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>What are you waiting for, anon? Eat them!
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>What are you waiting for, anon? Eat them!
is that Valentina Nappi on the left
>manlet POV
Sorry girls, I only eat out virgin pussy.
what are those waist chain things called?
they tickle my pickle
>eating pussy
How beta can you be?
is this supposed to be bad?
Sorry to ask but would you mind shaving first?
O-ok but I can only do one at a time though. I know, how about you guys play rock paper scissors to see whos first hehe.
Clean bush is the patrician choice. Preferrinf full shaved is for porn addicted teenagers
Eating pussy is really fun desu senpai
I would bury my face into those bushes desu
I best you suck all the cock
Implying you don't want a qt with thick thighs to sit on your face

Bush is disgusting and the only reason why somebody would not mind is because they just think about sticking their dick into a warm hole, like the degenerate you are.
Says the guy that has never seen a naked woman in his life
puffy and fluffy
Congratulations. You have succesfully allowed porn to brainwash you.
Have you ever even seen a naked woman in real life?
are you gay

those are both well maintained nether regions

Most women shave now
Looks like it's trimmed/partially shaved. Better than nothing though.
>throat cancer
The Romans believed nothing was more emasculating than eating box.
Even sucking dick wasn't as bad because you were subservient to a man. Eating pussy makes you subservient to a woman and that's the definition of beta
b-but i don't know which one first...
Oh man, that's a nice view.
If they are in porn or American maybe
>he prefers being subservient to men
howdy homo
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>permavirgin acts like he knows anything about women
B-But cannibalism is wrong!
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>Bush is disgusting
low test detected
>implying you have ever had roastie
Fuck off. Eating out is something that the woymn of the 90's tried to meme.
they also believed a woman who sucks a dick will rot her teeth and cause all types of mouth diseases
But that's true. All sorts of STDs get spread that way. And it can cause throat cancer, too.
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comparing male and female need for shaving, consider this: imagine the whole shaft being covered with a thick pelt of hair
Worth it and original
imagine the inside of a vagoo covered in hair
wouldnt be much of an issue for oral sex, the point is you dont want to munch down on hair
they also used lead directly with water & food

they werent a very bright civilization, despite what youre told
And how many actual women have you spoken to about this issue?
So you either don't eat pussy or you're a pedophile?
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>tfw no Smegmapussy to eat
eating pussy is one of those things that's great when you're actually doing it but makes you feel disgusted with yourself after you're done. Similar to jerking off to bestiality.
I've never had post-pussy regret desu
Which ones my gf and which one do I have to ask to please put some clothes on and go home?
>eat pussy
>throat starts to pop out tonsil stones

I usually only start to feel those pop out of my throat if I'm developing a cold or other sickness, so that just goes to show you how filthy vaginas actually are.
>you actually masturbate to that shit, you fucking freak?
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>manlet POV


and they are all dead now...
Too bad that's a lesbian scene. I like their hairy cunts.
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This>>27883174 is actually a wise idea given the current state of american women
>tfw need to learn how to eat box before the next opportunity to do so presents itself
>tfw always put it off
>this entire post
Dog, are you okay? That seems like some really weird stuff to be getting post-cum shame over.
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if this actually happens to you, are you supposed to eat one out to completion and then move onto the next, or just rapidly alternate between the two until they've both cum?
girls actually expect ugly guys to be a good fuck sometimes because they figure it's all you have to offer so you must take it seriously. handsome dudes don't have to eat pussy because the girl is soaked anyway before he even gets his pants off.
I have from escorts, because you start thinking about everyone else whose been in there. When you're fucking her it's easy to forget because of how hot she is and horny you are, but the drive home can be really depressing.
This is information you'll never need to know pham
see any Romans around here, Champ? no? ok then.
Just put her clit in your mouth and go up/down or left/right on it with you tongue. Not difficult at all
>ate pussy for like 20 mins, my tongue and mouth hurt like hell from working so hard

never again
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how on fucking EARTH are we supposed to compete with this?
They're also a bunch of dead faggots who couldn't conquer anything that they didn't outnumber 10/1
>what are STIs for $500, Alex
Why would you eat out an escort?
That's a gf/wife exclusive service
The clit is basically a mini penis. Just pretend you're giving her a blowjob.

You're supposed to use your neck/jaw muscles too.
Perfect amount of hair on both vagoo's.

I'll take both please, and thank you.
heat of the moment thing. I've only done it a couple of times and never planned to. The regret I was talking about was more just a general post sex escort thing.
Every girl I've been with has been shaved bald, the only exception was an asian girl who had a landing strip.

All of my exes and current gf just shave whenever they shower, same frequency as their armpits. Becomes a habit even when they aren't getting/expecting anyone to see it. Two of them descirbed it feeling very weird to stop once you've gotten use to doing it
Best pussy eating advice I ever read was to spell the alphabet with your tongue, involve your lips a bit, and sort-of hum to produce a vibration in your throat.

Works wonders, can get a girl off in only a few minutes. They become putty after and you can get them to do basically anything
Jeopardy doesn't have a $500 clue
>spell the alphabet with your tongue
Only good as a preliminary step to find out what they like. Once you've found the right motion, stick with it.
They also routinely let their African slaves deflower their virginal brides and got their shit kicked in by an alcoholic dwarf. I'm not taking advice on manliness from those cucks
Do any of you actually put your tongue inside a woman? I love it and so do they especially if i sit them on my face and let them grind.

Yeah but modern governments today are all models of the Roman Republic.

Tell me do you feel in charge? The romans will always live on.
Put that sewer away from my face.
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>tfw hairy dick
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criminally underrated post manletbloxx
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