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>tfw elementary is over >tfw middle school is over >tfw
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>tfw elementary is over
>tfw middle school is over
>tfw high school is over
>tfw no teacher will ever reassure you saying "I know you're smarter than this", "you can do way better", "you're a good student" ever again
>tfw intelligence dropped off after high school and now all the normies are discussing school crap you'll never understand like it was causal talk
>tfw normies are getting good jobs, cars, gfs and even bullies are getting farther into the world than you

just fornicate my feces famalamatrons, i guess i just fucked up.
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>dropped out in grade 10
>people want to help you
>ignore everyone and stay in room
>be 21 now
>no one wants to help
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>implying that teachers ever reassured me and didn't call me a retard
>implying I'm not grateful for each day in my life I don't have to go to school anymore
topkek m80
You fucked up, but you aren't fucked. Start your own business, sell drugs, join the military, backpack through the country, catch up on all the anime you downloaded and didn't watch, or even start a death cult. You aren't restricted by societies norms, the possibilities are only restricted when you stop believing.
Why do normies always say school days are best time in life. It was very much shit for me
i was weird as fuck when i was in school. i wish i could back and be different.
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thanks satan

orgy nal pohst
>well fuck you world.

are you serious? you blame the world?
just my community
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