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Who /unironally love fat chicks/ here?
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Thread replies: 198
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Who /unironally love fat chicks/ here?
i only ironically love them. on my deathbed i will tell my fat wife that i was loving her ironically all along and laugh my ass off until i die.
Only if they have massive tits.

Flat / small chested fat girls are just depressing.
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Fucking a fat girl is good for cleansing the dicks palate now and then

whats her name? google doesnt return anything!
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yea is there sauce for these? reverse search only brings up random "chubby" and bbw galleries
I wish I knew senpai, found it on here
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Bumping with more chubbies
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I'd ride her bike ;)))
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>tfw no belly jap gf
>tfw you'll never have a qt chubby gf
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Got some more Japanese girls
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Anothah one
>tfw need to jack off to chubsters now

fucking no idea where I can find good stuff to download
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I have a lot more of this girl actually
holy fuck my dick, give source mang
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>tfw she will never nurse ur cock
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Sultry af
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>tfw no bi chubster gf
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I think this it Otoni
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I need text here
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Would you lick it off, robots?
check if there's a thread on /t/
will do, i have to fap to folds now
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Married a chubby chick, she's a fatty now. Don't think I could go back go a skinny chick, fatties make my dick diamonds. Pic related
I did the same. Can't go back.

who is this please help for the love of fuck please FUCKNG HELP
i thought i loved fat/chubby chicks too until i finally got with one. the fucking smell they put off is so disgusting and off putting it immediately kills any boner cause they sweat after 5 seconds and its putrid as fuck
post more lad.
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>loved fatties
>got a fatty gf
>she's boring and slobbish to the point of making me gag
>long ass toenails
>her feet are so fat her fucking toes have rolls
>wanted me to eat her out on her period
>never ever offered to pay for our meals out
>would often wake up in the morning and find her standing over me, staring

2D fatties only now. I can't experience that shit ever again.
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this right here.
2D for lyfe

>would often wake up in the morning and find her standing over me, staring

nigger what the fuck
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>>would often wake up in the morning and find her standing over me, staring
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I'd raw dog these pussies all night, every night. Glad this thread hasn't devolved into a land whale fat girl yet.
Fat girls are the only girls I can fuck ):
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I'd appreciate if you'd contribute
she looked a little like this, only she was 23, and I was 17
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Are you guys into REAL fat chicks like fat bellies and legs, etc, or are you just into the tits\ass like a filthy normie?
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I like soft, round tummies
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Pics are from in a pawn shop I manage. Fucked all over things and would sell it later
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Have a fuckton more of people really want.
Honestly, that looks pretty disgusting. Would just be hotter to fuck a skinny chick
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PLS M8, my dick would be gratefull
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Good lad.

Originalus commentus virginitus
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The most important thing is them having proper hygiene like anybody else. If they keep themselves clean there's nothing disgusting about it.
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I like what you guys are posting
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Fat women are the best
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Also, fat chicks in general seem more willing to try freaky shit in bed. She's willing to try pretty much anything in bed as long as it didn't involve blood or scat, and we are pretty active in the kink community here.
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I love fat chicks like this.
Whats wrong with your dick? The glans is very oddly shaped
what are the best positions for fat people sex.
Whats up niggers.
I just recently got a girl to like me.
And i do love chubby girls.
But the problem is she is abit too chubby (to fat) where >>27908933 would be prefect
And she is >>27909250 (and short too , only 1.50 where i am 1.86).

Still she is a nerdy girl that likes video games , anime and all that stuff.
So how can i make her lose weight so she would be the perfect waifu (she did say she had a thyroid problem).
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Nothing that I know of. Maybe it's your dick that's weirdly shaped?
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>that blush
Kawaii as fuck tb.h famitachi
Have sex with her on a daily basis and try to limit her calorie intake (this requires her to move in with you). Also take her on walks with you
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Missionary and doggy are probably best. Missionary you get their legs over your shoulders or hold onto their ankles and you can get pretty damn deep. Doggy is good too, but missionary gives you the best view
What if I'm fat myself? Should I just try to get a thin gf?
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Don't have a tiny dick and your good. I'm a fatty myself and have never had an issue. You got a small dick then lose some weight and you won't have a problem.

No matter what get with whatever type you are attracted to. I like fatties because they make my dick hard, not because of anything else. She was a hell of a lot smaller when we first got together and I nudged her towards gaining a bit of weight
Do you ever put it in the pooper?
Pic from about the same time we got together.
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That was pre ass fucking, yeah
What sort fetish stuff do you guys do?
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>tfw trans girl (MtF)
>exclusively attracted to fat chicks
>only guys are ever interested in me
>tfw no qt fat gf to nurture and be nurtured by

a-are there any cute big girls around that would be interested in a trans chick
i dated a fat fembot

now i'm dating a qt 98lb girl

fat girls are disgusting
i just like their size, if they are bigger than me it helps me get into the mood being that it helps me cope with my problems. i was molested by my pediatrician as a child and she was stacked and fat as hell, so when im with a girl bigger than me, it helps me feel like a child again being taken by a mature women. i have never been interested in girls my size or age because of this
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Fat fembots talk to me pls I'll make you feel hot.
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I lucked out with a chubby like pic related. Asked her to marry me after a year together and knocked her up asap
>marrying after a year together
You're taking a massive (no pun intended) risk here familiachi.
Does that girl have a name?
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Damn right.
Chubby girls are for impregnating.
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She's got a rockin' chubby body, 38JJ tits, a big ass, can cook and doesn't cause drama. That's good enough for me. I'll keep knocking her up as long as I'm able.
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The only girl I ever fugged was a chubster.

Can skinny girls compare?
>dem tits though
Only image ITT to give me a bone
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They're amazing, aren't they. I couldn't count the amount of time I've spent staring at those.
I don't know who she is or if there's more. Or even if the pic isn't edited. But goddamn, dem tits.
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Yukuzi Ayaka b 3.jpg
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Dunno if that's the same grill but one of the chubby asian grills is named Yukuzi Ayaka.
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Dem tits are the reason God put us on this green earth, my nigga.
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Not to break the thread, but here's some tits.
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Come on, m8. Be cool. There's no need for that.
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textless posts are not allowed

fucking originiulatu virginitu gimmie a fat girl to fuck her rolls
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>tfw you tell gf you love bigger girls and bellies turn you on
>she completely understands and it actually makes her feel good about herself

And she keeps gaining. Not for me but just because we have an unhealthy eating lifestyle, luckily I have a decent metabolism so I stay the same but she keeps getting bigger

It's difficult to contain my boner
Are you actually into SSBBWs though?

Also, I would suggest not making her so fat she's unhealthy. You don't wanna outlive her THAT badly.
Damn familia, remember fapping to this exact picture a little over 3 years ago.
Do you have an extremely hairy stomach? Seems like most chubby chasers have Chewbacca tier body hair.
>inb4 high test meme
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muh fuggin dick
Thanks bloxox
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Not the guy you're replying to.
I can confirm I'm a skinny semi-hairy dude.
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You see that little wide "W" between her belly button and tits, right where the stomach is?

That means she's sucking in her gut.
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god damn those tits
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why do people get si mad at guys with fat fetishes?
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I try to make a point of saving fantastic pairs of tits.

Can't be sure they're all good, though. Only have one opinion to work with.
Ignoring the piercing, how are these? She's not that chubby but I think quality tits.
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They don't really. They just want attention. Don't give them attention and don't reply to their posts.
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perfect boobs.gif
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>filename related
fat girls are fucking disgusting. the fuck is wrong with you little degenerates?
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those are indeed quality tits.
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what's wrong? I like both fat and skinny girls.
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Why isn't anyone posting anymore?
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Because you can't do textless posts here.
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Kinda sorta
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Well then post some text
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Like fucking what?
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>when the belly is jiggly and it droops down
Kill yourself you clueless degenerate
>98 lb
How tall is she?
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You don't want it to hang too low, of course.
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stop liking what I dont like.jpg
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Pic related and/or they're newfags who don't know you can hide threads
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Why do so many girls get shitty tattoos.
How long is your dick? It seems kinda small.
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idk, anything you want
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Pic related is just the right amount of thick and if you disagree you are objectively incorrect.
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I have that exact pic
Does anyone have more pics where girls have that gut bend they get when they wear their pants too tight?
attention is always the answer
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some girls have tits that are perfect for smothering.
Because women are entitled enough as it is without degenerate fucks like yourself telling them that they shouldn't even bother with even the slightest amount of self control because you'll coddle them like the children they are regardless of how much of a disgusting slob they are.
I have a big ass/big tits fetish and weird fetish of having smaller hips and thighs than the girl I am fucking doggystyle. Which has led to my attraction to BBWs and also Mature women (When I was a kid an pre teen, my fantasy was to fuck a MILF). Pretty much women bigger then or as big as me.

Would I put a ring on it? Nup.
Of course, being morbidly obese to the point where youre immobile or have very fucked body formis a turn off.
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>I have that exact pic
Then you are my nigga.

I'm scouring my folder for more like that. But it's so poorly organised. I really need someone to sort this shit for me.
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This pic might appeal to one of your fetishes.
only lowlifes are attracted to whales.
I girl I know used to be perfect chub. Amazing ass and tits and her tummy used to poke out from under her shirts all the time. She's lost weight now and now she's not really hot anymore :(
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How does liking fat chicks make me a "degenerate"?
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I also have THAT exact pic lel.

I've got 25+ gigs of undocumented porn. I was supposed to sift through that at some point but I never got to it.
Nope. all wrong.

I did say specific.
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Dont bite the bait. See >>27911956
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You could've grabbed her while she was a chubster and gotten a qt chubby gf. You gotta take risks senpai.
We weren't friends at the time :(
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You and me, m8. We patrician now.
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biting the bait gives me a excuse to post more pics
>Would I put a ring on it? Nup.

I'll bet that this is because of insecurity. Afraid of what other people will think seeing you with a non skinny/fit girl and feeling ashamed of her so you'd never commit to one.
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I feel sorry for girls with tits like these.
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i just want a gf just like this
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Naw, man. Naw. That's way too much.
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Chestlets, when will they ever learn?

Chestlet block
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>implying she'd have a hard time finding a bf\husband

Those are actually really nice.
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>that pic
There is no god.
as a fat chick, how do I find a guy who dresses well? The only guys that seem to be interested in fat chicks wear graphic tee's and khaki's. i dont care if they're short, tall, thin or fat, I just want someone who cares about dressing nicely. I might be fat but I put effort into my appearance
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you called m'lady?
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suited and booted if tbqhwy
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id rather hang myself
Go to hipster locales or use online dating.
You could also teach someone to dress nicely.
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You don't like the hat?

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You don't want me then, m8. I've got terrible fashion sense.

Don't wear graphic shirts, though.
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I live in Massachusetts and am looking for belly gf
>hipster locales
hipsters hate fat chicks

>online dating.
been trying for years

in what universe would that be dressing well

>tfw maybe i could get a bf if i lived in london
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>terrible fashion sense.
i don't think it's just fashion fampai.
Also, just understand that reality will lead to trial and error and you may have to put forth effort.
Avoid talking about your weird standard, it makes you seem like a cunt. I understand- I suddenly lose all attraction for a person after a certain amount of spelling/grammatical mistakes. I know it isn't entirely reasonable, but I both respect it and keep it quiet.
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>in what universe would that be dressing well
You like this fit mami? P-I-M-P if tbqh.
>hipsters hate fat chicks
Not in my experience, many of them do need to be approached though.
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What did I ever do to you?

That's just mean.
I think its my country desu
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>The only guys that seem to be interested in fat chicks wear graphic tee's and khaki's.
I like chubby and Bbw, ssbbw is a bit much for me though

I don't want her making herself bigger for me, it's all on her in regards to how big she is
you're a degenerate. stop enabling these pigs.
You look like a cheeto
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That guy fucks bitches. That guy fucks all the bitches.
uk at least?
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Try not to be jealous fampai. Who wants to be my belly gf?
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good for you bro, she sounds perfect
Are you a girll? If so, know that I fuck on the first date.
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No, but I would love to apprentice with you.
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Another pic of the flat chested asian chubbo. She's a qt.
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Rule #1: Clothes make the man
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>says she wants a guy who likes fat girls who dresses well
>show up
>GQ smooth, fresh to death, all day every day

roasties, amirite?
oh my goodness you are adorable. How tall are you?
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Should I go for swag or style?
5'11......bloxxxxx oc
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tubby milfs are the best
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>tfw chubby gf but don't want her to get huge
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Rule #2: don't be a pleb
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get a skinny girl and fatten her up yourself

people who get fat on their own are generally gross people desu
"dresses well" was code for 'Chad' fampai. Fat girls all think they deserve Chad.
because this isnt dressing well.

who would want a fuckboi in skater shoes and wife beaters
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>because this isnt dressing well.
what you consider dressing ell mami? I can do casual too.
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>Had a fuckbuddy/fwb chubby girl
>Total nymfo, we could have sex for hours straight
>In to all the mildly kinky shit I like too
>Bondage, strangling, calling her a slut, anal, facesitting, rimjobs
>We share our secret fetishes too
>Pretty as fuck
>We watched anime together and she liked watching me playing vidya
>Married, so I even got to make some poor guy a cuck, made my dick even more diamonds
>Had to move to another city
>I developed feelings for her. now I miss her every day
>Haven't had any motivation to even try to have sex in new town because nothing compares

One shot at a perfect girl and someone got her first.
>cheats on her husband
>perfect girl
Pick one, faggot.
pick one, faggot
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Well, perfect if you are not a beta faggot who can't even keep your wife sexually satisfied.
>because this isnt dressing well.
You need to clean your eyes out lady.
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>being attracted to fatties

Pic related is what their vagina looks like desu...
Yup. What's the problem?
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gf booty
More like 'hippo booty'
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she's super submissive, does basically whatever I tell her to and likes being slapped/choked.
fuck, nice

where do you meet these girls? online?

skinny girl flat asses can't compete with that. too bad my cock is only 6 inches
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Does she know she's your gf, anon?
Yeah we met online. She used to be anorexic about 5 years ago when we met.
yes anon, we've been together for four years.
Does she wash herself with a rag on a stick?
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You know I have to ask. Especially with the cameroid tag in the corner.
so in other words she has no self esteem

I unlipidically love iron chicks.
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