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Who /(You)/ here? Come get some (You), friend
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You are currently reading a thread in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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File: pepe_with_wine_glass-6246.png.jpg (70 KB, 492x492) Image search: [Google]
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Who /(You)/ here?

Come get some (You), friend
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67 KB, 1456x1108
who /here/ here?

I'm here.

You there?
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225 KB, 1024x898
Nope, I'm not here at all.
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There is an idea of a me; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.

check em


Who /meta/ here?
fuck you all
don't forget:
That's (Me), (You)-kun
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Who //// here?

Have a (You), friendbot.
I'd would rather get some dubs, even an 11
I'm reeeeeerolling

haha get it?
rip asap
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>receive a (You)
>don't give anyone else a (You)
Best way to get (You)s is to post with a trip. People talk about how tripfags are attention whores while giving them attention at the same time. It's entertaining watching the chaos unfurl.
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My (You) is top of the shelf, I'm a man of my word
>tfw gonna get some (you)s

also hoping for some dubs.

check 'em

I will get dubs.
Someone's been watching PilotRedSun lately.
No you fucking won't. Give up.
Who needs (You)s when you have this 5?
You were one off, anon.
You're better off with a (You)
Ever since he released his album I've been re-watching his videos. They're pretty comfy desu.
Thread replies: 21
Thread images: 7

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