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What is it thaat you want?
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What is it thaat you want?
There's a hill near where I live that over looks the city. If I had a girlfriend, I would want to take her there at night and lie down looking at the city and the stars while holding her hand
I want to die, I want to die

Baby I've become someone, not of this woooooooooooorld
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I want answers, damnit
I want truth and a less burdensome existence

I can't do anything here, my head is constantly full of fuck.
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I want a rebirth of glory, a renaissance of power! I want to stop running through my life like a man late for an appointment, afraid to look back or look forward. I want things to be what they used to be.
preferably a quick death.
I know that feel, goddamn it never does get better
I want to trip on LSD so hard, im lost in another reality. Tripped on 450 ug last time, had a blast. didn't have an ego death though, nearly had one with 300 ug though. I guess i want to explore my psychology through LSD. I know why i am the way i am, but i want to change that and im hoping that maybe a hard enough trip will trigger something in me to do better or at least to have better insight towards myself. Also, i want to properly trip on DMT to dance with elves.
gee eff
Careful, anon. Those kind of drugs can make you go insane or mess you up for life if you're not careful.
I know. i limit myself to two LSD trips per month and I haven't done DMT in 3 months
>What is it thaat you want?
In the depths of your ignorance, what is it that you want. Whatever it is I can't deliver because I just don't see it.
This is a lot of shit, you know that? You want one more. More on what?
You're such pests.
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i want love and happiness. Thats all I ever wanted.
I want to die in my sleep tonight.
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I don't even know anymore desu.
I just want a teen cutie to love me, really T_T
I just want to be wanted. I want a girl to be turned on by my body, and to want to suck my dick, touch my body, etc

somehow I seem to only get liked by girls who expect me to do all the work and everything, I almost always have to ask for my dick to be sucked and usually met with some resistance, its awful

god I wish I was tall and attractive.
I want a loving boyfriend

I want to share my deepest intimacies with a guy who finds me attractive. (don't give me the whole self improvement thing - there's only so much I can improve my face, my body's fine). I want a man who I can share drunken romantic moonlit nights with. I want a man who will lovingly dominate and ravage me. I want a man who can match my sense of humor. I want a guy who will play casual vidya with me and watch shitty movies with me whilst we cuddle.

It's never going to happen though.
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You're alright friend.
in this life? nothing. its all shit, or unavailable to me
Yet you'll never give any guys a chance
If I offered all that to you the best I'd get from you is a chance to orbit you
I've given guys a chance. There's a very small demographic of gays who are committed to one person rather than hopping on every dick that comes by.

I've had my trust betrayed before and I'm reluctant to open up again.


>I want a loving boyfriend
I want Chad who perfectly keeps me at the tip of his finger

>I want to share my deepest intimacies with a guy who finds me attractive.
I want to spill my guts at the expense of him being attracted to me

>(don't give me the whole self improvement thing - there's only so much I can improve my face, my body's fine)
I'm too lazy to actually try at anything or make an effort to improve my appearance

>I want a man who I can share drunken romantic moonlit nights with.
I want to remove myself from reality and share 2deep4u fee fee's with each because im so unique and misunderstood

>I want a man who will lovingly dominate and ravage me
I don't want to do any work and just want to lay there and get fucked by Chad

>I want a man who can match my sense of humor
I want you to laugh at my shitty jokes because my humor is actually terrible

>I want a guy who will play casual vidya with me and watch shitty movies with me whilst we cuddle.
I want chad to lower himself down to my level of depression via playing stupid video games, watching shitty movies so I feel like my life is like some romcom, and cuddling because I'm physically insecure and need constant physical validation

You're right, it is never going to happen, what you need is to grow up.
purpose. to create something real.
I know this feel
But now it's not even enough
I suppose I really have no idea what I want from others, if anything at all
I don't know. I'm drifting.
I just want to smoke weed and hang out. I need a long vacation.
>financial stability without the parents
>a non wrecked anus
>too be thing
>to not have gum disease
After all of that I'd just worry about violence, torutre, and death.
You know it's funny that you're interpreting me as being a woman, and for this you're ostracizing my wants more than anyone else in this thread

Robots with your mindset are on the same level as me in terms of pathetic-ness. Let he without sin cast the first stone etc etc etc
I want to be normal again. To be able to work without being so mentally exhausted from it that I'll break down after two weeks of work. I want to be able to get out of the bed again. I want to wake up without being even more tired than when I went to sleep. I want to escape this shithole of depression. Fuck having a gf, they didn't help and no one ever will. I just want to be able to do anything again without being depressed and tired every fucking day.
I want to see how far I can go before I go mad
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i just want a nice qt gf who's shy and understands me.
to quit my job after this weekend
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A. To become a pilot and make a lot of money or win the lotto so I can take care of my family and friends. Option B. Teach in Japan and I guess that's it.
What do you think lads?

okay fag, whatever u say
to be left alone from fucking normies
I'm working on having lucid dreams so I can at least spend time with my oneitis in my sleep when we're both off to different colleges. The first issue is that I don't really have dreams or at least I don't remember when I wake up.

I don't have much motivation to really go through with all this either cause it is really such a loserly thing to do, but it's really one of the few solutions I haven't tried. Scrapin the bottom of the barrel, lads. Wish me luck.
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I want to live happily with my gf who can become my wife and forget about how fucked this world is. Just sitting there enjoying each others company.
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In a cabin on the side of a mountain, with a balcony view of an ocean of trees spanning towards the base.

Doesn't matter if I don't have anyone to take with me to live there, I've been lonely a good part of my life and I'm sure I can put up with it for the rest of my life.

...it'd be nice if it had stable electricity and a decent internet connection, though.
What happened to your anus and do I want to know?
all the gay sex
the desire of the other
I've got to ask. I've always wanted to try DMT, because why the fuck not? But I'm too much of a bitch to make it myself. How do you go about finding it?
Honestly her fantasies are not that much more unrealistic than the average robot. They're fantasies for a reason, anon. I get that she's a woman but you can at least let a person dream.
ye wut? She's a roast m8. This ain't no robot

> want a loving boyfriend

> I want a man who I can share drunken romantic moonlit nights with. I want a man who will lovingly dominate and ravage me. I want a man who can match my sense of humor. I want a guy who will play casual vidya with me and watch shitty movies with me whilst we cuddle.

I have a hard time believing even a fag would say that. That's a woman.
That is what the average fag sounds like.
maybe my fags talk different from ur fags m8. The more u know.
To not smell like ass and sulfur anymore.
Preeeeeeeetty sure I know that I'm a dude

I've spent my entire life as a recluse from other people. I've been petrified by random flings as is the norm with the gay community. Is it so alien a concept of what I truly, most desperately want? I know it's melodramatic and rather weak of me to want to rely on someone else. I've spent so long trying to stand on my own and I don't think I can much longer.

The only thing stopping me from killing myself is a shred of hope that I might be of some importance to someone someday.
By 16 I was already hardcore with the masturbation. Bottles mostly and sometimes fist sized stuff.
I want to be a cat

I know that feelia, bro

>tfw no bf

But I would also like to solve a millennium problem and learn to draw. But a bf is up there
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Don't worry, you'll find some ultra gay mega-fag to cuddle and be in a committed relationship with someday.

If not, you can always become the goatse man and share your anus with the whole world.
Post pics. It can't be worse than diphallicdude's anus.
Idk anon, you yourself may be the problem.

I'd like a chill guy to be my bf, but all the out gays I've known are obnoxious faggots.

Are you an obnoxious faggot?
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It's kin of healed by now and I only have a few pics from a while ago. It's just that it is more delicate now. Ulcers happened and hemorrhoids come in easy. Then, of course it is kinda haggish inside for it wanting to prolapse.
>time to gross you out
Ah, see, the problem is, you don't seem to have an actual anus. There appears to be no sphincter. How the fuck are your insides staying that way?
Christ, have you been to a doctor?
Cause if not you probably should.
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What the fuck m8. It looks like your intestines are ready to pop out. Can you preform jumping jacks without losing your shit?
Not so much obnoxious, but more aloof in an attempt to distance myself from others because I'm scared of being hurt if I develop (and in turn destroy) connections with others.

I hide my depression and alcoholism through self depricating humor that others think is ironic
It's not ironic[/spoiler[
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A gf would be nice so I could stop hating myself for fucking up chances with oneitis.
That was a while ago, they cannot fix it when poor, and it is rarely life threatening. Also, it is not normally like that, and I couldn't do that right now if I wanted to, as it takes a while of playing with it, and I haven't even for maybe a year or two. But yeah, that is mostly a trick, and it goes right back to normal, mostly. :__:
I want for someone or something to show me what I want
But I also don't, because that's just coercion
an racially homogeneous country, similar to nazi germany. with no libtard shit
I am trying to find that out, OP. I've been looking, actively searching for "the answer" for two years now and I've been unable to find it, I've tried looking for this answer in other people but again to no avail. "The answer" isn't some bullshit like the answer to life ittself(My short answer for that is there isn't one, life is just precious because it ends.) this thing, this question seems to stem deeper then that, who am I? What am I? What is the answer? Do you understand? I need to find someone who does, or something that can explain this answer.

Fuck me I'm crazy.
>life is just precious because it ends
why not make it more precious by making it end sooner?

Not that I'm urging you - it's just a general question
That would be way too romantic for my tastes. But if you see some reason in that small part of my paragraph then maybe you should consider the same option?
A 50k a year job
A new car
An apartment
A gf
A good internet connection
A dog
this is literally it
I want someone to tell me they love me.

Just once. Just to know what it feels like.
You can't keep a dog in an apartment.
okay i threw the dog in there at the end because i couldnt think of anything else
Yes you can keep a dog in an apartment.
don't throw dogs, it's abuse!
Srry anon, that sucks.

What are you doing to try and rectify the problem, if anything?
A remote job, something between 20-40k so I can help my mom pay the house loan
Get a dog and cat
Be neet as usual
I want to be erased from existence. I don't want to simply die, because there would be people who would grieve, people whose lives would be damaged on some level by my death; even if it's just my parents and siblings. I want to have never existed, to have absolutely nobody notice nor care that I've left.
Wrong again, cuck.
Looking back at your older post

The fuck, your not gay and somehow did that to your asshole?
I'm taking up running again - I've put on a tad bit of weight recently and want to get trim again instead of skinnyfat - if nothing else the dopamine will make me feel less self pitying

In terms of actual socializing - I go out with friends, but rarely actually engage with strangers / new people recently. I don't enjoy clubbing or real social events anymore so I either just go out with my drinking buddies or to gigs, if ever. I work in retail but you can't really make real connections with people even if you're serving the public all day - shit sucks. The last time I went to a gay bar I had a bad run in with a potential love interest which I'd rather not talk about.

I'm getting better, but I still have bouts of depression where I'll just drink shit tons and wallow in self pity.

Thanks for actually listening, man - even a little gesture like that makes me feel a little less worthless
>have apartment
>have dog
Please continue.
I like girls naturally, but there are some guys that I have fantasized about only ever had one gf eight years ago for the record. I've always been twisted, but going without any makes you do stupid obsessive things.
Tbh, you sound like a cool guy. Might be my type, but I'm gonna assume a significant age gap.

My advice, avoid fag bars. I know its tough to meet a guy in normal life, but fag bars are basically just for sex.
If your really desparate why not try online dating sites? Make a profile and hope you find someone who likes you for you.
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my face when these posts
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Anon. I love you.
i just want the government to give me a comfy 9-5 job so i can move out
Thanks man

Maybe I should try to ease myself out there on online dating - it won't me any more harmful than deluding myself that some guys gonna randomly approach me on the street

I'm 20 btw, but I feel ancient - I look it, too, what with my receeding hairline and all
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I want to be wanted. all my life I've had to put in so much effort for basically nothing, no one likes me, I am not Chad, women don't want me, etc. I posses some social skills, but I'm reversing all the progress I've made by going back to my old ways of being an angry cynical shut-in. I wish I was smarter, I wish I was more attractive, I want an emotional outlet, someone I can open up too without seeming pathetic and degrading my worth in their eyes. I wish I possessed the willpower necessary to become /fit/, I wish I had actual friends, 2bh I just want happiness. I'm stuck on a slow, painful ride which is my life and there's no end in sight
Huh, I just automatically assumed US when you mentioned drinking. So I was thinking mid-late 20's.

Forgot theres euros here too.
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I want a cute little girlfriend that I can cuddle with and take care of. I want to be able to give love and receive love. I want someone to talk to about everything, someone I can trust.

This will probably never happen though since I'm a shy, overweight manlet that has no experience with girls or people in general.
welp. Today I was wrong anon. I been bested.
Same here, but not to be narcistic but people say that I look hot, problem is, I'm an ABSOLUTE FUCKING PUSSY when it comes to women :/
It was more phrasing than anything else, anon. Anyways, you shouldn't kill yourself. I ain't gay but I'll fuq u in spirit. Good luck bruv.
Maybe make a serious attempt at getting /fit/
and if it doesn't work... well, you can say you tried.
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I guess I wouldn't look half bad if I got /fit/ but the problem is I'm lazy as fuck and unmotivated. It feels like I need someone to push me in order for me to workout but I don't want to pay a personal trainer money either since I don't got that much money.

What will get me more motivated? I suppose I could do some easy stuff like situps or pull-ups but I doubt that will make me lose weight fast enough to make me not lose interest.

If I somehow get /fit/ I probably still will have the stretchmarks right, is that a huge turn-off for women?
if you just want to lose weight all you have to do is eat less, diet is everything
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I got a comfy feel reading this. This would be so nice. Just disappear and have everyone forget you existed in the first place. Damn that sounds so relaxing.
A fucking job

>rejected from: Target, PetSmart, Big Lots, and Chipotle
I want that, but with a lake and if i find the motivation ill make myself a canoe and sleep on the water.
I just want a real friend
I've been thinking of something similar.

For power, off-grid "cabin" systems aren't that expensive. A big part of the cost of a normal residential solar power setup is the "grid intertie". If you are a standalone system, you don't need that,

For an internet connection, after a lot of research, these guys looks like the best option: http://groundcontrol.com/

Maybe use both them and a HughesNet dish, with something doing traffic shaping across both connections.
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I want to live in a small, comfy apartment in a large foreign city. I'll have a high tech job of some sort that interests me, but doesn't overwork me. There will be a qt Asian girl that I occasionally meet up with and go on night-time walks through busy urban areas.
I was in the same spot a few months ago for a few years.

I like to believe my problem was that I wasn't attractive to employers since I had nothing worth hiring. It took a while but I got a license and a qualification to work in a job that frequently hires and after a month or two of applying, I landed a job.

Before that I was sending out applications everywhere and had few replies and no luck.
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I don't want to feel like I have to have a boyfriend anymore. I don't even really want to date. That kind of intimacy is nice but it's too much of a distraction in this stage of my life. I wish I could finally reach self-actualization without feeling like I had to build my life side-by-side with someone who might just up and leave or worse, drag me down.

I wish it didn't feel like that part of my life had to be filled right now. I want to fall in love with myself or some gay shit like that, or just get to a point in my life where I am entirely independent and self-sustaining when it would make sense to seek out romantic endeavors.
I want to feel alive and I want to feel less restricted

I'm tired of trying to live within made up boundaries so that I can avoid problematic situations. I just want to feel content for a little while. I don't care if it's all fake and I'm an absolute moron for wanting it, I just want it.
If you think you do well in interviews, but keep being rejected, you might want to see what a background check would turn up.

Most applicant tracking systems run a quick automated check on everyone who makes it past the first interview. If some "undocumented worker" was using your SSN and was fired, you might be flagged for whatever they did.

Fill out this form, and send it in. You can do it once a year.
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