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Anon touches woman >eww that creepo did it again Chad touches
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Anon touches woman
>eww that creepo did it again
Chad touches woman
>he is so cute and brave, id be willing to suck his cock

Anon tries to talk to a woman
>get away from me you greasy creep
Chad tries to talk to a woman
>mind going to my place?

Anon invites woman to go for a walk
>haha o m g he really did it, of course i wont go
Chad invites woman to go for a walk
>of course ill go, maybe we'll fuck

Have you accepted your fate robots?
It works like that 99% of the time. Just gotta be persistent.
I'm going hiking with a qt tomorrow. Feels good man. Went through more rejections than I can count to reach this point, tho.
Damn man, story on how you managed to plan that hike? Sounds good
Yeah I hate my life. I don't even have any girls to touch even if I wanted to.

Every day, staying inside with my parents, doing practically nothing.
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>people have double standards
w o w
I've given up talking to women
She's into sports and shit. We've gone out a couple of times and she always insisted on the hiking shit, so I told her we should go this Sunday.
It took years of trying just to find a qt to hang out with. But there's something to be learnt from each rejection. If I had met her 6 months ago she'd have probably told me to fuck off.
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Anon tell his opinion
Chad tell his opinion
>wow,chad you are so confident tee hee
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But why robots? Why cant it be the other way around? Why we cant be happy? Why we cannot cuddle with cute fembots on cold rainy nights listening to something calm and contemplating on our life? Why chad is privelaged to stuck his cock everywhere he can, while robots are laughed at? And we cannot choose our fate, for fuck sake, we are bound to be beta faggots watching chad fucking our oneitis on daily basis? Even when we try, we cannot succed. I've known few people who because of their looks (they were great people by the way) felt into the deep depression and one even comitted suicide? Fuck life like that
Good luck magnificent bastard, Im happy to hear that one of us succeded.
I feel like I'm trapped in some robot/chad purgatory because nothing like that ever happens to me

I try to talk to women
>they're only barely interested but don't tell me to go away
I make them laugh and try to get physical with them
>they laugh and lean into me but don't reciprocate

Am I an ugly chad or an attractive robot?
You are just normal to them.Most likely they dont see anything of interest but dont consider you creep/ugly/stupid or anything like that.
I haven't succeeded, tho. I'm playing normie but I'm the same old fuck up inside. She'll tell me to fuck off sooner or later.
Learning is linear. You don't just go and get a gf. After years of trying someone is willing to go out with me, but I've never been here before and lack the resources to make it last. Once she's gone I'll have to keep trying to get further and further until it works.
But if that means getting rejected 1000 times, then so be it.
Hey, you went further than most of us, you at least have a date with a qt as you call her. This is something that is not given generously upon us, so youre fucking lucky. Just dont act creepy and youre good to go bud, I really hope you'll succed tomorrow
It wasn't just luck, tho. The point I'm trying to make is that it takes being treated like a creep a shitload of times to get lucky once.
We're all gonna make it.
Because life is an unfair pile of shit.

I believe more and more every day that this is all some cruel cosmic joke for the benefit of some sadistic being.

That's kind of a relief, makes it seem like all I gotta do is play an instrument or learn to paint and I'll be drowning in qt's.
Yeah, pretty much. You just have to somehow be different, like run in marathons, play some instrument etc.
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I'm hanging with a qt who has had a boyfriend for around a month. I think she thinks I'm immature (she's 20 and I'm 19). She says she used to model and I believe it. She is 6ft tall and I'm barely 5'11 so I inferior. The guy she is going out with is the same age as her but that's about his only good quality. He is a hick as motherfucker with bulging out eyes. He is just off putting with his sitting rage face. He is inferior to me in every way, he's shorter and weaker than me, doesn't have a car because he got a dui, lives a fucking hour away and she has to drive her jeep that gets 12mpg there. I really don't get how it's possible. I actually talk to her more than him and she complain about how he's such a tool. What the hell. Why not just let me fucking stick my genitals in you? Why let this potato creature crawls all over you? Goddammit.

How do absolute abominations of nature get such cute women?

Pic is her
Robots can be happy - they just choose not to be. If you wanted a GF you could get one.
What does it mean if a guy is tall, has a big dick and is attractive, but has absolutely zero social skills, no money and several deep seated issues? Can he be a robot? Is he a chad? How does it work?
zero social skill = robot

So...as long as someone has zero social skills, they're classed as a robot, regardless of how attractive they are?
Depends on how much he gets laid.
If he doesn't, he's a robot. If he does, he's a normie or a Chad.
well, if by zero social skill you mean fucking up 90% of conversations than yeah, you're a robot unless you work on that
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