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OK r9k, what the fuck is your excuse for being fat? Don't
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OK r9k, what the fuck is your excuse for being fat? Don't you know being fat is bad for your health? Why haven't you achieved a Chad body?

>it's all about the face! Faggot get fit yourself not for bitches
>whaaaaa I'm sad and unmotivated! Get motivated asshole. Why are you on r9k complaining about your life if you won't even try!

I actually saw quite a number of threads with people posting pictures of themselves in /r9k/ and the vast majority are actually very thin (me included).
Can't decide whether I'm going to kill myself or not.
Seems silly to get trim just to blast my brains all over a wall.
Did have a lovely bike ride today though, and will probably be pretty active over the summer.
Depression and not caring about social interaction led to me not taking care of myself.
no money for thyroid hormone pills and no diet has worked for me, not even keto
What about the way less calories than you need diet?
I'm not. I've lost a fuck ton of weight recently. I honestly need to stop dieting or I'm going to go skelly mode but I'm addicted to it now.
*eat less diet
that's just because ugly robots (most fat robots are also ugly) don't post their pictures or take selfies because we are ashamed of how we look.
>leaving my bedroom
>getting off my computer
>having to find money
>having to buy food
>having to cook food
>having to eat it

No thank you, senpai. When the hungry sharks are painful, then I'll come out and look for food, but until then, I'll stay in here.

Just kidding, though. I'm actually /fit/ and eat alot. I don't like it though. Oftentimes it's just force feeding. I need alot of water when I eat. Greentext related was me two years ago.
what do you think keto with calorie deficit is?

no, I need hormones, just no money for them kek
I just can't care about myself. I don't care about my body or my future or whatever. I don't want to exist.

There is only one thing I've ever wanted and it's impossible so nothing matters.
Antipsychotic induced metabolic syndrome and hormone imbalances I still haven't recovered from despite crash dieting for weeks and exercising.

It also had the unfortunate effect of making me feel like I have a bottomless gullet. I used to only be able to eat a small amount of food before being full. Now. I can eat 2 large steaks and feel like I ate nothing at all. I just ate 2 hours ago and I feel like I haven't eaten in 16 hours.
The only joy i still have is eating. Therefore im overweight about 50 lbs for my height. Lets say even if i lose ir and get semi-fit i still be the same retard in slightly more aesthetical body. I dont see its worth to spend shitload of time for neglible results.
Working on it my dude.
People say they can see the difference on my face but I can't tell.

My hip bones are showing though and I can't grip as much of my belly as I could in the past so maybe it is visible.

I should be where I want to be by August but fuck me some days I want to take a break and eat a pizza.
What did you want? Anything is possible with Jesus.
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