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Happy people are delusional. And that's a fact.
What, like oblivious to the real nature of things? I always thought that happy people are the ones who know how to manage and reduce stress.
it's not the womens fault
actually this is a meme by pretentious shitters
you can only be properly happy if you understand what happiness is and how to achieve it
Oh, like you have to be a fucking philosopher to understand how to have fun.
but you literally do that's my whole point
Angry people are freaks
Black lives do not matter
women are okay but I've come to accept that I will never have meaningful connections with any of them
>East asians (Chinese,Japanese,Korean, Viet,Thai,Burmese,Mongolians,Indians), are all ugly.
>The aforementioned group of people should not be allowed to smile.
>Ke$ha makes decent music.
>Teenagers should all do 30 day mental hospital observation.
>Their should be a govt comprehension test for voters.
>Assisted suicide should be legal everywhere.

I'm half asian and I hate myself.
High school is absolutely unnecessary for at least half of the population. We only require it because it keeps kids off the streets and out of the already saturated labor market
Meek Mill is better than Drake.
I honestly think that not having sex creates brain damage over time. The pathetic, fucked up virgins i knew in college were completely retarded until they got girlfriends and then suddenly became normal.

I also believe that most people do enjoy their jobs/lives, but everyone loves to complain and look like a victim or somebody who has a hard time. The west simply hates people who brag or look comfy unless they are billionaires or something.
Little girls are sexy and they can be childishly flirtatious when they want to be.
I think unhappy people are delusional. And lazy.
>it's people's entire responsability if their not happy/rich/healthy/young

When will this meme end?
Reminder that nihilism is a normie philosophy and that most normies nowadays actually believe this.

Kill yourself if you think you're being edgy or cool.
black people are funny when they aren't being violent niggers
Islam is incompatible with the western world. Any and all Muslims should leave Europe and North America unless they renounce their mudslime religion
majority of women have to settle in a relationship men have more benefits in a relationship

I see nothing wrong in this post.
I agree. Being happy can only be accomplished by stimulating your brain with certain activities/substances or by tricking your mind into thinking you're happy.
Happiness is a lie and once you found out you will never be able to feel happy again.
ITT popular opinions relative to 4chan.

you're not unique OR unpopular by regurgitating the same /pol/tard opinions here
Did someone have a bad day at school?

Just because you've never experienced something state of mind, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You're just as fallacious as people who say depression and anxiety aren't real just because they have never personally experienced.
Happiness is seeing reality in a different way. Yes they are delusional, but it doesn't matter, reality doesn't matter.

Everyone is delusional fuckwit even the sad ones. Humans are delusional by nature.

I would gladly let a women take upon herself the male roles imposed by society, but the truth is even their too scared to do it.

I'd love it if I could raise kids all day while my wife went to work. Also being the only ones who have to sign up for the draft. fuck that shitr.

Now that's just not right. Children don't have a sexuality that young. They have what is imposed on them at such a young age.
Smart people are usually lazy.
Morality absolutely does exist and moral relativism is a cancer killing society.
I think that any and every attempt at abortion should be punished by setving hard time. If coathanger abortions happen as a result and the girl dies, it is her punishment.

You literally can't do anything about that. Relativism only exists because of Morality.

they are one in the same and can't have one without another.
We should go back to the 50s.
Fuck all this bullshit.
judging people based on traits rather merit is stupid

It's all you have when you know nothing about a person though. I'm not going to stop you in the middle of the street to hear your life story. Because then I would have to do it for every single person.

You would also probably start to realize how shitty you really are an start crying, so you know we both don't want that.
Found the theistfag
inb4 fedoras
They obviously don't want to jump on your dick, but they do playfully and innocently flirt and blush. It's more of a game than sexuality to them, but the sexual component is there.
i was mostly referring to it in the context of PC. id couldnt give less of a shit what people are.
the only good thing to come out of PC is that i get to pull the privilege card for no reasons at all

I just don't think you know what their talking about and you hear theist somewhere and you think you know what it means out of that one context. So you want to disagree with them, but you don't truely know why.

I don't think you know what flirting means. I think you mistake or impose feelings on children that are not really there.
>not having sex creates brain damage over time
this actually isn't wrong
the brains of robotics and well-adjusted people are drastically different.
Even physiologically we're abnormal compared to them.

I'll take "I was dead on" for 1000 Alex.
that's not bad. Look at Tesla. he was fine.
depressed people should kill themselves and stop shitting up /r9k/

"depressed" women should be killed in concentration camps
>happiness is the lack of sadness

>not the other way around

>the root of all the hurt and evil in this world is because men can't get laid. Not even joking if girls would approach guys for sex no war would have happened at this point
He had a relationship with a pigeon.
What a wreck of a sentence. Mind rephrasing that?
There are men sticking penisis into each other orifices and you get suprised by that ?
Rules are there to subject the ruled. Rulers dont obey them.

Moderators are useless fags.

Traps, Trans and shemales are all delusional retards, no better than hamplanets and their "love your body"

If you fap to them I have no problem with you, just accept you are gay, but sissies must face reality, they will never be girls
Kill yourself you petulant swine
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I wish I could delude myself into being happy
There is no such thing as an unselfish action.

Democratic confederalism/libertarian communalism is a highly attractive form of government (it's like anarcho-socialism for grownups).

(Not entirely unpopular) Islam as a religion is founded on the concept of imperialism, whereas Christianity was just subverted for imperialistic purposes, which is why shit like ISIS exists.

All drugs should be legal, because they're already widely available and legalization would serve as a harm reduction measure. Also I just love getting high.

'Crazy' people are basically the only interesting people out there.
Also, there's nothing wrong with ecigs, and private establishments of any kind should have the right to allow smoking of any kind if they wish to.
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White Pride.jpg
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Whites are superior to non-whites because they're more educated, intelligent, cultured and civilized. Excluding Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians who are not white but are also intelligent and civilized.

Being LGBT is not natural, it's a deviation, and transexuality is the worst, transexuals are sick people that need treatment.

All the sandniggers that immigrated to western countries must be shipped back to the desert shitholes they came from.

Islam is a savage cancerous tumor which is getting bigger and bigger and must be exterminated from the world before it destroys it.
I'm mid 20s college educated and I make more money than you. But there's nothing I learned in high school, and most of college for that matter, that I couldn't have learned on my own or through work experience.
Being "ironic" is worse than actually being the total faggot you think you're making fun of
>unpopular opinion
pick one
>Whites are superior to non-whites because they're more educated, intelligent, cultured and civilized.
Those are all non-innate things. How does that make whites superior?

>Being LGBT is not natural, it's a deviation,
Why does being a deviation make something unnatural? Is it unnatural when you get sick or injured? Why is unnaturalness even bad? Would you rather live naked in the woods?

>All the sandniggers that immigrated to western countries must be shipped back to the desert shitholes they came from.

>Islam is a savage cancerous tumor
How is it any more cancerous than any other religion and their crusades, and their extremists? Until the 00s, like 90% of domestic terrorist attacks in the west were perpetrated by whites.
Transsexuality and homosexuality are mental illnesses, and should be treated no different than any other mental illness. Medication and therapy should be advised, but not pushed on people that are mentally ill as long as they can still function. It shouldn't be "normal" to identify as something other than your natural born sex, just as it shouldn't be normal to be depressed all the time.

Op said unpopular opinions, not unpopular facts.
The mentally disabled should be euthanized
Crows and ravens are not edgy at all to like, and they are actually really goddamn cute.
^this nigga here, only I wouldn't say "cute" just cool
Crows are also very intelligent relatively speaking
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Marrying a woman who has slept with other men before you is disgusting.

inb4 that's not unpopular.
It is in the real world.
I think they're more cute than cool. You can find them playing soccer and sledding and stuff.

outright cucking is very uncommon
>outright cucking is very uncommon
I'm not talking about that tho. The pic is just something to get attention to my post, you see.
>How is it any more cancerous than any other religion and their crusades, and their extremists?

Not the anon you're talking to but Islamists are like Nazi fascists, except they hide behind the mask of religious ideology.

The ultimate point is worldwide conquest and proselytization of the world population. It condones theocratic state heavily. Most adherents of Sharia Law allow executions for blasphemy against Allah or Muhammad.

Tell any ex-Muslim that a Christian is like a Muslim and he'd put you in your place.
>The ultimate point is worldwide conquest and proselytization of the world population.
every major religion has tried this at some point and it's not like there's a shortage of terrorists in places with fewer muslims
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Giratina is the cutest pokemon.
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furry porno.png
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Most "pop" furry porn is really bad because it fails to convey any visual indications that the characters actually have fur, and not just oddly-colored skin and animal features.

Also, too much pic related going on.
Of all fetish subcultures, BSDM people are the most obnoxious and weird while being the least fun to gawk at or hang around with.
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>be me
>asked to babysit cousin
>I'm 16 at the time and she's 8
>reclined on couch watching TV
>start spacing out
>cousin runs up giggling really loud
>jumps on me
>tell her to get off me and chill out
>starts straddling my leg
>she's wearing thin pajamas
>I can feel the warmth and shape of her pussy
>dude get off me
>reluctantly jumps off
>tell her to just go sit down and chill
>she does for about 5 minutes
>runs over and jumps on me again
>dude wtf
>tells me to give her the remote now
>tell her no go sit down
>straddles me again this time starts thrusting my lap yelling "getty up!"
>I can feel her vagina pressed right against my dick
>can't help it
>get boner
>tell her to get off right now
>try to pull her off me
>giggling she asks me what's poking her
>she keeps thrusting
>out of nowhere she leans forward and kisses me right on the lips
>caught me off guard
>forcefully pull her off me and get up and leave the room
>waited the rest of the time in the kitchen for her parents to get home
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