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Gradually became a reclusive introverted outcast
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So i'll get it out of the way and let you all know I used to be a normie. Many of you will probably still say I am but things have changed over the past 3 years. I left my job and am now a NEET and have been for 2 years. I used to be in amazing shape but I stopped working out and now im fat and look like shit. I have anxiety problems and crippling depression as well as severe alcoholism.

I'm 26 now and I used to have an amazing social life. In college I had lots of friends and lots of girls but over the past few years I have slowly but surely completely removed myself from society. I have no friends, no social media have not had a meaningful relationship of any kind in over 4 years and I spend all day on the computer from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep.

I have just given up, I don't trust people anymore and I just don't see a point in even making the effort to find friends or girls. I figure this is my new life now and it's not going to change until I either kill myself or die of alcohol poisoning one night

Anybody else here with a similar story i'd like to hear it.

Yeah. Something similar happened to me around 28.

Took me a long time to pull out of that slump, but worth it.
What happened? I'd like to hear about it.
OP pls respond

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You'll have to forgive me, but I'm not much in the mood to recount my entire life.

Needless to say, you should take comfort in the fact that you've tasted the sweetness of life, and thus will appreciate it when it touches your tongue again. I'm guessing you're going through a period of change-- where you realize that the ideals of this world don't match up with the behaviour of it's people.

You would say: "this is just the way things are now."

Perhaps it's as simple as an internet addiction?

Or maybe you're having an existential crises?

Or it could be that the rose-coloured goggles came off.

Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never turn back. No longer will you be content to linger in the lowlands of complaceny and partial-fufillment. This longing is so strong that it turns to sadness, and despair.

But that's my guess. Your soul is awake now, and when you exist truly- observing the world around you and letting it become a part of you, is suffering.
I have a very similar story. Although I wasn't quite a normie, in my last year of college I was pretty successful socially and with girls, more than I had ever been in my life.

It was a first for my life, but I took it for granted and proceeded to recede into my shell completely after graduation. I wish I could've kept the ball going, but moving back in with my parents was hell for my progress in life. Now I'm 26 and it's been 3 years of NEET life. Recovering from this, finding a career, re-establishing a social life once I do get a job, and overcoming my other physical and mental hangups seems almost insurmountable.
geez man...this was very insightful and well written

I think it does have something to do with seeing the world and the people inside it differently. Sometimes I feel like the world is so shit there is no point in putting in the effort to be a part of the world i've grown to hate
I know how you feel, I have a degree as well.

I tried looking for a job for a year and couldn't find shit so I just gave up and went on benefits...I feel like a piece of shit for living this way but at the same time being in society and dealing with all these people that I mistrust and hate is just as unappealing so here I sit

>I think it does have something to do with seeing the world and the people inside it differently. Sometimes I feel like the world is so shit there is no point in putting in the effort to be a part of the world i've grown to hate

For the first five years or so you will feel like this. Believe it or not, this is a relatively "wrong" opinion.

Not as in-- "you are wrong, and you are stupid to think this."

It's wrong because it ignore alot of complex problems and questions and simply writes them off as hatred for the world--- It's lazy thinking. The complexity of the problem is so large it's beautiful in it's totality, even if alot of components are bad.

You're not wrong to feel or think this way: The world has alot wrong with it, and people can be very selfish and manipulative.

But the truth is, your hatred isn't *simply* just hatred. There are things beneath it: fear, compassion, love, anger. Human individuality is never one dimensional... often it feels as if there are a multitude of selves, arguing with each other. When we face inner-conflict, it's best to be gentle with yourself... otherwise you could spark a civil war that will haunt you for the rest of your days.

When you sit on the fence between humanity and non-existence, you learn to love from afar. Distance and separation brings objectivity. When I first became this man, I didn't understand people like I do now. People are so needy, so driven and afraid, that I feel compassion for them. We are still *so* much like babes crying for a mother breast. Some of us want validation, others want acclaim or popularity. You can see others in their truest light if you look on it with a loving eye.

When I look, I see vunerability, fear, hope, courage, empathy, insecurity.

I see all the things that embody what I took as a token of my own humanity, and held on tight for fear I might simply drift away.
Dude what do you do? Do you have a psychology degree or something?

I'm a heavy equipment operator.

How about you?
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