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File: galkobutt.jpg (839 KB, 907x1261) Image search: [Google]
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If you're not ass man, I don't even wanna talk to you.
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I'm an everything man at this point. Give me something, anything.
Why are black people so obsessed with butts?

I'm the whitest person you could ever meet and I fucking adore butts. They are the BEST and most erotic part of any woman, and if you disagree get the fuck out of my face and don't even talk to me.
>Getting both hands filled with ass and pulling her into you to grind your dick into her
Ass is your best friend.
File: fattestusagibutt.jpg (111 KB, 740x1000) Image search: [Google]
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Daily reminder that "men" who like flatasses are subhuman losers
higher test
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>right here
the greeks invented civilisation and they built this
Thick woman with fat ass, they had taste.
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greeks definitely invented a lot of things
they even invented traps
oddly enough statues of Egyptian women had almost no butt
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although they did have tits
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Egyptians also worshiped cats, built goofy triangular buildings, had their females shave their heads, and their art was limited to goofy stick figures wearing eyeliner.

They had shit taste in pretty much everything, no wonder they preferred tits to ass, unlike the Greeks who loved BP and ass.
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