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Who here are in a relationship?Why do you still come here if
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Who here are in a relationship?Why do you still come here if you have someone that loves you in your life?

To me it feels like if you have a gf/bf you're more or less made to be happy. It doesn't happen instantly, but you're probably not being crushed by soul rending loneliness. So why come to a place that's so hostile towards you and a place that's based on people suffering from loneliness?
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They'll claim that they're only here "to feel better about themselves, laughing at the losers" or some stupid cop-out like that. The truth is they're still completely empty inside even with a gf because they're just boring people that are just going wherever they're pushed, completely unsure about who they actually are or if their life is headed in the right direction. They're constantly brought down with the worry that their gf doesn't actually love them, she's just settling until she finds something better.
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because it's a really shitty abusive relationship and 4chan's the only thing that takes my mind off of it
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I had a relationship but she ripped my heart to shreds.
Well I understand a relationship that ended. It just opens up the void yet again, but

how about this? Why stay in a relationship if it's abusive? Another thing I never understood.

This also makes sense somewhat. But is it always the case?

I'm scared of being alone again, scared of dumping her, scared of her fucking with me afterwards, scared of everyone blaming me and hating me, basically I'm just scared of everything and want to curl up under the blankets and live on 4chan forever
I want to break up with my bf but that would mean I have to do all the laundry and separate 2 years worth of his shit from my shit

It's too much work, plus I am killing myself soon anyways

Let them sort it out
both me and my gf have extreme mental health issues that are not solved by us having companionship. don't get me wrong, it helps ENORMOUSLY to have support from someone and to genuinely feel loved. it doesn't solve every problem, though.
>tfw met internet bf on r9k
I literally am not prepared to put up with the bullshit that having a girlfriend entails, but neither am I callously indifferent enough to a woman's feelings that her coochie trembles at my stoicism.

Being single is good; relationships are always partly parasitic, and I neither want to be a parasite, not be parasitized.
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> meme issues

just get the fuck out you chad piece of shit

> i have a relationship, but i'm still so so sad :(((

I think it's hilarious that people here think having a relationship solves every single problem in your life. I hope you are underaged and not this retarded as a grown person
The people on this board suffer from crippling loneliness. You have someone in your life you can be together with. The fact that you even got someone means you're just a failed norms who's sad he didn't get an iPod of the right color for Christmas and considers it "depression".
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Personally I'm a KV but not lonely or depressed at all, I only come here for the banter, if you want a secret depression club go to wizchan.
>Who here are in a relationship?
For two and a half years now.

>Why do you still come here if you have someone that loves you in your life?
Boredom and helpless helper syndrome. I lurk 90% of the time, but threads like these still make me reply.
Where else am I meant to go to have non-stressful anonymous conversations and arguments? I know I don't fit in here, and haven't in many years. But I can't find any other place to get the little social interaction I need.
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