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Do you believe in the inherit goodness of people?
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Do you believe in the inherit goodness of people?
Yes. We're social animals and in order to maintain any sort of society the benevolent genes would've prevailed
Everyone is a liar. Everyone sins.
I want to but I can't. There is just too much evidence that we are just another species of animals fighting agains time

Everyone is a pampered ape.
no, but everyone has the potential to be good.
Yeah, every sick evil human still has 1% good in them. Hitler was nice to animals ffs

It's inherent. Inherit is a fucking verb.

I believe underage idiots like you can't spell for fucking shit.
>implying hitler was evil
yeah he even shot his two dogs before he shot his wife, just so allies wouldn't take out their anger on them
no because the meanest toughest most selfish motherfuckers are the ones who got to fuck the cavewomen and got the food and fought off the animals
moments of benevolence are a mere side dish to the main course of malevolence that is humanity
People are not inherently anything. They are however their environment sculpted him. Nowadays most people are mindless normies.
>no because the meanest toughest most selfish motherfuckers are the ones who got to fuck the cavewomen and got the food and fought off the animals

Until they came up against two slightly-less-mean cavemen who wore working together

The very fact that humans formed social groups, tribes and societies demonstrates that cooperation was beneficial. If it wasn't we'd still be lone predators because we'd have never have needed the extra brain power, communication skills and safety in numbers that allowed us to develop culture and technology
>the world is at its root, more evil than good
>people are facets of the world, and are at their root, more evil than good
>anything good they do is in contrast to their true origins, so goodness is a facet of "human-ness" or sentience in general
>therefore, people are inherently good because they are humans and not something else, but are inherently evil because they are something at all

Evilness is just a series of mistakes, and nobody likes making mistakes, right? So as long as you continue to not like making mistakes you are inherently good, because whatever is happening in practice is contrary to the nature you wish you had. Doesn't mean it's going to play out that way, though.

Really good and evil are ploys at the end of the day, imo. They can only exist because others are wired to either feel pain as a result of you or derive pleasure from you or the things you do. It'd be nice if we could all just relax.

I apply this outlook to myself and the world a lot, but I see it a lot less in other people in practice. Maybe it's because they keep it hidden, I'm not sure.
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