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There are people on this board right now who have never experienced
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There are people on this board right now who have never experienced so many things that make life wonderful, some who have never experienced as much as holding hands with a girl, but more than that they've never experienced travelling, going to clubs, or just going to regular parties to have fun. It's a sad feeling to think some people die before they ever lived
I have no interest in travelling, clubbing or partying.
Don't you feel that as you reflect upon your life on your deathbed or in old age you will regret the lack of memories you have?
No, and I've never placed any value on memories. I don't think about the past.
Like I give a fuck about normie shit like that

I just wanna get a qt Asian wife and die at age 50
I guarantee I will never regret not partying, clubbing or travelling.

I've never understood travelling, it holds absolutely no appeal to me.
Fuck off faggot not everyone wants to

>live life love

Like you do faggot. Go read another inspirational pintrist post and leave here forever normal scum
Some people were born dead. Their miserable life were pretty much predetermined from the moment they exited the womb if not beforehand.
>I've never understood travelling

To see the world.

It's no fucking different than coming to r9k to see a variety of opinions/threads.

You're telling me if you had a private jet that would take you to any destination on Earth in a matter of seconds, that instead you would rather sit home and post on r9k?

If so, you're insanely uninteresting and hopefully will kill yourself soon.
Not him, but the only place I have any interest in visiting is Japan. Mostly Akihabara and similar places.
I went for a walk around my city last night at 9pm and walked for two hours around some of the busiest areas. It really overwhelmed to see so many couples together. At times it seemed like it was just couples and me. I felt a little annoyed and angry but I reasoned that my anger was just resentment towards them for making me feel bad by displaying an example of something I feel is beyond me. I'm 25 soon and my time to experience childish, innocent romance without the burden of financial concerns and so on is pretty much over. I do regret my life a lot. I look back at the kid I used to be and wish I could go back and shake him out of it or at least be there for him since nobody else really was.
I've had plenty of opportunities to go different places and see different things, funnily enough everything is quite similar and boring. I've seen more of the world through my computer than you will ever see in real life yet you stick to your terribly archaic little opinions over what a well spent life is with completely arbitrary standards.

Personally, I think anybody who talks about travelling as some interesting thing are among the most boring people you could possibly talk to. Any idiot can travel which is probably why so many normal people value it as a worthwhile pursuit in life.
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> there are people on this board right now who haven't even sat on my penis yet
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>I've seen more of the world through my computer than you will ever see in real life
>is tripfag to top it off

Literally who gives a shit about that?
I understand a normie will find some secondary value in it - as a way to boost his ego through boasting about spending money on useless shit. But why the fuck would I want to travel?
To see something?
Tourist traps?
Woods with ticks?

Come on.
To go to France to wait in a queue to see a building and then hookup with a slut in a club.

A life well spent.
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affection makes me a little upset, and I've been to clubs enough to know that I don't like clubs.

I travel for work and 2bh it's pretty rad. There's just a lot of Nice Things to discover abroad, even if just in your own country. it might be worth it to travel just for the change of weather and geography, I love BC because it's hilly and very pretty and there's actual animals all around and it's hot all year round, unlike my native home of Quebec where it snows in september sometimes. But I dislike the heat of summer enough that I'd rather spend summertime in Halifax where it's generally pretty rainy and cool, also unlike in Quebec where it can be quite hot, and BC where it regularly gets so hot that trees just burst into flame suddenly.
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This is the most american thing I have ever seen in my life
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I don't feel that living a exciting life is equivalent to having lived a life. I believe that each of us has had their own form of living and experience from making decisions in everyday situations. That is what living a life is, where making good or bad decisions doesn't matter, where a girlfriend experience doesn't matter, even travelling experiences don't matter. each of us here lived our own unique life from making decisions from our own point of view. that is what it means to live.

tldr; fuck you op you bich
I'm not American and I agree with him.
I hate where I'm from and travelling is my only piece of sanity I can have. What the fuck is with you normies who are content with remaining where you are. seriously I can't wait to one day finally migrate
yea let me tell you how i've lived a quality life by deciding to shitpost or not everyday for the past 20 years.
Then I feel sorry for you, faggot
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>I've seen more of the world through my computer than you will ever see in real life
>anybody who talks about travelling as some interesting thing are among the most boring people you could possibly talk to

Kek, only on r9k would somebody say shit like this
I've experienced all those things and they're all overrated.

You're like the human version of white noise
how do you define a quality life? If the person in question enjoyed his experience, then the indictment is invalid
ur kinda a dumbass if you think travel is only about "standing in line to look at a building" it's only americans who do that
Did you not make it to the end of that post? I understand, reading is difficult.

Looking at buildings and having meaningless sex with foreign whores. That's two (2) things travelling is about.
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yet when we question why we are excluded by society you start claiming it is a just world and we deserve it, fuck off normy
You must be the most boring, dead inside person in the world if you actually think that. It's sad.
damn man you are sad as fuck

have you considered that maybe it's your bad attitude at fault and not the concept of travelling for enjoyment
>Any idiot can travel which is probably why so many normal people value it as a worthwhile pursuit in life.

Any idiot can also exercise, play an instrument, or pursue a hobby. That doesn't mean the people doing it are boring and stupid for having that interest. Your argument is fucking retarded.
>I went with mommy on a trip once and didnt have fun and also the lady on the plane wouldnt suck my d, traveling is bad Bad BAD!
It must genuinely feel good to be as ignorant as you people. It's truly bliss isn't it?

Your life is so boring and you're so shallow as a person that moving to a different geographic location or multiple locations is just the epitome of success, it's able to give you pleasure, it's what everyone should strive for in life otherwise they're wrong.

I pity you and I envy you.

How long did you practice your skills as a tourist?
How long did you practice your skills as a shitposting tripfag?
>Your life is so boring and you're so shallow as a person that moving to a different geographic location or multiple locations is just the epitome of success
No one said traveling was the epitome of success, but if you don't see the appeal in discovering other cultures, landscapes, food, people etc you must be amazingly closed off. Not all travel involve following a guide all day and then going to tourist traps. Some of us actually put effort into it you ignorant hillbilly. Also, calling other people retarded when posting as a tripfag ? Priceless.
t. IHateMyself (Fag)
>moving to a different geographic location or multiple locations is just the epitome of success
literally no one said this. are you projecting, fampai?
That's not fun, let me tell you what's fun and what the correct way to live life is, you closed minded redneck.

I'm glad you're really improving your... uhh... tourism skills. It's really great to learn trivia in first person, oh man, that sounds like too much sophistication for me, I'll have to leave it to you since you're the experienced traveler.

I am wrong though, I guess travelling isn't the epitome of success because we all know that objectively the epitome of success is "going to regular parties to have fun".
There are people on this board right now who have never experienced so many things that make life wonderful, some who have never experienced as much as cuddiling a daki but more than that they've never experienced anime, going to cons, or just going to regular lan parties to have fun. It's a sad feeling to think some people die before they ever lived
ive done all those things and most of them are boring
I give up, if you can't see it you're already fucked. Enjoy "living" the rest of your life as a bitter and utterly blind faggot rotting away in your shitty appartment, tripfagging on /r9k/, having never experienced life.
Hey anon i want to ask you a request. What manga or anime is that? Reverse image search has no effect. You pit this yourself so just site the sauce my nigga
You win sheep of the year award, holy fuck.
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Enjoy wasting your life doing mundane things other people told you to enjoy.
Holy fuck you must be one depressed faggot. I'm pretty cynical, but at least I'm not you
What do you mean by financial expense? thats not real unless you marry. Remeber even if your young you still apend money on dating
You say that like we have a choice.

We are the dregs if society. Normies detest us. Going to a club or party for us yeilds no results other than "I hope this guy leaves soon" looks.
No one has ever told me to enjoy travelling it's just fun. I enjoyed drinking cocktails on sunny beaches on a tropical island somewhere, I enjoyed finding that one hidden restaurant that serves amazing food in a small street in Paris, I enjoyed discovering local bars and talking to new people in Prague, I enjoyed seeing the sun set over a beautiful landscape in Wyoming... How are all of these mundane ? The fact that you can't see all of this being enjoyable and out of the ordinary is really fucking sad for you. Enjoy shitposting on 4chan I guess
He's right though. What's so special about travelling to normies? Probably the social aspect of sharing an experience and being able to tell others. Robots don't have that, we just have the experience of going to see some buildings and hear some accents when we foolishly order something at a restaurant to make it feel like we're doing something, then we come back home to our cold beds and live our routine as if nothing ever happened. Travelling is depressing.
Did all that when i was at the age of 16-18. Now i rather just spent time and money on whatever the fuck i want.
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Every party Ive gone to in Australia is fucked, I just dont bother.

So many fights and people just fuck everywhere, (most of us are 16/17) the drugs are fun but I prefer all this with just 1 or 2 other people.
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Yeah, but this thread is aimed at the people who didn't make use of their youth and instead wasted it. Instead of forming memories, seeing beautiful sunsets, going on long walks and having their first times, they hadn't done any of that and instead stayed inside or were outcasted against their choosing
>How are all of these mundane?
It all just sounds like watching paint dry. All of that is hedonism and it's inefficient hedonism at that. It's all about your primitive little senses being satisfied and that's something you can do and go to sleep at night having absolutely zero self awareness. You talk about how life is about getting out and experiencing the world yet you haven't even left your own body.

How pathetic.

It's Gantz nigga.
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It's a shame these people don't understand the fun life experiences they're missing out on. I feel even worse for the guys who never have girls trying to flirt with them
no shit this is r9k you dumb cunt fuck off back to /b/
>holding hands with a girl, but more than that they've never experienced travelling, going to clubs, or just going to regular parties to have fun
What i wouldn't give to be as naive as you for just one day, ignorance is bliss faggot.
>shit opinions
>misinterpreted hedonism
Anyone dont reply to this retard. Even if its bait it should atleast have quality
What chapter bro? need to see it mang for confirmation
fuck you op I just had my first kiss
I have experienced that before 4chan/internet ruined me
Now I am a total autist with no friends
I have been to clubs and parties before and can confirm that they are the exact polar opposite of "wonderful"
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Been to clubs both in my country and abroad and both times they were boring as fuck and I managed to survive them by getting black out drunk. I just don't like them.

One thing though that everyone should experience is travelling with friends when you are young. I might be a 24 KHHV but at least I got some good friends.

That magic week I forget about all my problems and depressive thoughts and for a while I feel normal again.
There is no such thing as a "wasted" life.
Then why does everyone do it if they're so awful? Maybe you're just boring
I never did any of that
You've been ridiculed enough, but I want to explain to you why you're wrong.

First of:
>everything is quite simar and boring

Similar in what way? What countries have you been to?

>I've seen more of the world through my computer than you will ever see in real life

Looking at images or watching videos of a forest is not the same as being in the forest. There's no smell, no breeze, no subtle sounds of creatures scurrying etc. Experiencing the world though a computer screen will always came second to experiencing the world in person.
Check out >>>/trv/ once in a while. Sex tourism is routinely criticised there.
You're a free spirit. With the way things went for me, I'm just grateful for my freedom.
It's all about experiencing something? Seems like shit compared to heroin.

I'm not joking. Just do drugs if you're so god damn interested in doing things that make you feel good.

Want to learn something about another culture? Do drugs and read a book on Japanese history.
>Just do drugs
As far as I know, travelling doesn't have adverse long term health effects, compared to hard drugs.

>Want to learn something about another culture
What better way to learn about the way of life of other people than going to them directly and interacting with them?

Books about Japanese culture from the perspective of an outsider will always have a slight bias from the author, regardless of how rigorous he is. Isn't it better to experience for yourself that Nips are generally well-mannered, than reading the account (mind you, it can still be useful) of another person, who himself experienced it firsthand?

We all experience the world slightly differently anyway.

Also kek at your tripcode.
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