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Shall we have a you love you lose thread?
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Shall we have a you love you lose thread?

this isn't /b/

piss the fuck off
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Cmon faggot, you know you want to
havent lost yettt

No. get out reeeeeeeee reee
Yes, fuck off op you shit nugget
I hate these threads because it's easy to win. The girls usually posted have the same exact aesthetic and they all look cookie-cutter as fuck.
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I hate it when people post fucking Barbies in these threads. The true qts are the unique ones
Big eyes, small nose, nice cheekbones, everything nicely proportioned in a standard way

This girl has nothing unique over other attractive girls
The only thing that makes her different from a barbie is a lack of boobs and shortish dark hair
Ok fine... contributing
Shit I just lost
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Nice pencil dick, buddy
more here you go
there it is
theres some more pal
>6 inch girth
O-Ok anon
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boxxy smile in my heart.jpg
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I love Boxxy forever & always she is always in my heart.
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Passing through
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>tfw you never lose in these threads because people only ever post teeny bopper white girls

is everyone on this site a 17yo white kid?
>he's not attracted to teeny bopper white girls

How's life with low-T my friend?
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MAGA qt.png
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>tfw will never go to a rally with this qt
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tfw no qt asian gf.jpg
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>not having a broad yet refined pallet for women you'll never get with

dream bigger, faggot
Isn't that the vine chick? She's a major attention whore.
Whats with all these disgusting roasties?
Nice taste there anon. Still didn't lose though
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jesus fucc
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Saw this in another thread. Had to post it here.

Who's this and are there anymore pictures
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have some inner-city latina then
Not the guy you replied to, but I feel like I shouldn't be attracted to this. But I am...
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I think it's because of the gum-to-tooth ratio. It makes her seem approachable. I went to a few inner city schools and girls like that never seemed approachable.
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Thoughts? Her eyes are so blue
no idea, friend. saved it off here a while ago

truck stop hoe
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Guess I might as well

original do wut now?
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I present perfection, ladies and gentlemen!
Fuck. Lost
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Haven't lost itt once. Unless you count this post
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maga qt 4.png
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I like this qt. she's such a qt.
This chick got a nose job, like, forever ago. Stop posting old pics from before she fucked up her face.
Lost. I can never say no to BBCs (I'm a white girl)
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>you'll never have a thicc mixed girl with kinky hair
looks like a potato
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beauty hurts sometimes.
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I already posted 1 qt but i'll post another :)
6.5/10 but not in love
looks like golem
close to losing but too young
whats with her head
emo and weird, for old fags
black, not into it
trump is a faggot
looks like dude
fine, but not in love
weird body, odd proportions
gentlesir's pick of choice
run of the mill
looks chunky and pasty white
hot but surely not fall in love material
undercover alien
Hiding her chunk off the camera
butter face and plain looking
Female edgelord, space between her eyes is significant
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I lost
Off to go cry myself to sleep
Having high standards and rejecting girls makes you look really cool.

With the exception of the really disgusting chicks if any one of these came on to you would probably just sperg out instead of rejecting them
can't call it a butterface if you don't see the body.
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when the girl is so cute it hurts to see.
ITT: fickle minded low test nu males getting immediately infatuated with a pretty face. This is why you fags are lonely.
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He means it literally.
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y-you all just lost
eh I'm a normie. I've been in a relationship with a solid 8/10 for 5 years. Did fine before that too
And that being said I didn't say I wouldn't fuck them. I would probably fuck 5 altogether, but that isn't that good for a "you fall in love you lose thread"
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she's a real cutie damn
fucccckkk lost hard mang
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I always wonder what the people that get butthurt over these threads find attractive.They're probably musclefags or something to be honest.

Filthy Turk roach needs to be stomped.
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Thread images: 32

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