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I want to rape women
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Im at the point now where Im starting to meticulously fantasize about raping women in various different types of scenarios. Women just disgust me so much. I literally see them as nothing more then meat and they're to blame for that. They portray themselves in society and through social media as whores parading around in leggings, booty shirts with buttocks visible, low cut tops, slut pride. They are straight up plain and simple asking for it.

I wouldn't even feel guilty about it because they love it, all women get off on it. My gf and I rape have rape role plays all the time, she txts me at work saying she wants me to rape her.
>she wants me to rape her

That isn't rape then
How old are you, edge lord?

Not sure if I should call the FBI or MODS
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>edgy post
>having a gf
what makes you think we care about your opinions, normie?

Get off our board, you're nothing but a g a m e to us, you r o a c h.
A bit pathetic that objects you see as ordinary hunk of meat create such frustration and obstacle in your life?
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get your head checked out
its true, edgelord
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