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Who /fat fuck/ here? Fuck this shit. I'm been having digestive
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Who /fat fuck/ here?
Fuck this shit.
I'm been having digestive problems so i've been eating healthy the past week.
The thing is i love eating healthy i just like every kind of food but for some reason healthy foody does not satisfy me.
Like just now i ate some steamed fish with potatoes but it does not satiate me.
I crave bread, and pizza and stuff like that it's the only thing that gives me that "full" sensation and satisfaction.
Anyone knows this feel?
Who is that big guy?
Yeah, you just have to deal with it. The extreme hunger and cravings last for about two weeks, then it gets a bit better. Doing more light exercise like walking helps too.

Just remember that when it comes to weight loss, calories are king. You can eat 1200 cals/day consisting of Big Macs and you'll still lose weight. You'll be disgustingly unhealthy, but you'll lose pounds.
Yes, but i'm trying to be healthy too.
Trust me, nothing would please me more than a "diet" consisting of pizza.
Plain food is uninteresting,so I recommend Mrs Dash.

They are a line of spice mixtures without sodium you cook with. Great stuff!
I'm fat. I'm just a lazy asshole who refuses to exercise. Hopefully I die before I suffer any debilitating reprecusions.
yep i know the feel.

you just have to deal with it for now. drink water. it will pass in a year.
Isn't that the guy from Uncharted? Just really fat?
yep its fat mode nathan drake

There's nothing unhealthy about (cheese) pizza
And from a fast food restaurant chain?
tons of salt and carbs

its not great

Neither salt nor carbs are unhealthy, they are essential

I've eaten nothing but deep dish pizza hut pan pizza (cheese only topping) my entire life and I am the pinnacle of health and have never been sick and am very fit. It's vegetarian and has all the important basic foodgroups. My bloodwork shows perfect levels of every vitamin and mineral. I am now 30
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Sounds plausible tbqh
I keep getting takeaway pizzas and just letting my healthy food spoil.
Food is suppose d to make you "not hungry" rather than "satisfied' like you just slammed some morphine
You can thank cheap companies addicting you to fats and sugar so that you can't cook a descent meal without crawling to them for your corn syrup fix
Blessings to you OP, the fact you care to lose weight at all by doing something healthy is very good
Why can't fatsos resist pizza?
Exactly. Fats behave like junkies.
Are you that guy from the VICE article? What are you doing on /r9k/?
so is water but you can drown
I know the feeling. I've been working on it, lots of fruits and water. Using some of the non retard advice from /fit/...I think I'm on to something here.
Even if what you said is true (kek), you said you yourself, you're fit.
I'm not.
Hello me, it's me.
Care to post that article anon?
Could you please share some of the advices that are working for you?
Get a liter container and have it filled with water by your side constantly
If you want to take it to the next level sit somewhere hot and humid to make you sweat while you read a book or losten to music
Your pores will shit out gallons of salty, poisonous, sweat that has been floating around in your body for months, just make sure to stay hydrated (and keep it within reason...you shouldn't drain your electrolytes or get heat stroke)
OK well I avoid processed food(basically anything in can except for tuna in water which I eat 2 times a week), I eat "boring" cereals for breakfast such as low sodium cornflakes, oats and the occasional bran flakes. I do this because they aren't calorie dense so you could eat alot. My lunch is mostly veggies and meat(broccoli, grilled chicken/fish and a sweet potato) and for dinner I would have the same thing or 2 cheese sandwiches on wheat with water. I fill up mostly on fruit and water. I also do alot of cardio, I live close to the beach so I go early when there aren't a lot of people and swim non stop for an hour, I play alot of basketball (black robot here and I'm not even good but I do alot of running in game) and I go to the gym, spend half an hour on the bike, half hour on the elliptical and one hour varied pace on the treadmill with some mild lifting with the machines. I go to the gym 3 days a week. I've already lost 30 pounds, down to 230. As they say on /fit/ we're all gonna make it bro
>I've eaten nothing but deep dish pizza hut pan pizza (cheese only topping) my entire life and I am the pinnacle of health and have never been sick and
> am very fit.
> am very fit.
> am very fit.

Pics. No shirt. Your camera is not broken. You have no excuse not to prove this.
I've been a fatty my whole life, and right now, I'm the heaviest I've ever been. I hate it, but I'm always fucking hungry. People always fucking say "just stop eating when you feel full xdddDd" which is great, except I never feel fucking full. "Just drink more water bro lol. :')" I drink a fucking gallon of water a day and that's all I drink except for the occasional black coffee. I stopped drinking sodas and shit like 7 years ago. They don't even taste good anymore. Cola is disgusting.

I just can't stop fucking eating.
>tfw fat Nathan Drake won't be in Uncharted 4
fucking sjw devs ruining our games
Just stop fucking eating
Take a day off and fast
Your poor wittle tummy will hurt you will NOT be dying
That way you can remember what it's like to be hungry, not bored

Wow, thermodynamics works.
Doughnut Drake best Drake
aye, everybody says "just eat more carbs and fats brah xD" but nothing satiates me more than a nice slice of whole grain bread or a serving of rice
t. robot on a cut
i just dont have the will to try to lose any weight. plus i know i cant handle the extra skin that i know will be left. i dont care anymore after getting fired before christmas last year.
i used to be near 400 before high school and now above 300. i dont care anymore.
The reasons youre having these cravings, is because you are addicted to the dopamine rush junk food gives you. Stay away from processed food a month, and the cravings will go away. Its going to be tough, but its worth it
Can I ask a question anon?

Its not just that.

I feel like I crave...stimulation.

I need to be playing exciting fast paced games. I need to be driving to my shitty shrink at 100mph or not at all (gotten tickets before). I need to feel good by eating. There's no middle ground. I've been beating myself up and saying I need to do my Uni work or I wont be able to go back this fall, god I hate myself so fucking much.

How do I make it stop?

Just cold turkey for a month?

Any tips?
Sounds like solid advice, will do
Keep goin man
>Its going to be tough

It really is not tough.
>lose over 130 lbs
>it was easy as balls
>70 more to go
>hungry as hell all the time now
>same weight for two weeks at a time
>only lost 16 lbs since mid-December
I feel like I'm in hell.

Eating carrots always helps me feel full. I need to follow my own advice.
Just skip junk food for a month. And no, eating only cold turkey for a month is stupid. You can eat salads, grilled chicken, oatmeal, eggs, fish, steak etc. Healthy food taste delicious if you know how to cook properly.

And start to exercise. Start by walking, and lifting some weights.
You got to go for it too. We all deserve better
>Care to post that article anon?
>lost over 130
>still 70 to go

Good god, how fat are you?
>lost 130 lbs
>needs to lose 70 lbs
That's 200 lbs of fat, anon.
Fun Fact: The Director of the latest Uncharted game (who didn't direct any of the others, only The Last of Children of Men) removed the skin from the game because he "didn't want to make fun of people."

This is despite no fat people giving a shit about the skin in previous games. Guess what? He's a thin, bearded nu-male.
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