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QTDDTOT: anything goes edition ask any question you need to know
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QTDDTOT: anything goes edition
ask any question you need to know about anything, and have it answered by your fellow robots.
gf questions are accepted, but not preferred.
> hygiene
> wageslavery
> education
> cooking
> reaching milestones for your age
should i start smoking
>it will slowly kill me
>i'll look edgy
>dat feel when you light a cigarette while on a walk at 2am
>family will likely disown me
>will never have a qt
>the addiction will become inconvenient
> non-smokers hate the way smoke smells
> house/car gets a gross yellow film over it
> turn into a bitch without them
> constantly stepping outside even in 30F weather this winter because you need to smoke every 15 minutes
> can't taste food without caking salt onto it
what's the most fun drugs to kill myself with? I just want to throw myself into glorious addiction, and i recreationally do a lot of things but i'm slowly getting sick of life.
>normies will fear and avoid you
>you will show that you are not afraid of death
>it makes life easier
>it's cool (not even just aesthetically, it is legitimately fun and cool to do)
>always have something to do with your hands

Don't smoke in your house or car though
I have generalised anxiety disorder,social anxiety and depression.They've always been taking over my life,but in the last year it's been getting out of control.I can barely get out of bed and the only thing that's on my mind is killing myself.I can't sleep well either,I keep having nightmares about messing everything up and shamed in social settings.I'm also waking up 3/4 times a night from a loud scream that happens during my nightmares.
>I'm seeing a psychiatrist in 2 weeks,he'll most likely prescribe me some sort of medication.
>Should I go on meds or not?
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