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>tfw I have a gilf fetish and I can't stop it I've
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>tfw I have a gilf fetish and I can't stop it

I've been getting crazy boners over women around 50-70 and I dont know. I'm not even sure I want it to stop. It beats traps and in a way they're better than younger women.

This woman will be 67 in a couple of weeks by the way.
What's the oldest you done? I've gone mid 60s
i seem to share some of my fetishes with you, i do fap to shemales and trannies but much more often i fap to milf and gilf stuff

there was once a woman doing some sort of quiz that came at home, she was short and plumpy and i got turned on as fuck very fast, i was hoping she would initiate something because i was afraid she might scream rape if i did, unfortunately she didn't

greentext bruh how did you get that babe? was her pussy tight or loose?
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Well I would do this 67 year old, but the oldest I have done is mid 50's but I want older
This always seemed like a pretty patrician fetish, wish I could get into it desu
I like sally d'angelo too but hate her tit job
Got her through work. It wasn't loose at all.

>My financial problems come up between us at work
>She offers to let me live with her till I can support myself
>We start spending time together outside work, turns out she's pretty lonely
>She's not too bad looking for her age either, I figure fuck it and try to push for something
>She was really hesitant at first like she couldn't even imagine doing it, our age gap was that big
>Withdrew contact with her, acted aloof then when she tried to talk to me about it like she was worried it had caused a gap between us, turn up the friendliness and affection to 11
>She let us try some stuff out and I put a lot of effort into it for her enjoyment
>Paid off, ended up in a full relationship

Was fucking her on the regular for over a year.
Story sounded real for once.

Any advice for somebody thinking about pursuing older women?
>for once

What's that supposed to mean lol

You want advice well in my experience it was a case of her being lonely already and us becoming on good terms. I think getting friendly with an older woman isn't hard, and if she's not got anyone in her life then making things sexual isn't much more of a stretch. Obviously gonna depend on the woman but you got to imagine she probably hasn't gotten any in decades, and you come along a young stud looking for some action, as long as you're not ass ugly or totally gross she's gonna have a hard time coming up with reasons to say no.
>What's that supposed to mean lol

Just seemed like a believable story is all I meant.

Thanks for the posts. I got one more question, though... Are you bullshitting when you say she wasn't loose? Was this woman you got with childless or something?
Not bullshitting though I can't say I had much to compare to. She'd had kids, but kept in shape. If she wasn't still fit for her age at least then I wouldn't have been into it with her.

But yeah, I had no problem with friction with her. Won't fuck with you and say she was tight as some 20 year old, but she definitely wasn't loose.
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