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>go on /r/4chan >see this post >people making fun of
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File: fucking shti kill me.png (423 KB, 858x555) Image search: [Google]
fucking shti kill me.png
423 KB, 858x555
>go on /r/4chan
>see this post
>people making fun of robots for social failures
>thought these were common, issues perhaps not prevalent, but still worth noting for normies
>turns out they're seen as awful and normies, or literal fucking ledditing 4channers, make fun of us
fucking normies goddamn fuck
>getting mad at worthless ledditors posting on the web
i wouldmt take it to heart anon
>Browsing reddit
Come on anon, don't be a cuck
they represent normies, or at least semi-cyborgical functioning people
if even they are making fun of us, then fuckkk
the person who posted this is an edgy 14 year old m8, look at his other posts
he'll know how it feels to have no friends soon enough, if he doesn't already
Functioning link
normies are just literal retards with a superiority complex
just live for yourself or youll always be cucked amd depressed you fucking faggot
>6 months ledditing
>2199 comment karma
>6th highest comment only has 50
damn, that's some advanced daily autism
File: wew.png (78 KB, 496x869) Image search: [Google]
78 KB, 496x869
yea this guy is fairly 14 and autistic
Damn, they're pretty great achievements. Today I walked past a guy that serves me at my local bar and we both acknowledged each other in passing. Made me feel pretty good. Proud of myself.
Oldfag non casual redditor detected
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