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If you haven't had a dream in the past several days then
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If you haven't had a dream in the past several days then that means you fap too much.
I fap frequently and still dream.
Then that means you have emotional problems that need to be taken care of.
You can't have a nightmare if you never dream.
Is this true?

I haven't had dreams for over 5 months then I stop fapping for 2 days and they come back.

May have something to do with the reward factor, and instant gratification you get from jerking off, that interferes with your dreams.

If you still dream despite fapping so much, then you're prob unstable. But that's something I'm just guessing from basic scientific understanding of dreams.
I've had this recurring dream where all the women on Earth were 9 feet tall, had large pincers and ate the heads of men after intercourse. If I fap a lot, would it stop? I would like that a lot.
Uh isn't that just because of your perspective?
Feminism is destroying society causing men to be irrelevant and women leading it to destruction, they can effectively ruin the lives of men through their sexual value despite being monsters.

Maybe you're just scared of women, do you not talk to many?
Also, are you taking any medicine, or sleeping pills? I had recurring dream because I had my anxiety medicine mixed with sleeping pills.
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I dreamed I had a gf last night
I don't talk much to anybody, let alone women. I probably do have some fear of the fairer sex though. Didn't really think about these dreams having some sort of deeper meaning. I'll have to think about this.

I'm on anti-depressants but that is it.

I'm not that worried about the dream, to tell the truth. It is, after all, just a nightmare. Nightmares can't hurt you. It would be nice though to sleep a little easier.
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