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Sorry to be a bother. I have no friends to help me with this
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Sorry to be a bother. I have no friends to help me with this problem hence being on /r9k/ in the first place.

I am trying to get a sample of my shitty recording quality to the manufacturer of my recording device.

Can any of you tell me if this link works for you or not?

It works.

What's the problem anyways? It sounds fine
it doesn't sound half as good as it does coming out of the monitors. I could never record at this quality and use it in an actual song.
i want to do this too, what is your set up?
It's just a Line6 UX2. It's extremely easy, you just plug in and install, then plug in your guitar and play. You need a DAW to record, of course.

But of course, until I get a good sound out of the fucking thing, I can't recommend it.

All you need is an amp modeler (software that makes your signal sound like real amps) and an input box that converts from analog (guitar) to USB. Those cost from $50 to $400 or so.

Easy to get started, but apparently fucking hard to make it sound right.
What are you using to record?
Just straight into your computer? Soundcard?
is there a better way to easy home record without the computah?
forget my last question.

>fucking hard to make it sound right.
Agreed but definitely possible.

Is this the clean signal you posted? or is this with post processing?
Have you ever tried doing something like this? Line6 sucks.

this is the clean signal.

better? yes. It costs about $10,000 and requires years of skill.

The UX2 functions as the soundcard. It is supposed to contain everything you need to record sound.
I would love to use this method but because of price and space I need to record direct to computer. I don't need it to be pro quality, I just need it to be good enough to be listenable.
Do you have an amp running between the guitar and the soundcard?
If not I would recommend that you'd check your volume levels since the distortion that you hear would be clipping.

What software do you use and what buffer settings do you have?
I doubt that you'd have to do exactly as he said, but you could probably improvise. Do you have any microphones or recording devices? I think that he also said that he used free software.

>Do you have an amp


>check your volume levels

it's not the volume, and it's not distortion that i'm hearing. it's a loss of definition and clarity. it sounds muffled and there's a buzzy boxy quality to it.
I cannto use microphones and amps. I need a direct-to-computer solution.

There has to be one that's good enough for a recording. There's just no way that there is no such thing as a box that can record presentable guitar.
Then the problem lies in the processing.
The muffled sound of the guitar could actually be that the highend is cut off. This is a normal thing so there is space in the mix for cymbals, crashes and high hats.

I'm not exactly sure what you're on about with the "buzzy boxy quality". But I think you might benefit in quality if you made you guitar stereo. This would help in terms of space and probably not make it sound "boxy".
This guy just uploaded this video. Check the links in the description if you think that this would work for you.

see, this is what I want. How does he get such a clean, sweet tone?
Post processing anon.

What do you use to process your guitars?
I don't really know how to process. I'm getting such a shitty recording, why bother? You can't make a good tone out of a bad recording the same way that you can't do a CSI enhance on a pixelated photo.

I have ableton and audition, and I really only kow how to use the EQ on them.
I have a hard time following you now.

Is it supposed to sound distorted?
What does the clean signal sound like?

I have a hard time believing what you posted is the clean signal.
Guitar > UX2 > Pod Farm > Audition

In UX2, I am using amp modeling to create a distorted signal. That signal sounds great when I PLAY, but when i RECORD WHAT I PLAY, the sound is diffferent. worse.
Are you sure you're recording the correct output?

What you're describing now sounds like you haven't set up/routed everything correctly.
Okay, maybe I haven't. I don't know how to select an output. the UX2 just goes into my computer via USB. Are there difoutputs coming from the box if it's just a USB connection?
I'm sorry anon. This is just confusing me. Maybe someone else here can help you. I would advice asking on forums of the manufacturer or something.

I'm sorry. I hope you get it fixed though.
No matter how much I explain it, no one seems to be able to understand.

I bought a thing. I plugged the thing in. I played guitar on the thing, and the guitar sound was a good sound. then I tried to record that good sound with the thing and I got a bad sound. It's different than the good sound.

That's exactly as complex as the problem is. The thing just doesn't record the same sound as the sound I hear when I play it live.

Could you help point out to me what part of that is confusing so that I can stop confusing people? I've sought help from everywhere.
Everything is confusing about how you explain it.
Just tinker around with the input settings in audition?
I've done a lot of tinkering in the input setings. Bitrate, ASIO/MME, etc. Every seetting has the exact same problem.
Then I'm afraid I can't help you any further anon.

Sorry again.
Into the trash it goes.
what is HSH?
The pickups on that guitar are in a humbucker, single coil, humbucker format. Which I personally really dont like.
oh, I don't really care for my guitar. i'm just not going to invest in a new one until I can reliably record well.

I like the schecter double humbuckers that switch to single-coils. I have my eye on a couple models.
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I can understand that. I guess I'm just stuck in the past but I only like two formats for my pickups. I had a guitar like that once, it had too many buttons and switches and dials, and to me an instrument that is simplified is better. Here's on example. S S
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And the only other way I like them, which was also designed 60 years ago.
>off brand telecaster
>judging others on their guitars
absolutely disgusting
Jesus Christ, that tone is horrible. The gain is so high that it is scooping your mids. Also, record through an actual amp with a mic, not straight into the computer with some shitty amp sim
This off brand Tele costs more than a "real" one, and it's made in Canada. I wanted to support Canadian business, fuck me right? Fuck with my stainless steel frets and rock maple neck bitch, you're probably just mad because you can only afford a squier. Also, don't fuck with my Airline.
>that ugly-ass headstock
This one is more my style. I used to have a gibson les paul, then I "quit" guitar and sold it.

it wasn't really my thing anyway. Sound was too rich. Better for clean tones and jazzy bluesy stuff. I only want severe overdrive.
fuckin christ thank you for actually hearing how bad that tone is.

but like i said already, i'm not going to be micing anything, not for a while. I need a simulator that works well enough before I go buying show amps and mics and shit.
These pickups are ancient so they have a pretty specific sound, works well for classic rock.
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