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I want to be a awesome person but im not how do I become a
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I want to be a awesome person

but im not

how do I become a awesome person?
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just kill a bunch of women and you'll be celebrated
Save the life of some very famous person and you'll get a few seconds of fame.
I've never once met an awesome person in my entire life, not once.
Go to Syria and fight against/for the Legion.
How to Become Awesome Person

>Step 1:
Believe in reincarnation.
>Step 2:
Kill yourself.
>Step 3:
The Dice of the universe will be rolled and you be born again a awesome person if your lucky. If your not lucky, and are not born a awesome person. Repeat steps 1 and 2.
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you have to force yourself to get the fuck going and stop being a lazy piece of shit. Being awesome ( or just not a piece of shit) is a long road and you fuel yourself with discipline.

Now quit being a faggot
believing it will make it happen
top kekels
You have to have a talent that other people admire. E.g:
>great singer
>great actor
>own a motorcycle AND ride it like a pro
>Good at sports
>Incredibly good looking
>Very funny

>tired 4chan insults
>tired 4chan ideas

take me back, belldog, take me back to old kc
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You have to eat the sugoi sugoi fruit
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are you seriously expecting anything new from this echo chamber?

literally the only thing keeping robots from being successful is lack of discipline. That's why they're not Chads or smart or going anywhere in life. Not willing to put forth effort to better themselves at all.
You're lucky, I did and it made me feel so inferior and worthless.
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im surrounded by awesome people
so im filled with an immense desire to be awesome myself

sadly I have autism so I've been trying to jump a few pretty tall walls for quite a while now
and theyre only the starting walls
>Step #1
Think of some sort of activity or accomplishment that you think is cool

>Step #2
Do everything in your power to make it so.

>Step #3
Repeat ad nauseum
I don't know what it is, but sometimes I struggle to figure out how to become successful. Like I just don't know how to do basic life skills and shit, and I don't know how to get to a point where I can actually live comfortably. I just drift by every day without actually working towards anything.
have good genetics and good parents
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