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Failed Normie Research
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Can you guys post videos or FB profiles of failed normies? I've been studying them for a while. I'm trying to find out how they work, how they think, what are they doing wrong, why do some Chads let them hang with them, etc.


Vid related. The guy in the middle gives off big failed normie vibe. By the way he speaks, it seems that he is slightly autistic, he has a bad haircut and he dresses like a child yet the Chads in the video let him hang with them (looking at the video it seems like he's the guy that everyone else makes fun of all the time). I'm guessing he's the guy at their parties who's alone in one room while he hears the chads fucking the women in the other room. (Yes, I'm projecting. I was a failed normie too a couple of years back).

Any help would be appreciated.
he might be alright- he is fucked up on alcohol and weed+ they are pranking him so you get the vibe that he doesn't belong.

failed normie = good looking+no real autism = bad parenting/traumatic event in childhood.
>I'm guessing he's the guy at their parties who's alone in one room while he hears the chads fucking the women in the other room.
That's basically me. I thought this is what makes me a robot, but most robots don't get invited to the parties. Does it mean I am a failed normie?
Yes, Captain obvious.
I thought I was few levels lower than that

Feels good man
was elliot a failed normie?
There's a clear misunderstanding about what constitutes a robot on this board.
robots = person with social problem / personality traits / mental illness that cause him to be un/antisocial or otherwise alienated. he can still be rich or successful, it's just much harder for him (for example a very talented robot might turn out succesful)

failed normie = basically a normie who's failed. that junkie who lives in a trailer park but still has a gf, a person with a dead-end job who still has friends, goes to parties etc.
>The guy in the middle gives off big failed normie vibe
Yeah he doesn't
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because they are most of the time childhood friends or relatives. Normies glorify childhood friendships, everytime im with my normie friends thwy will go like "yo this is anon, we been friends since fucking day 1 breh, can u bealive it?" etc.

>source; im that failed normie
I thought failed normies were people who managed to hang around normies but never really fit in with them.
I used to be a robot but now i have become some kind of retarded half normie half robot hybrid and it sucks.
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