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4chan was a mistake
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You are currently reading a thread in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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Does anyone else feel like finding 4chan was a mistake? My life has only gotten worse since I'm using this website, especially r9k.
Besides the obvious hours wasted reading shitposts which I mostly gain nothing from I feel like it has also destroyed my personality. My humor has gone from normal to something most of my peers can't relate to. 4chan has filled me up with dumb opinions and ideas about women, race, work, and basically EVERYTHING which prevent me from thinking like a normal human being. It made me worry about stuff I didn't care at all about or didn't even knew existed before.

How do you feel about this?
Yeah pretty much the same for me although the way it changes you is for the better some ways.

Best thing to do is to stop coming here if you think its that bad for you but I cant do that even though I only go on r9k and a few generals on other boards i still get a good laugh out of coming here usually on my phone or at home when im bored.

If you can stop just stop thinking about it too much and just try and enjoy life
I've fallen for the 4chan meme. Post 4chan I've watched trap and interracial porn. Now these things actually occur to me
You don't belong here. Get back to whatever shithole you crawl from.

Been using this mongolian poetry forum since 07. I though i finally found home until fags like out started flooding in.
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I went out for a coffee after a class with all the guys, and when we started joking about the jews I went batshit insane and talked about how all the jews should've been killed in WWII, and how Hitler left them just so we can see why he killed them and stuff like that.

Everyone went silent after that, because on of the girls sitting with us was a jew. She just gave me a deathstare and walked away. I had to pay for her coffee

I'm not even a robot, I'm just a normie influenced by R9K autistic humor.

Also, I hate women.
I found my gf on 4chan so it's not all bad.
>Paying for Jewish coffee
She got this goy.
posts like this are the reason I got into such an awkward situation in the first place. Fuck you jew haters
she was a qt3.14
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Except comfy threads and escort bro I totally feel what you mean.

I was not very anxious person but since coming here and on the days I come here I almost become autistic 100% for the day.

I am a kv at 26 and it helps to be able to get the feels out, but this aint the healthiest site since other than being kv I am pretty normal dude, not a shit in or neet or whatever.
My grandfather was Jewish. Saying that I'd still join the SS if I could.
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It has definitely made me more cynical, though I already was before entering. I feel that finding 4chan was ultimately good, even though I was depressed for a good while and sometimes spend too much time on it. The reason being that 4chan is an unfiltered view of what human behaviour really is and it opened my eyes to a lot of blatant truths blue pillers were trying to surpress and deem evil. Plus, I get some good lulz here so it's all good.
4chan is like heroin, except it doesn't take away your money or destroy your physical health.
>Implying wasted time isn't wasted money and life
Keep being delusional.
Semi-related, it's very weird going out into the real world and realizing that regular people don't lose their shit at holocaust/9/11/other tragedies
I told one of the tamest jokes I knew and everyone seemed shocked
How do you get a Jewish girl's number?
Roll up her sleave
Yeah I can totally relate anon. I try to stick to the
/gif/ ylyl threads always good for a smile.
It cripples your mental health
My life was shit before and shit after, but now it at least feels like I have friends to talk to
the internet was a huge huge huge mistake. but it's too late now. pandoras box will kill us all
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I have no idea what you fags are talking about.
4chan cured my autism. I was a total loser with self-esteem issues before this, but now I know how to behave socially.

if you're reading this its already too Iate. be glad you don't have to carry the burden of knowledge
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If you are right, and we're all destined to suffer, at least I'm enjoying the torment.

I think this board needs to get the stick out if it's ass, though.
Kudos for good joke; you made me laugh.
The problem is that people in "the real world" takes things too serious.
The world is a very serious pIace
shit it is,

we are all dead anyways yet act like anything we do matters.

veri serius

And yee I call bluff on your sarc.
You should quit coming here, or at least take a break.

A few months ago I quit 4chan for two months and noticed a drastic increase in my mood. I was more positive and hopeful.
Now that I've been back for a few weeks I'm back to being miserable. And I blame it on the stuff you said. The toxicity about women, race, work, etc. Also, constantly reading about tfw no gf has made me incredibly lonely. When you read that kind of stuff so much it's all you think about.
You'd become a loser one way or another.
Who is holding a gun to your head forcing you to visit this website?

>Blaming a website for fucking your life up
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>what is addiction
It's like quitting smoking/drinking or whatever
>Browse interest-related boards like /v/ and /k/
>Shitpost for fun with the other fags in /pol/
>Rock out with /f/ loops
Life is only as fun as you make it. /r9k/ is a bit of a downer, but then that's sort of it's purpose.
I agree that that is r9ks purpose. But when it's pretty much the only board you visit, then that's a problem.
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>tfw because of 4chan you are ironic ALL the time
>people tell you you're mean and you have to constantly explain how you don't mean what you've said
>mfw I'm not sure if I'm really me or some twisted ironic version of myself I've constructed
If I hadn't been stubborn and visited 4chins during my college days. I would have graduated and probably would have been a succesful business man now.

But I didn't.
4chan singlehandedly ruined my life and made me an edgelord when I was 14 tbqh.
Although more than anything, it's completely ruined my sense of humor since I'm literally incapable of laughing at anything normies say in real life, which is why they always say I'm overly serious because I can't be bothered to fake it 100% the time
>mfw I'm not sure if I'm really me or some twisted ironic version of myself I've constructed
fuck that hits home
I don't even know what I genuinely think or feel anymore, I just keep maintaining this facade of irony because I don't know how else to relate to the world
You can find some pretty amazing things on 4chan. Whether It'd be something fucked, something hilarious or something sad, it's still pretty amazing. It's how you perceive these things can determine your time here.
>which is why they always say I'm overly serious because I can't be bothered to fake it 100% the time
You sound like you haven't changed much since 14.
I haven't, I'm pretty much the exact same person as I was 9 years ago

i think its because irony is a copout/excuse for pretty much everything, aka i was only pretending to be retarded

but its all i know how to do
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Sometimes I feel the same thing as you, but I simply can't stop coming here and reading all the shit written here. I envy the people that are totally normal and don't care about the bigger picture, government lies, jews, muslims, feminism, you got the idea.
I dont know OP, I found 4chan when my family moved states and I started spending all of my free time online because I had no friends to go out with. Before then, I pretty much had no clue about whats out there and would only go online to game casually and check facebook. years later, this site is still my only friend. I have no contact and meaningful conversations with other people outside this website, so I appreciate it to some degree. I see people saying "just stop visiting" and I want to ask them and do exactly what? Start spending time on another website? At that point I might just as well keep browsing 4chan
Im in the same boat. Literally a manchild
I am addicted to 4chan It's probably at this point been the single biggest influence on my life.

It hollowed me out and filled me with nothing but memes.

Well memes, wisdom and awesome hobbies.

Everything that makes my life worth living today (bar the few friends I had before) I found on 4chan.

Before I found 4chan I was the a gun loving anti gun reluctant socialist scrawny beta cuck nerd who put women on a pedestal and wanted to be a writer.

4chan set me free.

It has ruined other people I knows lives though.

One guy was a full on chad with a good chance to play Rugby professionally. Doing well in school and with mental problems under control. 4chan and pedobear meme made him lose it all and end up an obese alcho sex offender.
I dont know where I would be if it werent for 4chan. I'd probably be some cocksucker who posts on reddit or facebook all day.
>but its all i know how to do
I just wish I could be genuine with one person
>One guy was a full on chad with a good chance to play Rugby professionally. Doing well in school and with mental problems under control. 4chan and pedobear meme made him lose it all and end up an obese alcho sex offender.

4chan amplifies what's already inside of yee.
my social life in the real world is pretty boring desu. family and friends communicate with me in this condescending kind of manner and i've gotten real fucking bored of it. it drains me completely. it's definitely not how i want to spend my time on this planet

i guess 4chan is the only substitute there is
>not knowing you have to hide your /pol/ power lever when out with normies
you should have been gassed too you dumb nigger
>family and friends communicate with me in this condescending kind of manner and i've gotten real fucking bored of it. it drains me completely. it's definitely not how i want to spend my time on this planet

This is another thing thats changed about r9k, its no longer filled with legitimate robots but rather with teenagers with friends and gfs/bfs who think they are robots because their friends "dont really understand them" or some shit.
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I've been here since 07. My roomate made the observation that I'm a walking meme, and damn that hurt. My personality and character has been carved out and replaced with irony and memes.
It works both good and bad. This place has made me wittier and quicker on my feet, but I'm so desensitized to nearly everything. I've laughed for countless hours here, and a couple robots saved my life when I was suicidal last year, and even have screenshots of one particular bot that helped. So many good, and bad memories here, but alas, I'll never leave

Don't forget you're here forever
>on of the girls sitting with us was a jew. She just gave me a deathstare and walked away. I had to pay for her coffee

This just confirms she was actually a jew.


I could say "mistake" for many websites.
>my humor has gone from normal to something my peers can't relate to
This all the way. I need to get off this shit and get back to facebook-tier memes.
No, you'd still be a failure Faggot. Don't blame your shortcomings on a website.
People just post opinions on any website. You can find truth in anything people say.

When a website is meant for humor, understand that as well.

Also just because something is negative does not mean it is untrue no matter how much you want.
Yes, freshman year of uni I had stellar grades and next year it was good too, I discovered 4chan around that time in summer and my grades went down and I became more depressed, I just really wanted a place I could relate to people but now I don't even see the point in going on here anymore but I still continue to, /pol/ literally ruined this whole website
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misery loves company

I don't think it's accurate to say that it was 4chan, specifically. If I never found 4chan, it probably would have been another site. If I didn't find another site, I probably would have wasted all that time playing games, watching/reading animu/mango, etc.

Maybe we have been shaped by 4chan since this is what we stumbled upon, but we ultimately have only ourselves to blame.
Nah because without 4chan id probably be a fedora
That said though, ive been coming here at least 3 years longer than i need to but ive been here so long i can barely remember life without it
I was not regular here, I come and binge for few days until you guys sicken me, then I come back after few weeks.

The thing is Im bored as fuck and this is the most interesting place in net for me.
And what website do you come from? Also what sickens you? theres nothing particularly bad about this site.
It actually made my life a lot better. At first it started to make me into a bitter misogynistic asshole who blamed women for all his failures with them. Then I found threads talking about things betas do. I saw a lot of myself in those posts and I was frankly angry at myself. I wanted to stop being like that.

After I did I realized a lot of the stuff I was reading here was utter bullshit. It's like being given a movie review by someone who read the plot summary instead of actually watching it.

It gets worse every year too, the fun stuff that made me come to this board in the first place keeps disappearing. I come here to look for that occasional gem though.
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> been browsing this site 4+ hours a day for 12 years
> 21 now
> tfw have learned more from and engaged with 4chan much more than I have interacted with my distant parents

4chan is like a foster parent for me
i was already shitty before i found this website, finding 4chan just allowed me to accept my shittiness
I think I first found out about it on 9gag, under some virgin post, I might have heard about it before, its a stuff of legend, BUT Im sure it wasnt word of mouth.
Never heard anyone in my circles talk about 4 chan.

The nogf vibe here can be toxic, but there are some posts that are fucked up like traps and other shit.. They should stick to gay board.

inb4 gay hater -> my friend is gay

but I like that here I can feel like I belong somewhere and can be myself and ppl can know exactly what I mean, and any motivation from here is original since most of you know the pain and dont say just ''look on the bright side'' etc normie shit.
and by shitty i mean; i got expelled in 3rd grade for cosplaying as hitler and talking about gassing the jews
Yeah 4chan was basically my dad
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u did gud boi
It was mine too but I'm from a different generation. I came to /b/ in 2005. I started going to the other boards many years later. A lot of the time I feel like I don't belong here anymore. I wonder if most of the people that were around back then, especially in like 2007 when I was really involved, just moved on with their lives.

I can't find anywhere else that I fit in better so I just keep coming here. The newfags run the asylum now and there's nothing I can do except sperg out at them when they tell me what to do.
Yeah i came here in 2008 and its very interesting how this site has progressed
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I personally think it's the best thing on the internet.

I've never used any other forum because I don't like how they worked. When I found this place I was still recovering from social anxiety, in that time my only human interaction came from my internet friend. I never had anyone to talk to about my hobbies because my friend and I simply talked about everyday stuff.

One day she sent me a link from /x/ to check the place. I clicked the vidya board and was blown away by all these people talking about something I loved.

After lurking a bit and mustering the courage to post for the first time I became addicted.

This place is full of knowledge for people to take and there are people to learn that with.

>learned how to draw from /ic/
>learned how to 3D from /3/
>can get honest opinions from people about anything because everyone is anonymous
>can follow my hobbies with other people
>helped a lot with my anxiety and handling criticism

There are other great things here and I love it all
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>before chan
>somewhat optimistic
>going to get my degree
>few friends

>massive racist
>hate women
>degenerate fetishes
>college dropout
>literal cripple
>almost completely isolated
>full neet

the site is fun but it does warp your mind after a while

xaio mei mei is top tier
iktf, sad kitten
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have some of this lad
I'm so glad this site didn't exist when i was in hs or at uni. I would have never got laid, had any friends, or graduated. Lucky for me i didn't find this place until i was a soulless office cuck so it actually helps me by giving me something to do all day at work.
Yes 4chan has destroyed my personality and most normal people can't relate to the things i say which feels like i'm mentally ill desu

I would not know what else to do with all my freetime though if not shitpost on r9k
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4chan is exactly what I was looking for. Pic related is what made me aware of 4chan.
My life only got better since I started browsing r9k.
i dont let it bother me too much and just treat it as meme material or post humorous activity to waste time with.
you really fucked up if you took anyone's opinion or experience as reality on this board.
are you still in highschool where you still arent aware of your neural autism?
dont ever take any of 4chan's shit into reality. most of the people here are either delusional or spergtastic.
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I did some nofap and noticed improvements, the usual 9/10 coming on to me every day I get out to buy my daily bread.

BUT since 4 chan, specifically r9k

>dick always wet from pussy
>gained 30 lbs of muscle in 3 weeks by having lucid dreams in which I lift
>all my crushes find my hidden account on facebook and apologize and send 10 nudes each.
>every girl I approached calls me out of the blue and wants me to fuck them
>together at once
>mfw I can now do it since my Dick grew little extra dicks from itself, I have a dick tree now
>Chads gather under my window subconsciously feeling their new Leader
>They scare of the women that were there first
>God comes to me in my sleep and lifts with me
>I spot him on his final max weight squat rep
>''It's ok God dont sweat it, to err is human''
>Proceed to lift same weight for reps
>G can you sit on the bar this is e z
>God sits on the bar
>Proceed to lift entire mass of the Universe for reps
>Drop the bar
>Big Bang

I was basically a /pol/fag, /b/tard and /r9k/ hybrid before 4chan, it just amplified it
The whole fucking internet was a mistake. Without the internet I would've been ignorant as hell but at least happy and relateable to my peers.

Now I'm part desensitized club of giant faggots who can't get laid despite living in the most promiscuous since we were hunter-gatherers.
Similar thing happened to me in HS my senior year in my bio class. We were working on something I cant exactly recall what but the teacher was out and everyone started talking about religion or something and somehow we ended up talking about jews and I ended up going on a rant. Eventually everyone went silent and tried to laugh it off awkwardly. One guy later told me that one girl in our class is jewish. Thankfully none of those people said anything to the teacher, partially because I was always the weird silent kid in HS so they probably already assumed that id be somewhat retarded. That was back in my /pol/ days. Right now I realize that you should never talk about that stuff irl.
Stop being on the internet completely. Maybe that will work?
been here since the beginning

yes, it was a mistake

too late to dwell on it now though
since I started lurking
>I picked up a shitton of sick fetishes
>I have a warped view of the world
>normal people sicken me
>things that sicken normal people, I find normal
>I now hate women and feminism
>my life seems to be leading down a path to self destruction

4chan wasn't a mistake; it is merely a forum for degeneracy of all kinds. People come here to indulge, to escape, to blow off steam. 4chan doesn't change you, it just brings out something that was already inside you. Something dark.
Haha that was a good one made me lol
>My humor has gone from normal to something most of my peers can't relate to

Goddam I know that feel. Baneposting is the only thing that makes me laugh now
I have the same feeling as you in some regards. I'm the only one that likes watching 'Alone' from the History channel. I can talk with /out/ about it because most of my friends are not really into those stuff.

I was fucked before I came here, Something Awful saw to that.
>Endless slot machine of content
>Years and years of aimless browsing
>Don't know shit about anything
>Scattered facts
>Can't even finish video games

This site has been the enabler of my chronic depression
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>tfw you can't even play vidya genuinely
I lived in Hawaii for almost a year and got a job. I was too broke to have internet. I had a happier life though and I was a lot healthier.
Does anyone else have trouble realising if they're having ironic thoughts or not?
It's worse when you're constantly nothing but genuine, but nobody cares.
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I've wasted A LOT of time reading shitposts, pastas, dumb opinions and doujinshi, sure, but there's also a bunch of really cool shit that gets talked about on any board you visit. It definitely was an influence in taste in music/movies/tv/anime, and drawing style. Pretty sure I would have stayed a depressed-but-pretending-to-be-genki-cringey-lonely-weeb or worse turned into a tumblr-tier sjw if it wasn't for this site. I still have my own opinions on women/feminism, brown people, and sex- don't fall for the memes. You gotta be able to differentiate truth from meme. There's all kinds of people out there, 4chan usually focuses on the worst for fun.

4chan might have been a time waster but it also made me feel so much less fundamentally lonely realizing that there were people out there with the same retarded quirks, tastes, and depressing thoughts/humor. I'm honestly glad I found this place. 4chan is the one constant in my life since age 16, that's fucked up in a way yeah but I think it saved me too:

>24 now
>lost 30 lbs since when I first started lurking here and kept it off
>been smoking that dank to help with depression/anxiety
>ended up having a bunch of fun experiences cause of it
>made the effort to go to my cousins parties at 17 where I met the love of my life
>been with the same person since then
>have avoided a bunch of bullshit that comes with being single and in your early 20's
>don't have outstanding debt
>no criminal record
>no stds
>no kids
>no tattoos
>am NEET but trying to improve myself all the same by going back to cc

Not too bad honestly, especially since I'm brown. I feel lucky sometimes.

Plus whenever I gain the courage to post my work I get positive comments- when the shithole of the internet actually likes your style then you know you're doing something right. I have a skill that I can exploit which is really great because I'm retarded at everything else. I might just make it if I don't fuck it up.
>I had to pay for her coffee
my sides
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You might want to watch this video if you haven't already

Maybe try it again? I'm doing it from time to time? Do you need any tips?
You have to be critical enough to separate the bullshit from truth on here.
It's them Hugo Boss uniforms mane.

I'm not even a brand-tard, but I know good tailoring.
You drew that? Pretty good, man. I am pretty much you without talent.
It's harder in the smartphone era. I legitimately need internet for a lot of the things I do in my life. I'm trying to get back to living a life where I don't need to use the internet to fill up all my excess free time though. It's a lot harder in the winter, I live in Michigan and when it comes I have no desire to leave the house.
Nah, I wish. I don't have photoshop or a good scanner so all my drawings stay in my sketchbook sadly unless I post a shitty iphone pic which I hate doing... one day, man.
that guy is a complete fucking faggot
Oh man it hurts, I'm bored after one hour in every single game. I wouldn't mind being depressed and lonely that much as long as I was able to spend hours in video games like I used to be
Nah, that's Pompous Douche.

Complete Fucking Faggot has better production quality on their vids.

Also, nice quads.
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Maybe you count a lot on whatsapp to talk. But I only get whatsapp messages from groups and most of them are unfunny memes. I switched over to an old nokia phone and it feels rather easier desu.

Also I get legit bored everyday when I'm not on the webs. But your mind stars to find ways to occupy yourself. I began playing piano more frequently in those times. Do more sports. Hang out more with friends.

You just got to find a way to actually do those stuff.

Also you live in fucking michigan. Visit /out/ every once in a while and do some hikes (alone or with friends)
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I had most of 4chan meme built in as far as in my early teens.

>I always hated on so called feminism when it's just roasties trying to gain power by putting males under their domination
>I don't find black people attractive to the point I wouldn't date a girl that had intercourse with one. Not racism or hate, just that the thought of it would kill my boner.
>I dislike SJW as they're full of shit. Just thinking about them make me angry

>I don't hate Jews because of their religion
>I don't have far right political view
>I am not attracted (repulsed tbqh) by trans trap new half or whatever people call them. They are just dudes pretending to be girls.

But I have to admit that
>I have got used to read about "nigger", "faggot", "Jew" as a verb, "degenerated" and so on that I have to be careful not to use these outside 4chan
I found 4chan on my first year of uni in 2005. I'd just got Internet (dialup) and was exploring the Internet and playing mmos for the first time. I registered on a "forum" for mmos because I wanted advice and tips about the games. in the general section I kept seeing weird images and phrases being reposted all the time. they were indecipherable internal jokes. I eventually found out they came from /b/ which was on this website called 4chan. visited it and thought "the fuck is this? what's the point of any of this" and left in confusion.

one year later:
> scroll scroll scroll scroll
> refresh
> scroll scroll scroll scroll
> refresh
> scroll scroll scroll scroll
> refresh
I browse daily to and from work also. one day I'm afraid I will call a coworker or family member a nigger
I'm a jew. I actually went to my friends and told them I like the word kike (not living in english speaking country).

Most of them were meh, but didn't want me to say it out loud so others would hear it and be offended.
This place has probably had a bad effect on me overall but I also think without it I would have zero social interaction.

Also I've felt a great sense of camaraderie from being in some of the threads on here over the years and I don't think I would have ever had that with actual friends.

I know it's sort of cliche to say these days, but 4chan as a whole has become my home.
You can't go back. Believe me I have tried. Going back to Facebook is like meeting up with an old classmate who is way more successful than you. You just feel unwelcome there.
My girlfriend lives in the Philippines and we rely on viber to talk to each other. I spent 4 years living there and just got back. Over there I had friends, things to do, I just found it easier. Public transport can get you anywhere there and nobody judges you for not knowing how to drive or not having a car.

I'm stuck in Detroit right now with my mom. We were living in a decent neighborhood but she just bought a house in a place with lots of abandoned/burned down/boarded up houses so I'm trying to find a way out. I want to move back up north where I come from and start a new life. I'm going to marry my girlfriend and bring her here and we'll be able to do these things together like we always used to.

It's just so hard here right now. Not having friends. Not having anything to do once the money runs out. Not being able to go anywhere without Uber. My whole life revolves around the internet right now. Just like it used to before I left this place. I went off and started a new life then came back to find myself right where I left off.
It made me insecure about my height, but it starts to wear off now.
>girlfriend lives in philippines

first of all, maybe you shouldn't have a fucking gf at the other side of the world. Second of all, if she's a keeper, tell her your situation and that you would like to take a break from the internet for a while. Just use viber/skype or whatever at an appointed time.
after a certain amount of time spent here, one can't help but get a bit too much into all the absurd, over the top stuff that gets repeated here every single day over and over and over again.
There is a, without a doubt, a very toxic influence this site has on the way I think about things like.. well, mostly women. Don't dismiss it all as total bullcrap, there is a tiny bit of truth to all of it but people on here tend to hide behind negativity and factors they deem outside 100% of their control for all eternity. That's the biggest mistake people on here make imho.

browsing /r9k/ for so long was nice for me because I found people I can relate to. As of today I am a 26yo kissless virgin and even though I have it way better than 90% of people on here, I still hate myself and plan on killing myself when I hit 32 if I don't find a nice woman that fits my criteria and wants to be with me by then.

Personally, my relationships with friends hasn't suffered at all. I always found a bunch of weird kids that I decided I wanted to be friends with and somehow I managed to get a lot of them on my level of humor. The kind of shit that would get you locked up the second you spouted it out loud in public, you know. I seem to have a "strong" personality in that regard so people picked it up. I've even traded Pepes (including Ezekiel Pepe) with this girl from Italy I met last summer, she thought it was funny.

There's a saying in my country that goes "the dose makes the poison".
Just like anything and everything else, 4chan and /r9k/ are to be used with great caution. I'd strongly suggest you to try and strictly limit the time you spend on here. Don't cut it out for good if you're not ready but try to not spend all day every day on here.
Finding Habbo was my mistake cause it led me here
I kinda know that feel, not to that extreme extent though, just when someone brings up a topic that I like and/or am quite knowledgeable about, I end up coming off as overly-obsessed
She knows my situation. She is indeed a keeper. She's in a similar situation right now, when I came around she was kinda bored with what was going on in her life. Her parents were strict and she didn't get out much or do anything. She'd lie to her parents and tell them she was going to her friend's house when really she was sneaking out to be with me.

So we're both going through this process together. Giving up a year of our lives so we can make this happen. I want to learn how to drive and get a car before I get her here too. I don't want to just bring her here and have her be a part of my life as it is now, I'm not delusional enough to believe that could work. Over this summer while I'm taking care of her visa stuff I'm also planning to try to work on self improvement. It's just hard when you're stuck in a cockroach infested crumbling house in a neighborhood you're scared to even walk through.
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jesus christ same here
i discovered 4chan in 6th or 7th grade
i'm now half way thru a degree at university

every step of the way it was here i turned to for advice

i guess it's easy to blame 4chan for my being a loser weirdo but honestly i probably would have turned out pretty similar without it.
i guess i should just appreciate how fascinating this really is. i was raised on 4chan. when i type that i feel like i'm joking, but that's really what happened. this is my actual life and it was actually spent like this. i am among the first to be raised on an internet community.
Nice. Good luck. You might end helping her too.

Good luck.

Also how did you get such a gf? I want to have one too..
When I first moved to the Philippines I was pretty much a robot. Despite being a white guy in Asia and all the stereotypes surrounding that I still managed to scare girls off. I found one that was nice to me anyway though and we had a long relationship. She really helped me with my social skills, especially when it comes to going on dates with girls, I acted completely embarrassing the first time we met up and she told me all about what I did wrong.

After a long time that relationship turned to shit though. We had a lot of arguments and disagreements and I ended up dumping her. That was really hard for me because I never did something like that, usually I was the one getting rejected. After all she did for me I felt so guilty for it too, but it had to be done because I was miserable.

After that I dated lots of different girls. Most of the time it didn't go right. It wasn't usually my fault though, you can't just go to any girl and expect to hit it off with her. When I met the one that's my gf now though we spent like a month talking before we met each other in person, that's always a great sign. She said she wanted to stay with the guy that took her virginity and that's what I ended up doing.
cool story, thanks for sharing succes stories.
Yeah I really hate how if you have any success in life after being a robot and come here to talk about it people think you're just a normalfag coming to rub it in their face. I really just wish people like me who had similar experiences growing up could find their way in life.
I spend more of my waking ours on here than on anything else, so I don't think my use of this site is healthy. I'm honestly addicted to speed at which this site is able to deliver information, it's why I have trouble trying to quit. This place often hits you with so much of the same information that that it starts to alter your views. It's hard for me to believe that the world isn't hostile towards me after spending so much time on here and /pol/.

I wish that the site could go back to the old ban system and that there was a way to voluntary get yourself banned.
>This place often hits you with so much of the same information that that it starts to alter your views.

You need to start questioning the information here. Too many people on 4chan become one with the memes. They don't develop their identity because they are busy adopting the group's identity.

What really helps is starting arguments with people here. Most of them back down easy because they haven't come to these conclusions on their own, they just repeat what they heard. It's fun as fuck watching people's belief systems collapse once they've been challenged. They never admit they're wrong though, they just get angry and call you names.

When you first start coming to 4chan you want to be a part of the group desperately. Anything you do to earn their disapproval would make you feel bad. But after awhile you learn how much fun it is to get that response on purpose. Trolling is beyond easy on boards like this one and /pol/ because it's nothing but blustering blowhards. It's harder on boards where people might see their opinions on things as being subjective.
I didn't have friends before this place, so it didn't make much difference.

My issue is that while I have a sense of humor and was willing to crank out some wit, I delved too far into internet culture so I feel like cringing or spacing out whenever some normal person spouts a meme from at least 2 years ago. If 4chan gave me anything particularly crippling it's elitism.

I also don't respond to any jokes my dad gives me about video games. Usually because I got to hear about it a lot and it was used to insult me in my formative years by my peers. While I'm at it most of the casual repeated jokes that I've heard just don't make me laugh due to repetition . I can't even force it.
I've been here for quite some time, and I do question the specific information that I see here. I do disagree with them on many things (e.g., white genocide, cultural Marxism, Jewish conspiracies, etc.), but they have still managed to make me cynical about the future and convince me that the political left is actively working my well-being. This board has made me quite cynical about relations between the sexes and women in general. Even when I try to go to blue boards, I find I can no longer talk about the intended topic of conversation and only post in the threads related to the subject matters typically found on here or /pol/.

I argue more than I should, but I pt hasn't changed things.
>Does anyone else feel like finding 4chan was a mistake?
Most things can be considered mistakes.
>My life has only gotten worse since I'm using this website, especially r9k.
Not the sites fault.
>Besides the obvious hours wasted reading shitposts which I mostly gain nothing from
Browse better boards or have a better eye.
>I feel like it has also destroyed my personality.
Not the sites fault.
>My humor has gone from normal to something most of my peers can't relate to.
Your peers must be gay normal figs then. My peers, even some of my elders, can relate to the humour I somewhat developed through 4chan interaction.
>4chan has filled me up with dumb opinions and ideas about women, race, work
They must be dumb to you because you aren't very logical are around normal fags that make you think their opinion is the correct one based on social stigmata. Most of the serious opinions developed site-wide appeal to objectivity and evidence, regardless of how sensitive you are to the absolute truth.
> It made me worry about stuff I didn't care at all about or didn't even knew existed before.
Ignorance is bliss.

>How do you feel about this?
ur a fagit
Well if these are your true beliefs on things arguing will just make them solidify. I highly disagree with /r9k/ on the muh gender war stuff copy pasted from /r/theredpill

>This study with a small sample size that I haven't even read proves that all women are whores
>I will link you to an academic site that has it but requires a university login to view to support my wacky views
>What you had a different experience? MUH ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE

It's the same shit every time. Hasn't evolved much since 2012. If you go into one of those threads there's 1-3 people tops supporting the shit. Most the real robots are in the sad threads with anime pictures.
It's been making me feel this way since before r/there spill even existed or before anyone even cared about Reddit. I also don't hate women. I'm just cynical about being able to exist around them in a healthy manner. It's hard to think of women as anything but cruel and hateful after being here for so long.
Most of humanity is cruel and hateful. It sucks but you have to put in the time to find the few people that aren't. I'm saying this as a guy with a gf that can count the number of friends he has on one hand. I can't even count on my own friends to help most of the time. When my mom dies I'm pretty much on my own, I'll have to hold all of this up on my own shoulders.

You probably can exist around them. If I can I think there's hope for you. You just have to want it bad enough. You have to be willing to accept life's cruelties sometimes. That's a part of being human and we all face it eventually, even sheltered NEETs.
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Why did you think they made this image?
So some faggot can ask us over and over where we live and where we want to live.
You're getting cucked, my friend.
Those two posts aren't made by the same person.
I just make drive by shitposts these days. Engaging unlikable people for more than 2 or 3 replies is annoying even if you are trolling.
I don't regret finding out about 4chan, I think all vices and hedonistic activities should be done in moderation, nothing wrong with browsing this place as long as you have self-awareness and are able to control yourself.

Better than Facebook and reddit.
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Who here is /constantBetaWantingToHelpYoungOnes/?

Lets keep it short:
>Suffered alot in my life
>Take young teenagers to the gym and teach them MMA
>Try to save them from a life of virginity and betaness, train them to toughen them up, help them fight bullies
>Occasionally get disrespected by them since they are stupid as fuck

The last kid that disrespected me, played Tibia and I showed him 4chan. He is fucking doomed, no memes, no jokes, he is fucking doomed since i recommended this website.

I want to help kids from making the mistake i did, but they don't really appriciate it, its shit, they get so cocky after a couple of sessions at the gym. I want to drop true knowledge on them, but they fucking get too cocky.

>Cunt kid who got knocked out and pissed on by bullies, same bullies i kicked in the spine multiple time, is acting too cool for me now
That's what makes trolling fun though. You can't enrage them unless you engage them. You find out what really triggers them then keep winding them up until they let loose.

It works best when you truly hate a thread and whatever it represents and want to destroy it. Make them think you're a cuck/beta male/nu male/white knight/bitch/whore or whatever makes them mad and make them fight you. You'll make the thread about you instead and it will be ruined.
how did you find her? I always thought girls browsing 4chan would be a massive red flag.
I could never even hope to be a normie after 4chan
He's memeing, girls don't exist on 4chan. Unless they are lesbian.
I used to think I was the only weirdo like me. After being on here for years, now I know I'm nothing special. Literally a million unique visitors per month on the /a alone.

>moot said I had one million buddies


4chan, mmos, and sex workers are the only social interaction I have
worst kind of posters t b h
Jesus, this video makes me feel like shit
What else would I do without 4chan? It's the only place I can socialize. If I couldn't access this site, it's not like I'd "man up" or "come out of my shell". I'd be doing what I did before I had the internet - sitting in my room all day thinking. That's it. There's nothing else for me.
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Before I discover 4chan I was beta cuck... I just didn't know what to do with my life and didn't realize how pathetic my behavior sometime was. Now I'm semi-Chad and /fit/ normie thanks to all the /r9k/ redpills and lifehacks because there really was potential in me. /pol/ made me quite depressed though and I'm overthinking about politics now.
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>find 4chan
>watch hundreds of anime series
>laugh at thousands of shitposts

4chan really is like a drug, it turns your best years into memories
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