yardspace), general freedom, be away from shitty retarded family members

But honestly I've always wanted to be gone from my family, we're all dysfunctional as fuck and due to shitty parenting I'm physically uncomfortable with partaking in my hobbies around others, even shit like watching tv. Sucks that I can't realistically move out except to a dorm for uni which is shit for the price and 9/10 times comes with another person
>be me, several years ago
>lived with parents, constantly bitching about how I lived, that i didn't watch TV with the family that hated me, or anything else
>i was always so depressed trying to make them proud of my school shit and them making me feel like a failure all the time and worrying
>ended up just playing vidya whenever I could, and my chest was in knots whenever i had to face them
fast forward
>they divorce because my cunt mom was cheating on my dad the entire marriage
>go to live with aunt and uncle because mom took the house despite not working and dad only has enough to pay for her and 1 room apartment for himself
>they compliment me on being such a good guy and smart and grades
>within a month she treats me even worse than my mother did
I just want to live at the bare minimum. I want to earn enough to have someone clean up for me but fuck off otherwise.
You should seriously consider having your own place by 24/25, I'm only 21 and I feel too old to be living with my parents
My mom moved into a dumpy house in a bad neighborhood in Detroit. I would rather stay with her and get a job to save up money but not there
Are you me?

Ordinarily originally oregano
I moved out because:

1. I couldn't get laid. Not only did I live in a town of 30,000, people my age rarely stay, for good reason. I had a college nearby, but it still didn't matter because I'm not allowed to just bring random girls over to bang them. I'm 27 and I'm sick of sneaking people into my parents house when they aren't around. Too old for that shit.

2. Not enough privacy. I remember a couple years ago when I put a lock on my door and me and my dad had a huge fight about it. To the point where he eventually pulled it off. They saw no problem with being able to open my door anytime they wanted without knocking. "Ma house, ma rules, bullshit". I'm 27, by the way.

3. I got a job that had me commuting 4 hours a day.

4. I didn't want to live in a surburban area longer than I had to. I much prefer the city, which is where I live now.

Everything I didn't have at my old place, I have here. I'm happy.
I'm 18, in uni, and I want to move out so I can complete my NEETdom and fade out of existence.
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Moved out because mother was emotionally abusive as shit. I still have to deal with hang overs from that (social anxiety, agoraphobia etc) but it is way better here than there.
Yes I am familam. You were separated from your twin because once we fuse we can finally use the ultima spell
Thats true for those who live in a house and will inherit it too, but I sleep in the living room in the shitty old unmaintained apartment with my widowed mother.

There is no privacy here, get woken up by my mother in the kitchen if I want to sleep in, kept up by her doing stuff if I want to go to bed early and wake up with the sunrise, no safe/comfortable space to do any exercise or work on any projects that aren't book/computer based. Bathroom sink is too low to comfortably use so I just use it as a urinal and wash my hands in the kitchen sink, the heating never worked since before I was born, probably asbestos in the original unpainted popcorn ceiling, mold grows rampantly just form normal shower use, and a bunch of other shit about the apartment and having to live with my mother with no privacy that makes it impossible to be successful in this situation.

In order to actually change my life, I would need to at least rent a bedroom with private bathroom (so I can run to the bathroom butt naked when I urgently need to shit shortly after waking up or eating first meal). So I have the privacy/peace and quiet to wake up and go to sleep as needed, and would feel safe and comfortable to do productive tasks instead of distract myself from the shitty living situation by staring at the computer basically all the time I'm not asleep or outside.
consider this thread bumpt
Personal development and freedom, as well as control.

Still not going to move out until I've drastically improved other areas of my life, though.
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I really want to move out so I can start to do things on my own and end the constant hiding of my firearms from my parents.

But then, I'd have to deal with retarded apartment fees, not being with my dog who is my best friend and the possibility of having to get roommates
Because my parents are both mentally ill and divorced and won't stop acting like the one I choose to live with is the best person.
I'm 25, live with my parents. I make $15/hr and soon will have a raise to a salaried position.

I don't care. Why would I move out? Plus, my mom makes really tasty dinners almost every night.
i like to wear girls clothes while i shitpost. i always feel like someone can walk in at any second, so i keep my door locked. i am terrified of getting caught.

it would be nice to be able to do whatever i wanted and be guaranteed my privacy.
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