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So /r9k/, how would you react if a girl was stalking you?
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So /r9k/, how would you react if a girl was stalking you?
Like anyone else in my life, determine wether she's po-po, and if not, then she's defo relationship material.

I like the crazy ones.
how do you stalk someone that just sits at hoem all day
depends if she's ugly or not
I'd wonder why she was keeping me a virgin
also this
Haven't you heard of social media?


I'm a dick lover so I would have to find some way to let her down with being killed.

Actually, fuck it. I'll take a gf at this point. Sex is fleeting, right?
Depends on what her intentions are, how she's doing it, and why she's doing it.

If she's not truly dangerous and it's just some voyeuristic thing, I probably wouldn't care too much.
Uncomfortable and flattered.

I like co-dependancy in the opposite sex anyway because I'm mental af.

0 to a hunned real quickk yo yo yo
i only have a youtube account where i save my songs
no facebook etc
you cant stalk me
i don't have any social media accounts

internet stalking just isn't the same.
indifferent to affectionate depending on how and for what purpose
It would depend on who she was and why she was stalking me.

>nice girl
>stalks me because she loves my sexy debate skills

>crazy bitch
>stalking me because I am a "problematic shitlord"and wants to poison me
Not fine
A youtube account huh?

That means you have a google+ profile, that means saved searches on google, browsing history, liked videos, your likes, your favorite porn etc

Companies like google build algorithms to "better understand" it's users, read the policy and terms n conditions. Everyone has a record.
what about a crazy bitch who loves your sexy debate skills?
I would probably butcher her with a spatula.
I don't know honestly, all I know is that I want to stick my dick in crazy
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m-maybe say hello?
>what about a crazy bitch who loves your sexy debate skills?

This is acceptable, depending on levels of craziness.
if she was some crazy bitch stalking me because of her unrelenting love for me then hell yes.

Only if she looked nice though.
Depends on why she's stalking me.
If she intended harm, I'd be scared.
If she wanted the position of sex slave, I'd be willing to accommodate.
if i find her attractive submit to her entirely

if not just try not appear on the radar so she slowly forgets about me
I'd be very interested. It's incredibly flattering.

It all depends if I find her hot or not.
I'd definately try to talk to her if she was attractive. I'd completely ignore fatties and non-whites.
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