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>fat cosplay Why is this allowed?
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Thread replies: 32
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>fat cosplay
Why is this allowed?
It's not, feed her to your dogs
>Being that fat in general
This shouldn't be a thing
What's it supposed to be? A fucking bison?
>being so fat your back loos like a front because it has titties and your front looks like a back because it has a butt
Why is it allowed?
>gijinka cosplays

Just why
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This picture always makes ma laugh. Although in general i agree with OP.
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But what about fat acceptance, anon!
tfw no friends to pretend to be anime girls with
if one thing dad taught me well, it's definitely the rule of no fat chicks
Are you sure it wasn't "no chicks."
Funny, post it in /cgl/.
Oh no wait you will get banned, I forgot /cgl/ is full of thinskinned morons and fat bitches inside that hugbox.
How is a board like that allowed in this site??
Its supposed to be a pokemon.
But I dont recall snorlax having a furry tail.
stealth cosplay > nigger cosplay > ripped cosplay > fatass cosplay > attentionwhore cosplay
What's stealth cosplay? Remaining unseen in close proximity to people while wearing a costume?
Wearing ordinary clothes that happen to look like what some character wears, while not speaking about it all all.
Why don't we post a unironic fat cosplay acceptance thread on cgl and see how they bite?
>Fat cosplaying a non fat character

Why do people do this? Dont they realize how horrible it looks?
Do these fat feminists see the irony in their message vs their myspace angled profile shots? 99% of fat people's profiles are them trying to hide their fatness.
Wow the first time I actually know who the pic related is on 4chan and its this girl I went to college with.
furry fag cosplayers- why is this allowed?
>finally gather enough courage to go to a anime convention
>only to oggle at qt's and attempt talking to them without spilling the spaghettios
>its full of fat, fugly chicks and a few niggers in the crowd aswell
>leave the con with a couple of doujins
>swear to come back and shoot up the place
>remember that civilians cant own guns in this country
>shitpost about it on 4chan instead
fucking fatties.
Maybe this is why people don't like you all and you all hate life if you can't handle it when people do things that they like.
i,ll kill yuo furrie faG scum!!!
So this is a chubby cosplay thread?
Post "bad cosplays"
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Trannys are more fuckable than you
It's a bad cosplay because she is a dirty whore who is still considered cute even after being a fat pig.
anon please I was eating
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im perfect just the way i am. there is nothing wrong with being fat.
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Being fat is a psychical and psychological disease.
abseloutely disgusting
Thread replies: 32
Thread images: 7

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