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Islam Thread
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Why hasn't R9k Converted to Islam yet?


normies already hate you

Christianity is a Normie religion

Islam allows you to be virtuous away from those who commit Zina.

Islam is the ultimate redpill.
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Every aspect of it is a downside. Praying all the time, restricted from doing everything we enjoy, believing in some desert pedo's made up bullshit.

Fuck you and your shit-tier religion, if I could press a button and kill every one of you I'd hit that thing faster than you could say "Allah is a pig".

Pic related
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No pork tho
I'm super moral and I've started wearing hijab so men won't leer but no way in hell am I ever becoming an actual Muslim
The desires of the self must be defeated. Eating an animals with canines is close to consuming another human being.
Why not?
Out of all of the goofy ass religions in the world Islam is by far the worst and most disgusting of them all. I legitimately cant think of 1 upside of being a muslim
>pork is too similar to humans!

Oh good god, whatever will we do, all of the western civilized world must surely be teetering on the brink of a cannibalism crisis!

Take your desert pedophile fables somewhere else, OP.

Besides, being a faggot OP is haram.
Why believe in some made up bullshit "faith"? A guy literally sat on his ass and created "Allah".
I swear tgod this place is bizzaro /pol/.

Do you guys think the earth is a cube too?
I was in love with a qt muslim woman.
It got to the point where I'd have to convert and we'd get married, or we'd have to break up.
I couldn't live the rest of my life adhering to something that I don't believe in. She was making 6 figures and wanted me to be a stay at home dad.

I still think about it, it hurts.
Because I've read the Wuran and its bullshit. I don't believe any of that tribal kowtowing blathering. You can have morals without being a dickhead who fears Hellfire and tries to force his beliefs on others

You should read Prometheus Rising.
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alttaeliq al'asli
itt: people who are afraid of what they don't understand. It's alright anon. Mommy never loved you anyways.
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Islam is one of the worst things in our world today.
Thread replies: 14
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