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is the world ready for a society of technological unemployment
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is the world ready for a society of technological unemployment and basic incomes?
if widespread use of robots to replace labourers were on the horizon soon, the west wouldn't be accepting immigrants by the tens of thousands each year
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>but lol, new markets will appear out of nowhere for this people lol
>they just have to look for better jobs LMAO
>even machines need repairs lol
>the west

people driven that can probably be counted with your fingers
>tfw knew this was coming
>tfw always though it would be around 2030ish before it happened
>tfw its already happening

can i finally be a neet?
europe is full of pussies that would still be accepting immigrants if they had to kick citizens out to fit them all
It's almost as if the immigrants were brought up for another purpose. Say, if some elite class ruling unjustly wanted to turn the people against each other in order to make sure organised rebellion couldn't happen should the wealth gap widen and opportunities disappear.
almost like if people were becoming too much smart and free, better flood them with millions of the most primitive destructive and backward peopleon earth.
billionaries want to be a literal noble class, and you most destroy everything that can sustain a republic to achieve that, a educated middle class is the first target.
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