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Alcohol - normie
Cigarettes - normie
Shrooms - LSD for normies
Weed - Normie
Cocaine - Most Stacy drug on the planet
Heroin - Junkies are scary normies
Crack, meth, etc - hoodlums, where trash, etc.
Xanax - normie "I'm so depressed" fake depression drug
LSD - Arguable
Peyote - Arguable but Chad Indians take it
DXM - Reviled by druggies and normies everywhere, the dissociative and hallucinogenic effect makes it the perfect robot drug

Why aren't you robotripping?
Actually, Benadryl is the ultimate hardcore anti normie drug.
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>tfw just got done tripping for the day and can't find enough to do it again

I really need some money yo. You also forgot to add that you don't need a fucking drug dealer to get it you can just walk in and buy it right off the shelves.
this is true


best extration method above for dxm, just take them at the same time

grab a bottle in a drugstore, down it in the bathroom, throw it away, cover the bottle in paper towels

that's what i did before i grew up and stopped being a faggot like op
Just buy some robitussin lmao
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>tfw used to be a hoodnigga and walk out with packs of triple c's with no fucks given

Now I'm an adult and it would be hell on me if I got caught.
>not being failed normie master race and using mdma as a crutch for going out
I knew some kids who did too much dxm on HS.

It's really fucking sad desu. Seriously, consistent irreversible damage unlike any other drug
>consistent irreversible damage unlike any other drug

like what?
Just very slow, inattentive and stupid. Hard to describe. Dxm is literally retard-tier
Robot approved drugs:
Relatively easy to get but very pure versions are upwards of 10 dollars (really fucking expensive [for a robot]), great high but will fuck you up and probably kill your vision. Your mommy probably has it in the medical cabinet (cough syrup).
cheap as fuck and easy to get, ranges from very trippy to nothing, but the trips tend to be great if you manage to get them. Your mommy probably has it in the medical cabinet (benadryl or zzzyquil)
Very cheap and eaasy to get, will almost always cause a trip but the trip is usually horrible. Most potent and most vivid drug in this list. Your mommy probably has it in the medical cabinet (motion sickness pills).

All of these should be accessible even to the most underage or anti-going-outside of all faggots, which makes them the most r9k of all drugs.
All of these cause hallucinations, so beware, you may act out your suicide fantasy.
Dxm is the only drug that doesn't give me panic attacks

Never gonna touch acid if weed makes me paranoid and I'm already prone to bouts of psychosis
DXM Is good as long as you only do it once every 4 months or so. It's a trip that you should never abuse.
DXM abuse definitely leads to brain damage.

Notice I said abuse. as in using it every weekend or god forbid every day.

It will just stop working if you take it daily though.
What do you guys think of San Pedro / Mescaline
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yall niggas just pussy niggas. WHERE MY DOGS AT RUFF RUFF
smoking weed for the first time drastically changed my brain chemistry.
i was instantly not depressed and it allowed me live a couple years of my youth actually enjoying my life before becoming severely depressed again, never really tried any other drug aside from shitty DXM once and some prescription drugs a few times.
now i feel like i REALLY need to try some psychedelics or MDMA soon so i can buy a few more years or something, but i dont know anyone or have any clue where to get it.
anyone relate to this?
honestly dude you should just take the jump to dark net drugs
Good way to get v& it seems
DXM makes me feel psychotic and I fucking love it. Do it every single day. Spend every single night twitching and babbling incoherently for hours.
Go on tor. I got some real LSD there once.
Dxm is literally just purple drank. You know. That nigger meme drink.
Okay so I have about 1000mgs(or 1gram) of diphenhydramine, is that enough to see my nightmares come to life?
No that's codeine and promethazine
you will feel light as a feather and then soon after feel like you wight 1000 pounds
I have no clue how to get ahold of DXM.
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I used to do xanax every few weeks. I dont know why people say you can get addicted easily
codeine and DXM are two entirely different trips. DXM is way more fun/terrifying/vomit inducing
Is this steve jobs?
Is that good?

Best cheapest and most way I've found to get it and reliably eat it is by buying the mucinex maximum strength, shit is like 20 bucks but you get over a a gram for your buck which is like at least 3 400mg trips depending on your weight (I used to trip at 240mgs, but now it takes like 500)
>not taking or listing barbiturates
most comfy drug
Heroin is least norm, there are a lot of norms on it, though.

Naked Lunch ring a bell?
DMT is the real robot drug
So do I have to use Tor or what? I've ordered Lsd before but dxm sounds cool too
if you live in the US, just go to walgreens, and find Wal-Tussin

It's a robotussin rip off, and look for the version that is ONLY dextromethorphan HBr There are a few other chemicals that are put into cough medicine, and all of them are shit you dont want in you in large doses.

Look for 100% dextromethorphan HBr.
That's because you're a fucking pussy who only does it once every few weeks, some of us do and need that shit daily tf you think it happens nigger?

i honestly have no idea why it's still legal otc
Try both LSD and MDMA.

Mdma will make you the happiest anon in the world. Make sure you get some tunes going, don't take too much (you'll want too.) and pound down water like you own it.

LSD will help you accept yourself and move on. The whole experience is very introspective. Take it on a nice day and just chill outside. It'll last the whole day so plan for that.
Don't listen to this anon, Mucinex has guaifenesin which is fucking not something you want to take in large doses. You need pure DXM

Holy shit nigger, they sell mucinex at fucking walgreens otc. It's literally not even illegal. tf you thinking? lmao just lmao
because there are way better prescription cough medications. Like Codeine. Pharmaceutical companies will lobby to keep shit as over the counter as possible.
Didn't think there were still people who knew what those were
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Don't listen to this pussy. I've done the shit hundreds of times and look at me, LOOK AT ME. Also where the fuck you gonna get pure dxm unless you extract it yourself or buy it illegally?
stop telling people to take mucinex holy shit you fucking retard.

Robotussin/walgreens literally sells pure dxm, there is no reason to fucking take additive chemicals.
Why wouldnt it be holy shit



Kill yourself
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>tfw too broke to afford drugs
i can't say i've done anything very addictive before so this is a good form of deterrence i guess

my bad, how many mgs are you really getting per bottle though?
>taking drugs
it's so much easier to eat the mucinex than it is to eat so many more pills of that pure shit or drink for that matter

I've tripped on DXM for a little over 3 years, and let me say it is a shitty drug

The high is dirty and makes you feel sick, in addition to the cough medicine digesting in your body, you just feel loaded but in a bad way

I've never tried LSD, but it's the next thing I'm going for unless mushrooms come first, either way I want to have a REAL psychedelic experience and not a pseudo headie one like DXM that I can't remember

To clarify, I've reached every plateau except sigma multiple times on different variations of cough medicine, the strongest being a combination of marijuana and the tablets with CPM (not recommended)

I have achieved true ego death only one time. I've had similar smaller moments that felt like it but we're not it. The true ego death was terribly frightening. I remember when i peaked, I could concentrate on anything and that I fell on my knees and I thought God was looking right through me. I felt he was displeased that I was tripping and that made me even more paranoid to the point of complete exhaustion, I spent the rest of my trip focusing on not passing out/or dying from overdose

tl;dr I want to take acid so I can compare it to my DXM trips to see if it really is better or worse, but mostly because I feel the acid experience will be more authentic
That's not what he met. And that also isn't "pure"
Saw this thread and ill just point this out

DXM itself is already really hard to keep down.

If you trip using medication that also includes guaifenesin you're probably gonna throw up if you want to hit the third tier.

I dont see a reason to use a brand that uses guaifenesen unless there is no alternative.
acid and dxm are entirely different trips. There is nothing quite like a dxm trip except for maybe something like ketamine
have you taken both? Which is more intense?
not really comparable. They are both really fucking intense, just in different ways. just google some experiences. Some people handle DXM differently. Some people think they have hit the upper tier of trip, but they really havent.
am I the only one who thinks DXM is really comfy
Cannabis made me paranoid but acid did not at all.
>>taking drugs

You are living in a meme world
Nahh im right there with you man. I take 25mg DPH about an hour before to eliminate the nausea and I just chill out. After 2 hours I like to do whippits and spaz out for a while because movement feels amazing.
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Which drugs do this to you?
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This. Every fucking drug user ive met despises DPH. Every normie is a fucking pussy when it comes to DPH. If you cant handle your dph then youre not a real robot.
I use meth to work harder faggot.
And work out and lift harder what the fuck do you all do?
Also been sober and better
benzos and opiates are the only robot drugs, anyone who argues needs to gb2 leddit
DPH fucked me up, literally.

I was taking 300mg or more a night for almost 2 years straight. Now I'm schizoaffective, have HPPD and panic disorder.

But still, I found it to be an awesome fucking high. Everyone else is like, "Nah dude, I can't do that shit." I just fucking loved the feeling it gave me and passing the fuck out from it. I actually did convince one guy to get into it and he ended up loving it just as much as I did.
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at what doses would one begin to trip on DPH? I have taken quite a bit to see if I would like it but not actually enough to trip. In my experience I feel like I weigh a ton and my body begins to "pulse" very slowly.
try 425
what can I expect by taking this much?
>300 a night for 2 years
Thats insane man. I know how you feel though, the sleepiness it puts on you is awesome. Unfortunately its shit for your body and youre probably gonna have dementia when youre older as well. If I take anything past 200mg I get horrible RLS and cant sleep.

Probably about 700+
the sleepiness is amazing and thats what led to try it but, yeah idk about 700mg senpai

Robogels are like $6 for 300mg. That's a decent trip. I split the cost using CCCs which is $2 for 16x30mg keeping the CM below 24mg a day. Dimetap is just dph but the body has to take an extra step in metabolizing it. The high are pretty much identical.
The sleepiness is great, but stick to 50-200mg for that. Tripping on it is a whole other game.

That's too much for a first time dose, or even a regular user. It's as easy as googling recreational dosage dph.

Try 150mg to 600mg.

Look at tylenol and aspirin. Dangerousness of a drug is the last thing considered when something is OTC or not.

I'm lightweight as fuck

Fuck mucinex, it makes me puke out my ass and diarrhea out my mouth at the same time. I prefer coricidin if I'm not taking robogels.
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>tfw not affected by guaifenesin
>be me two weeks ago
>took 654mg of dxm (about a 10mg/kg dose for me)
>used to trip on this shit a lot but took a two yr break
>dxm comes up and then I black out for 2hrs
>return to my body and can't see anything
>run to the bathroom and threw up a gallon of robo-water
>went to bed and kept waking up every hour
>woke up the next day hungover
>had some weed and shit was better

Can anyone explain to me why this drug was ever appealing to me and why anyone would use it?
DXM is normie as shit and is terrible for your brain and body

If you like the feeling of DXM you're far better off doing MXE or Ketamine
DMT is my favorite but it's hard to find and im too dumb to buy over darknet without fucking something up
Fuck, i've been taking 200-250 a night for about a year, really should fucking slow down and only take a couple each night.

What do you see with your HPPD? Is everything just blurry like it is one DPH or other shit? What's it gonna do to my body if i continue?
DXM is fucking gross, can never drink that shit without puking
Its not even hard i litteraly deposit money into a bank account @ walmart without a bank account and i get btc instant lol
weed and dxm is the only viable combo that makes you feel good and out of control.
I did it for 24 out of 28 consecutive days late 2014 and it was a lot of fun though I wouldn't do it again now. Makes music incredible, movies endlessly entertaining, and you become retarded but fun for a few hours.
*all drugs - normalfag

>2012 + 4
>abusing over-the-counter drugs
>even sparingly using them the way that they are intended


I knew /r9k/ was retarded, but hey. Enjoy irreversible brain damage!
like i give a fuck, i want to forget about my shitty life anyway, i hope a study proves it causes early death too
>no DMT
Elder god tier. DXM makes you fucking retarded.
>taking normie drugs
Barbs masterrace
Because unless it ha a harmful effect on someone else, people should be able to do what they want.
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