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This guy is a vegan and you are just shitposting on /r9k/ Funny,right?
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File: 1464295420764.jpg (63 KB, 736x473) Image search: [Google]
63 KB, 736x473
This guy is a vegan and you are just shitposting on /r9k/
If I did nothing but eat muscle gruel and lift weights I could get stacked like that too. Problem is I enjoy experiences like flavor and relaxation.
Eat clen and tren hard fatboi
The word you meant to use was HYPOCRITE
nice copypasta shitpost my guy man friend :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^)
looks like synthol in his tit lmao
Yeah, his pecs look extremely uneven. Also, was he green-screened onto that background? Something about the proportions of him vs. the basement he's in seems a bit off. lol
The real funny thing is natty lifters, what's wrong with them.
That guys on fucking roids, KYS.
File: nattycucks btfo.jpg (192 KB, 904x695) Image search: [Google]
nattycucks btfo.jpg
192 KB, 904x695
just post this to piss them off.
Not just that, the lighting is off. You can see a source at the far back of the gym, but his front is fully illuminated? With none of the light from the presumable flash visible on the walls directly left and right of him?
Btfo, forever.
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