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>tfw at the office reading 4chan >read something funny
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>tfw at the office reading 4chan
>read something funny
>go get coffee can't stop thinking about it
>get nervous
>try to hold but can't
>start laughing
>want to stop but when I think about it again I can't help but chuckle
>people think I'm a weirdo
>this also happened when I got a hair cut (browsing while waiting)
>what are you laughing at anon?
>"oh nothing, just a joke my friend told me earlier"
>oh really? what's the joke?
Inside joke, would take far to long to explain and it might not be funny to you.
That's what I tell folk
>browsing 4chan in public
It's like you want people to think you're a creep
Fairly smooth though people would still think you're weird.
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>read something funny
what board?
Depends today it was r9k
What was it?
I do that all the time, when people ask I say I'm in a group chat and the inside joke is too long to explain. If they push further, I'm an expert in bullshitting people.
>Oregon shooting happens last year
>next day in work read the thread he allegedly posted in linked from Jezebel
>Chad colleague says in a loud voice "careful what you look at on the internet in work Anon"
>mumble something in a high-pitched voice
>he turns away and continues talking about something else
>people look at me and look away
They can always tell, anon
...what did you mumble? that's like the most important part. did you leave it out intentionally because it was super autistic and you're embarrassed?
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