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How to get qt fat nerdy gf /r9k/ HOW
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Kim Yogscast.jpg
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How to get qt fat nerdy gf /r9k/

>yogscast on cbbc
>childrens bbc
>all that swearing they do in every video

Just why.




If only I knew anon, If only I knew

Daily reminder that 2d thus you can't touch it

>Daily reminder that 2d thus you can't touch it

Normies getting triggered is my favourite thing ever.
On https://www.reddit.com/r/foreveralonedating obviously.

Why not just date her?

>My ex-husband is a 5'4" Asian-American computer guy, so please don't assume I was chasing Chad my whole life and am now changing gears. I like what I like.

Kek, she fucking knows she's second hand goods.
Yeah, wouldn't it be great to be with a woman who actually likes you for who you are?

And think about it - since her husband was a 5'4" manlet, you can use all his stuff, his suits will fit you, she already knows how to have sex with someone your size, she probably has his golf clubs, his computer chair is your height, you can literally fill in his shoes.
Worshiping images of real women and fantasizing about them is no different than doing the same to cartoon characters. Neither exists, it's just something built up in your head. And let's not forget real women don't have sex with horses or tentacles nearly as much as anime characters.
Wouldn't his suits be tighter on you since he was smaller?

>tfw chubby 32 year old gf to watch Star Trek with after not having a gf for 6 years

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