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Women Hate Thread
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Thread replies: 82
Thread images: 22
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Lets get one going.

Iron man numbers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFQK5eF_puo

Crazy ex #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPrcMfRePvs

Crazy ex #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-HNHBBvBn8

Wife having tantrum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEPoO08IMog

Ex wife abusing husband: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toz-JgqhI94

Psycho ex girlfriend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWpecs_Q5_c

Angry mexican ex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAPTUsRRpcE

Crazy black ex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJUUbqQdRu8

Crazy ex#3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoiyagAzdhQ

Women hit by a car #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9Qkyx6MMFc

Women hit by a car #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0CK6WQBftY

Bunch of black women hit by a car; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSi5Y0y0qpQ

>Captcha: Leroy Jekyl
>Women hit by a car #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9Qkyx6MMFc [Embed]
>Women hit by a car #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0CK6WQBftY [Embed]
>Bunch of black women hit by a car; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSi5Y0y0qpQ [Embed]
Jesus Christ that's a bit too edgy.
Yesterday's thread was a riot let's keep this up
whats even happening in the first one? its fucking hilarious
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what is wrong with all you guys

you could all have a girlfriend if you just put some EFFORT in
Actual vomit in my mouth. Why do these insane people not understand. If you're ugly life's gonna be hard. You don't settle when you're ugly.
>I can't even get a guy to buy me a peroni

Literal Italian piss water
She can't be serious, right? She can't think that looking pretty is the same effort as everything a non-Chad man has to do to even interest a woman, right?
What does my threads are doing iron man numbers mean?
I think it means that his threads are so popular that he doesn't care about anything anymore

Really? Is this the power of (You)s?
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Why do bad boys get all the good girls?
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>see guy at the liquor store spen $12 on 6 pack of peroni
>he thinks because it's imported from italianistan it must be good

The number of people reading and posting in his threads is similar to the number of people who went to see the movie Iron Man when it came out in cinemas.

Aka a whole lot
I'm from Italy, Peroni is the cheapest beer, but it tastes good, better than Heinenken and Tuborg.
it's expensive miller lite. if you can get it cheap then more power to you. over here they charge premium for it because it's imported. the only redeeming quality it has is that it won't fill you up so it's easy to drink with a meal.
Arin looked so cool.
It's shame he is now big cuck blobe
I'm italian and i can confirm our beer is generally shit, peroni isnt even the worse. I always drink german, way better.
Our wine's good though, but i heard is super expensive in the us
Here is one I just found online. Fucking classic; UNSW is supposed to be one of our highest ranked fucking universities and they pull this shit. Embarrassing.
The article itself is pretty infuriating to read if you think about the fact that she got paid decent money to publish that tripe. Here is the bus singalong which sparked this whole thing. Messy direct link so you don't have to scroll through a cancerous Huffington Post article to find it: (link is in pastebin to bypass spam filter. It's a decent drunk impromptu chant. )
Some whiteknight faggots uploaded it to some uni facebook page, "altering" people about it. It was a fucking song sang on some sports team bus with drunken uni kids entertaining themselves. Fuck whiteknights, humourless cunts.

By the way, anyone have that screencap explaining what it is like to be a woman? Pretty sure the image in the post was a portrait of Nietzsche. Can't find it anywhere on my HDD and google search/desu storage is providing useless.
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>You have no right to give the children a haircut without my approval

Women are fucking retarded.
I bet she wanted them to have long hair because thats progressive.
Jesus fuck if he didn't record this he'd be in jail.
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>start going to the gym because im tired of being fat
>lose a good bit of weight im feeling myself
>Usually go and listen to music
>This time i forget my headphones
>As im doing cardio can hear stacy sluts behind me laughing
>They're making fun of me
>"He's so gross"
>"Why is he even here"-
>"Eww i think i can smell him"
>One snaps a pic and says she is putting it on instagram
>Don't even finish my work out. Just leave
>Can hear them laughing as i leave
>Go home and cry myself to sleep

Women are natural born sociopaths
I wish I was a woman desu senpai
Gas the whores. Beta uprising NOW

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>I abandoned them? Oh I thought I left you.

My sides
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be careful bros originarudesu
>He was recording the entire thing from the beginning
>both women cry about a fake assault

Do women not have object permanence?
They are children. Evil psychopathic masochistic children.
Should have thrown a dumbbell at them
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Whoops sorry dad

That bitch should get a 20 year jail sentance for taking her father through that.
Stop being sexist you Damn creep
/fit/ here. Imagine it from the other side.
>You were fat, but have lost the weight
>Now you're into lifting and getting gains.
>Now girls start to mire.
>But it feels empty.
>They'd of never given you the time of day before
>Love is still as much of a joke now as it was back then.
>Now, anytime a girl shows interest, the paranoia that they just like Chad and not you takes hold.
/fit/ 101 - don't do it for girls. I made the mistake anyways, and now life is emptier than ever besides general feeling better with the better health.
But then that would discourage rape victims from taking it to court! Feminists actually believe this
Not doing it for girls /fit/. Doing it for myself, but when i hear their whispers it hurts. Why can't they leave me alone. Now im too self conscious to ever go back.
I am truly, genuinely sorry on behalf of my psychopathic gender. Women makes me sick. Sadly, your story is just one of many of the same kind. Please don't lose faith, anon. Find comfort in the thought of how hollow and empty these miserable cunts are on the inside.
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Bampistani delivery for this thread
>im not like them im different

Fuck off you dirty cunt.
Cutting off your dick and taking hormones doesnt make you a girl, you fucking retard.
Laughing at fat people in the gym is like laughing at sick people in the hospital

I dont know who I find more pathetic, these girls laughing or you minding
Just take it in man. Don't run away from the feelings, but let them really wash over you, wreck your soul. It's powerful shit, self-hatred and self-consciousness. Frame it in a productive light to bring your ass back to the gym, day after day, because you never want to be like this ever again. Let this be a low point in your life, late the hatred take hold, and get back to the fucking gym you lazy cunt.
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jump in front of a moving truck you tard
Don't let them get you down. I still love you, even though you weren't born a girl :)
Jump back on the horse bro.

Part of your training isn't just your muscles but being out in public and vulnerable and not giving fucks. If you continue to train you'll improve into your forties whereas those bitches will be well over the hill.

Don't be a faggot.

Women don't want equality basically.
Thanks for the advice may go to the gum today then. All of that happened on Thursday. Never going to forget my music again.
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>more women in stem
>more women in industry
>more women in CEO jobs

Sees low paying jobs....

>there are enough women in the coal business
>there are enough women in the military
>there are enough women plumbers

Sees fun job
>men get the hell out of child care you pedo
>men get the hell out of social work, you can't be around these old people
>men get the hell out of nursing you male nurse.
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Don't worry anon, they laugh at powerlifters and gymrats too.
>Go to gym
>Feelin' strong
>Load bench press with 350lbs new PR
>Ask gymbro to spot
>Unrack weight
>Lower to chest
>Arms shaking, face going red
>Can't lock out
>Gymbro reracks weight
>Tells me good effort and keep trying
>Couple of grills laughing
>Would normally feel good coming so close
>Instead just feel like shit
Sparrow would have fought them for you.
I was, tho. Sorry.
Yeah, you can keep telling yourself that :)
Stay strong, anon. Working out is good for you, primarily for your head. Getting fit is nice as well of course, but your main goal should be to hit the gym to get those good hormones going. Please don't let these cunts ruin this for you. Trash is what trash does, expect nothing else, ever. You are so much better than them, in every way. Also, pardon my sentimental faggotry, but I hate when people are treated like this.
Post your gains or gtfo. We want timestamped biceps
Please eat shit and let us just hate women together in good spirit even though I was born with a vagina.
Wrong post desu
You are not a man and will never be. You are not welcome here. Normiebook and rebbit is where you belong you abomination.
So what, if you had just gone for a simpler 2pl8 run then you'd of pumped it out and the girls wouldn't have laughed. Girls don't belong in the weight room. They just bounce around the bench for 45 minutes on their phone, maybe throwing in a few stretches.
You're better than them only by virtue of the fact that you're hitting the gym. Otherwise you'd be a useless fatty. But fat cunts *actively* taking strides to become shredded cunts get a pass on judgement.
>more women in CEO jobs
How do they expect to push for this? The CEO makes himself the CEO. Do they realize that they'll actually have to work for this?
I frankly don't give a shit. I normally never mention my gender because this shit always happens, and it was obviously wrong to do it today. I just wanted to say that shit people are shit, and I feel bad because my gender is trash that gets away with anything. I'm sorry if that provokes you, senpai
>g-guys people of my gender are not good *winkwink*
>i-i never ment to mention my gender pls no bully
Attention whore. Masculine tits or gtfo
What's your end-game dude. You come on a *female hate thread*, say you're a chick, and then clarify that no, you really do hate your own gender. One thing I'd bitch about in regards to woman is a lack of loyalty, and I mean shit man you're selling out your own gender, your own blood, just to get in with the "cool kids" who just so happen to hate you. I mean... what are you trying to accomplish, or if you don't know, stop and reevaluate just what it is you're after in life. I'm not banning you from the thread but I don't see this as anything of use to you.
I just wanted to be kind to the anon I was referring to in my first post. Also, I shamelessly enjoy women hate threads for the laughs. I'm sorry. I'm just gonna stfu now, I get that I'm not wanted.
There you go. Be among your kind.

>men please don't abandon us!
Is it actually that bad?
That is fucking disgusting tbqh

I'm saying they are disingenuous in their opinions and will turn to feminism as the whole mgtow thing dies out.
Dunno. Maybe some of them will. I guess I don't care a ton either way. If girls want to roleplay redpill for a bit and then swing to feminism, then whatever that's their life. Just dodge wackjob feminists and continue about your life.
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I miss /r/fatpeoplehate. One of the only decent subreddits.
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This is not as original. Das ist originale
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Rage numero uno
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Zwei ist high
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Three for me
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4 for no more
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A win for all men?

> stop harassing me

Ah, the cry of the woman-child.
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Lester is gonna win the prem this season lads
Thread replies: 82
Thread images: 22

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