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What the fuck. >YWN be brave enough to do this shit.
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File: 5CG2mp7.jpg (969 KB, 1500x1000) Image search: [Google]
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What the fuck.

>YWN be brave enough to do this shit.
File: TVW4m2T.jpg (335 KB, 1024x689) Image search: [Google]
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Nice transition
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I prefer this one tbphwyf
Link to the post? I refuse to believe this was possible.
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From Stacey to Chad. Unbelievable.
I don't know, but you can see the nose is exactly the same

Fuck off, nobody cares about ftm transsexuals.
I refuse to believe these are real.
They're far too good.
should have stayed a woman; her exaggerated features only make her look like a parody of chad
Life would be easir as a girl wouldnt it?

At least get sex whenever.
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Chad to Stacey
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>tfw no one will help me become a qt.
>tfw no one will take me from this third world country and make me their wife.

Feels bad being a tranny in a poor country.
kek that fag turned into a cartoon
How much.money does this cost. R their parents paying for this?
>from beta faggot to beta faggot in a dress
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2 MB, 2247x2048
Yeah, there are lots more that are unbelievable.

I would fucking smash that tranny pussy senpai. God damn.
Probably or they just beg for money like everyone else that transitions.
I don't understand. He was tall and 7/10.
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I used to follow this one on tumblr, but I forgot the account and can't find it anymore.

Real qt into cars, vidya, and MtG.
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Goddamn it, accidentally posted without the pic.
are you talking about the OP?
Look at the picture on the right. Unless that is a giant bathtub, they are not particularly tall.

He was an ugly fat ass. Still an ugly face.
oh nvm

Attractive guy to cute girl.

it's just not fair.
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What do you think about the chick? Is she okay looking? I can't tell if the transition was okay or not.
There's no way that's the same person
Oh but it is.

Cover the eyebrows. I know it's not too easy to tell but it is.
If you come out of it looking attractive, sure, great.

But if you don't? Congrats, you look like freak that most people are disgusted by the mere sight of you. And if you can't nail the voice, well, it doesn't matter how good you look - as soon as you speak, you're a sad imitation.

The attractive ones are the exception.
She is cute.

Beta to "i'd sniff her panties"
If you're asking whether I'd nut on his face, the answer is yes.
That nose would be ugly on anyone, transition or not.
File: 7ummJyyl.jpg (47 KB, 640x640) Image search: [Google]
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Like this thumb ass looking motherfucker?
Their noses are too different. The nose on the left is pointed upwards with the nostrils clearly visible and the one on the left is wider and slopes downward.
Dudes fucking ugly in both
>that forehead
>that thinning hair
>those strong masculne features
>those thick, manly fingers

That dude was doomed to failure right from the start.
The camera angles are clearly different. The one on the left is taken with a poor quality camera and his nose is angled upward. It's the exact opposite on the right.

Unless she is 5'10, minimum, she is not chad. I suspect she's in her mid 20's, but as a guy she looks barely 18.
What country senpai
Original message
File: gangsta-alex.jpg (18 KB, 700x392) Image search: [Google]
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The shitty country that's voting an impeachment today.
Has anyone here met a tranny irl? Can tell it's a dude? Do you accidentally/subconsciously still refer to them as a man? My brother is a faggot and I can easily tell when someones a homo but I've never met a tranny that I know of.
camera angle and photo quality doesn't make your nose wider you fuckin nobnard
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where are the ones where the dude trans into a stacy??
You mean stacy into dude? I have that pic. Such a waste of a hot girl.

No, retard. Where an ugly guy becomes a hot girl.
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You mean shit like this?
She's smiling, dumb shit.oh wait. You've never done that before, you wouldn't know.
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Apparently it does.

I found more pics, "nobnard".
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Same. Fucking. Girl.

Get raped.
File: cbaif8O.jpg (189 KB, 480x640) Image search: [Google]
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I just googled this and it's real what the fuck.

Stop showing me this images or you're going to give me terrible ideas.
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You look really stupid now, motherfucker.
>with tits

qt. reminds me of those french girls in paintings. kinda androgynous but feminine still.

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those lips hhhhnnnggg
Thread replies: 54
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