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DAE miss the comfort in being sad?
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File: retarded_pepe.png (51 KB, 657x527) Image search: [Google]
51 KB, 657x527
DAE miss the comfort in being sad?

I felt happier when I was ready to kill myself. It felt so good as I was actually doing it, then I fucked it up. I felt like I finally had a solution to all this, like I had figured it out for myself, and all of it was going to be over soon. But now that I'm forcing myself to go through with life again, I see no possible way to find happiness, and things just seem to get worse and worse. I feel like I'm just tumbling further and further down a hill. I've actually started fantasizing about suicide again despite not planning to try going through with it again just because its a nice thought. Who knows, at this rate maybe I'll try again, and hopefully this time I won't fuck up.
No, literally no one else in the world ever does anything like you. You are completely unique, and there is literally not a single person that ever existed or will exist that is similar to you.
File: tumblr_nlextc1Lee1tanofjo1_1280.png (762 KB, 786x576) Image search: [Google]
762 KB, 786x576

When I was feeling like this, this image helped me for some reason.


kinda. i feel like i see everything in a clearer light than when i'm upbeat. And i tend to give less of a fuck about certain things
I like Nirvana too OP
File: elliot_child.jpg (36 KB, 615x409) Image search: [Google]
36 KB, 615x409

I love these kinds of images. Do you have any more?

Nope. I think it was just one art image made by some guy on tumblr
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