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Omegle Thread
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You are currently reading a thread in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 63
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Tags: r9k, omegler9k, r9komegle, robot 9001
yeah I went on there and some stupid ugly bitch called me ugly, in real life I would split her face open, but hey, this isnt irl, really stupid shit desu, at least in real life you have control
and yes I have been to jail, Im not a fucking normie
stop looking for gfs you normies and talk to me
bumping for qt3.14 omegle bf
Fuuuuuuuck once a girl said she was scared of me irl when I lost in a fight
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Too good, senpai. Too good.
do u guys like bbc

Dude why are you so angry.

I dont even need to have seen your face to see that youre as ugly.
This omegle shit is so boring literally nothing interesting At al
You may find someone worth talking to but it rarely happens
Worst part is that girls skip if you dont have a webcam on
if you think the worst part is having girls skip you because of a lack of cam then you don't belong here.
i met a nice femanon who doesn't skip black boxes they are not all rude dudes.
i want to chat feels
someone be my bf pls
I'll be your bf pls

if you are gril
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stop skipping me ree
>people actually camwhoring theirselves

You're a disgrace.
I am the thumbs up guy, sorry, I am ill, I can't talk.
I'll be your bf pls if you are a boy
you look like fred
im a boy qt
Is that nigger here? The one from earlier getting peoples IPs on Omegle and booting them from the net?
Girls are fucking whores! Even on Omegle they always talk to the most handsome man. WELL IF ITS FOR TALK ONLY, WHY WON'T YOU TALK TO ME, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE THAT RIPPED FAGGOT!!!!!!!
He called it a night I think, unless he was lying to get people to stop using their proxies
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>cycled through for a few minutes
>legitimitley the most handsome guy here

thanks for the confidence boost /r9k/
is your conditioning broken now?
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Picture 62.jpg
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Im online boys what up
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r8 my discussion
>is your conditioning broken now?
I'd say that went pretty well overall.
>tfw too nervous to even talk on omegle
get drunk first, i am shy then i got drunk and now i'm fine with showing my face
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>TFW not sure if I should put all the tags or just one and am too embarrassed to ask
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look at this gay guy wow
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and this one wew lad
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>Doesn't show face but goes on video anyways
i show my face to those who are worthy
there was an anon that was gonna be my bf... then he disconnected :(
was it last night?
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another homo bro
so cringy

can you stop?
a couple hours ago or so
dont die thread oc oc
someone be my bf
I didn't think all of you would be retard nerds.
No Eliza?

Seriously? What would possibly make you think that?
Did everyone give up???
all of them familia desu
Hey bots, does anyone know about a girl named Elya Kaminsky? I met her in 2009 on Omegle, we talked for a year. She apparently still posts on /r9k/. Any info?
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There's a rumor going around that Eliza killed herself

sad desu
God no, this isn't /soc/ you idiot

Also it was a long ass time ago, she's probably dead
She posted back in Nov 2015, I found an archived thread.
Why do you care though, you'll never be with her

Stop trying
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Unfortunately nobody buys that except you.
Also check'd.

right here m8, i don't think i can offer you much insight int how you'd go about doing something like that since i'm a britbong, but the bottom line was that i was sick of working a shit job.

Follow your dreams anon, don't be a wagie for moneys sake.
both of you are cringe.......
I think I should go to art school or get internet famous while planning my escape. At this point, I'd rather shill for furries than listen to those bitches complain about how I forgot to make two copies. I just have to get passionate about drawing again.

That was actually my question for you, despite working a job you hate, how did you have enough to follow your dreams.

how do you mean have enough? if you mean money, that was simple, i had no friends to spend money on. a good portion of my monthly paycheck went straight into savings.

but there came a point before i got put on a temp-worker contract where i just ended up thinking to myself "this isn't too bad, i guess i could do this forever". but it got so unbearably bad that i handed in my notice as soon as something else came up. got a job over the last summer working with my brother all over the country.

sorry for the blog, but my point is: if you really fucking despise the people you work with, it'll never get any better, student debt may be a bitch but it's better to do something you love doing.
At least it's better than them skipping you when your cam is on because you're ugly.
I'm sorry, I meant enough passion. I simply do not believe in myself. My art is decent enough to shill cute moe blobs or some bullshit minimalist art for some rich guy's living room but I just don't know how to say, fuck everyone, I'm doing something I like for me. I was such a happy weeb, how do I summon that passion.

I don't want to part off with some normie tier advice about "just b urself lol :^)))". But I find it's something you just have to do, because let's face it, what's your alternative? Cubicle-wage slave that gets treated like dirt. there's only one way to say "fuck this shit, I'm out"

draw your moeblobs and sell them to weebs, draw yourself a waifu, do what you enjoy doing because you enjoy doing it. however, dont just go nuts and leave your job on an autistic explosion, hand your notice in as it makes you look a gorillion times better.

>being this autistic

that goes double for you

Dude, there's girls all the time. Stop being such a fucking autist
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Different anon but also an artfag.
Personally i channel my anger towards normies and literally do whatever i fucking want to as a big fat 'fuck you all' - i learned some textbook-incorrect painting from a japanese painter, and my whitewashed school keeps calling me out for having no technique but fuuuuuck em all because my results are qt.

When you do whatever you want
You feel good about yourself
And that 'feeling good' is so indescribable that nothing feels better than it
To hell with normies, reeeee
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Anyone have a discussion with a stapler?

The stapler person seemed really nice, to bad the person was shy and never showed face.

Will post good discussion.
Why are all these camfags here?
Screenshotted. Thanks for the support, I'll look to these when I'm thinking of settling in to wagefaggotry
that's mystery dot jaypeg
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She's dead bro

nice trips
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check em.jpg
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the gets in this thead, check'd
Just got on, hows everyone doing tonight?
I'm REEEEEing pretty hard because the only friends i have are on omegle 4chan tags but i was banned for "possible bad behavior"
Maybe he shouldn't have been jacking off on cam then?
two people after >>27604823
conversation and i ran into another russian guy who called me a cyka blyat, then i was banned.
probably gonna jump on later, get skipped by a bunch of black boxes looking for gfs
ran into some kinda wacky cowboy, nice goy.
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Nobody is showing up.
What am I doing wrong?
that's why
Isn't that what this thread is about?
I'm confused
ah you see anon that's where you're wrong, this is a group where guys black out their webcam and skip trying to find a girl so they can be an orbiter
Why the fuck would a robot own a webcam though?
I own one from when I tried to get a job and they alla wanted skype interviews. I guess a lot of people might have them built into their laptops, too.
Are there any qt boys on right now?
>original comment
I thought robots would be using desktops?
How would you be able to tell if they're cute?
I can't even tell if the person I'm talking to is a guy or girl
If you're on the cam section and you run into a cuteboy on the r9k tag.
why would you have a webcam though?
Why would robots want to show their face?
That's stressful enough in real life, why would I do that online?
not everyone who comes here is a total sperglord like you
The first step to overcoming your fears is to face them. You can start off just using the cam section but not turning your cam on, then if you feel brave enough put the cam on. It's not as stressful online because you can just turn your cam off or disconnect if you feel uncomfortable.
Then why do they come here at aIl?
personally i get pretty bad anxiety over it and i want to get better so where better than to show my face to people who are also total sperglords
i personally come here because watching all the autists try and make sense of the world gives me a deep sense of self satisfaction. it's nice to be normal.
What bravery to turn on a webcam
I repeat, why would I own a webcam?
Why do you own a webcam if you have such anxiety?

it is, i found someone on text and had a great 1 hr convo.

>not posting logs
fucking hell guys
femanon who has a date
jewish people trying to jew with their girlfriend
only like 2 legit robots who dont insta skip
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>those fags who autoskip anything without tits

absolutely epic teebeehee
autoskipping makes omegle think you're a bot, if you get skipped enough then you can get algorithm banned.
When you see an autoskipper make sure you skip them first.
And I'm back haven't been on all day due to having an actual life but I'm back to fuck with people hope you got your VPNs ready if not get prepared.
Cause if you talk shit get hit boy or roasted if you got a VPN either way your autistic feelings will be hurt! <3
i talked to those jews, were pretty bro tier would roll again/10
plz a girl talk to me i cant stand this anymore just fucking talk to me or il kill myself i can turn my cam off if you want just talk to me please
>projecting this hard is sad boys
assmadness is real :(
Has everyone on text dissapeared? I dont have a cam and I cant find anyone on text anymore.
not fuckin about on omegle anymore but i had a nice night guys. bitcoin dude who played guitar was my favourite. :^)
>pretending to be me
LMAO just stop
>the assmadness is real
ughyes continue to be mad beta
This one r9kers like I guarantee it doesn't work
>boot him
>screen freezes
this is when little beta timothy knew he fucked up KEEEK
Ye it's blanket chan, or whatever. The girl/trap with the blanket depending on what you think :^)

Thanks for all the nice chats! Goodnight!!
no one gives a fuck who you are but I'm booting your ass I hope you don't come online and you got a VPN boy
:^) i don't even know what that means but alright goodnight
It means the next time you get on omegle and I see you and grab your IP address you won't be using the internet for as long as I want goodnight retard : ^ )
Sad desu. You must be pretty bitter and lonely to act in such a way. Oh well.
lel then I just won't wear a blanket. 100% disguised huh :^)
anon please stop with the smug emoticons
Or just bored and I'm doing it for the lulz and to make betas assmad l0l
I'll just boot you I can tell if it's you or not retard
I am angry because I am not a normie. You are a normie.
hello fat virgin, still getting mad at virgins because you are better than them, because why? Oh yeah because you said your a virgin by choice.. lol Nothing to do with being over 300 pounds at all.
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tfw you don't live in canada and will never spend an hour fucking this ass bareback
how did i know he was a fag

Tfw would fuck him just to make him hurtt KEk
No there aren't I've only seen one girl and she disconnected saying she had to help with laundry :(
I got stapler yesterday and was really confused and disconnected
i know that feel bro, i too sometimes pretend to be separate posters.
FYI senpai that nigger from yesterday is back booting people
What about people with dynamic ip addresses?
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well isn't this edgy
>guys im a girl pls give me attention
>being this assmad over a boot tho

I can retrieve it again so it doesn't matter obviously.

>being this assmad and new and not knowing who kingblackchad is
wew lad

Starting today, all blackboxes and femanons that don't talk shit will not get booted I repeat all blackboxes and femanons that don't talk shit will not get booted.
Also, people that I talk to on a daily basis that I had decent convos with basically anyone who isn't a rudefuck is safe guise.

So if your rude you get hit desu senpai
Also anyone attempting to "dox" or boot me offline good luck with both things I'd enjoy seeing you fail <3
Kingblackchad learnt how to use wireshark it seems! Cute.
>random stranger
get out
But if my IP changes you won't have my new IP unless you chat with me again.

You sound like an uneducated nigger faggot . I hope you get burgled while you sleep and the burglar stumbles into your basement hellhole and sodomizes you to the point of exhaustion and takes a hammer to your laptop.
No if I only learnt how to use wireshack I wouldn't be able to use a booter that was able to boot off dedicated servers. Everyone knows how to use wireshack but does everyone know how to boot people offline? No, because I would've been booted by now

You sound like an uneducated nigger cause all you have to do is be nice to me and you won't get booted. Simple. : ^ ) Also, you'll most likely connect with me again considering I blackbox too
I can't be nice to you if I don't talk to you faggot. I skip most black boxes looking for roasties
Then you'll just get booted simple as that. I can pull a IP in 10 seconds maybe within 5 seconds if I'm actually focusing so..
>implying I don't immediately skip black boxes

Thanks for giving me a 5 second time window to skip!!! And good luck figuring out which one is me because I black box as well senpai
Then I'll just use my connections to figure out who you are that's all senpai. : ^ )
I'm sure I'm not the only one who skips black boxes right away fampai
Actually it's only illegal when it does someone harm, using it for an hour isn't considered illegal plus I wouldn't take the fall cause I'm not even hosting it : ^ ) Someone else is hosting it for me on a webserver. Nice try though l0000000l
Then I'll just boot everyone who skips blackboxes right away until you rage l0l
Who hasn't? 4x. I'm about to fuck with everyone so hard.
Good luck famalam I hope you realize you're nothing but a cock eating nigger who likes to ruin the only human interaction that everyone here gets:^)
Actually if you read the terms of your contract with that company you're using the servers. You will read that if you do something illegal with their servers it's your responsibility. And I can tell you what will happen to you. First my ISP will contact the company that you're using and then they will terminate your account and then will call the police. And remember that your company has your details. So you're pretty much in big trouble.
>implying this company kept my details and I didn't use throwaway information

toplel m8
I don't look like reviewbrah.
You do a little bit senpai.
Damn I saw this guy on mfc the other day didn't know he came on r9k
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Forewarning for all of you who think you can escape being booted by Kingblackchad
>implying I don't use a proxy
no one is talking to me ;_;
Anyone else get the black guy?
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what did i do?

thi is original
I have a name retard it's called kingblackchad

The fact you use a proxy proves you're a superautist and can't live without internet

Also guys this one white kid/guy I made him ragequit didn't even need to use a DDOS so if you have a proxy I'll just roast you to death until you get upset and rage hard asf KEK
yeah hes a fag.

>no love for the armybot...
i get skipped before hello
please kill me
He's a little nigger. Trying to show his hacker skillz.
Can you actually have a decent conversation and make bros on omegle or is it all memes, all the time?
idk man most people insult me :(
"You look autistic d00d ahaha. jk just a joke bro"
>you've connected with a stranger
>chicken out
>close window
f-fucking normies
just saw a black "robot"...... please leave if you're black, you're not a robot if you're black.
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>black twinkie
sup famm?
You were such a nigger m8 even if you did make me laugh.
michael "super autist" the fat nigger gap toothted ugly cuck
>literally called this faggot john cena and said he had monkey ears like the monkeys from super monkey ball on PS2
>being this assmad over a DDOS
wew lad calm down don't shoot up a school buddy

>being this assmad over a boot tho

the rage is real
I'm not a robot I know this I talk to various hot women on a daily and decline them too and get them to send me nudes and all sorts of shit. I don't fuck cause I'm waiting for my soulmate while you faggots wish you had my scraps that I denied KEK

>can't even spell toothed cause he's upset that badly wew lad

>implying I want you to like me

Also to the dude who tried to prove he was a "alpha" with some bar shirt or some shit my xfinitywifi pass died I didn't disconnect. And to answer your question I don't prove anything in great lengths like you did on camera. I just show a few screenshots but you motherfucker literally showed me the shirt and all sorts of shit just to prove your self worth. You probably would've showed more to prove you were a "bouncer" KEK
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>black twinkie 2

Notice the resemblance?
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I'm not even black haha
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>white beta 1
notice the resemblance?
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Emmanuel Lewis.jpg
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I'm yo daddy nigga, I left you when you were a baby. I was WEBSTER.
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Another omegle thread woopdiedoo
I-is that sam hyde?
Oh look. you were talking to my beautiful boyfriend
2 people I made assmad and they autoskip me now feelsgoodman

>being this assmad
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I got all dressed up to reunite with you, you are needed for the Webster remake.
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sup guys how u doin'
ree you skipped me
kill me senpai no people here
Not everyone is pathetic enough to pay for shit like that
>still assmad l0l

When you have money it doesn't matter l0l

yo daddy want some of that cash too son.
>replying to your own post

What an assmad faggot l0l
cute 9 year old
don't say that man
what do you guys think happens when two fembots connect to each other?
do they skip because there's no attention to suckle from the other?
They never connect to each other.
They become lesbians and leave the omegle pool forever.
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they exchange tips and expertise on how to get and maintain infinite orbiters
tfw no one will ever screencap you and talk about you
you guys are sick fucks. stop bullying me
think you might have a bullying fetish

it's ok i'd like to have a cock shoved down my throat and be called a faggot by a hot masculine jock even though i'm heterosexual
im a straight girl so...
no one is bullying you. if anything everyone is going to try orbiting you at some point

"stop bullyingggg meee guyyss" is just your pathetic attemp at getting more orbiting
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lol hehe xD
who's this semen demon

pls respnd
god speed maneater senpai
>gets matched with robot
>he skips immediately
>gets matched with a fembot
>we have a nice conversation
no wonder they get worshiped
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does anyone know if my gf is online
Thats one of the ugliest girls in the r9k tag, you have shit standards m8
camilla were are you
be my gf


wew laddy you have to be 18 to post here
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having a fantastic time. None of you are even on the original tags
I remember you getting doxxed last year if you're Kate

just look up blanket chan on the archives lads they've got all her social media and phone #

also all of u guys are super boring
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is the blanket back or is this a meme
fun fact i met my husband on omegle 5 years ago
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im laughing so hard. this was 100% genuine.
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this is awful and i w ant to die
Spenser? Is that you?
Then why are you still on it, whore?
Why? She is cute, you should try to gf her.
just found the same girl and asked her the same thing, she said she was 'poly'

holy hell this board is screwed. I am taking my friends and making a new place on e i g h t chan

fucki ng die ok
post the old grids
>that name
who is she and what's she like
Why would her death certificate be online.
baka foh.
no one cares about her i just want k8 back
who is camilla
who is k8
she's danish she looks like grimes she smokes she's 20 she's a neet and she's having a sleepover with her friend
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this bitch doesnt like leans new album shawty wacc
How do you make your webcam work? This site hasn't worked for me in over a year. I've updated flash, checked my drivers, changed browsers, deleted history/cookies, and my webcam is black to everyone who sees it. The webcam works on skype so I know its not broken either.
sounds like a qt3.14
I'm drunk af an just skipping everyone t b h
goon anon i didn't mean to dc pls don't kill me

this is the reason why females come into this tag

if you want to attention whore post your face yourself and dont pretend you are not just another whore
tell us more please senpai
shawty please add me on skype its my namefag
Eh, not me, sorry.

I'm azn.
The old blanket said she was Hispanic
why is everyone so mad?
Remember the tinychat room
why are you even feeding it
Is it still frogmemes? I haven't been around for a few weeks, is there a new one now?
tfw people get butt hurt when you skip them
Not the real Blanket-chan. Talking to her right now. She'll clear this up soon.
whoever fucking has these photos saved

i have had enough, i don't go on r9k and i hven't been on omegle in a long time please let me live my fucking life and stop posting these. thanks

my name was never kate that was a meme and no one better have my phone or i will lose my mind

lol nobody cares about you and nobody is doing anything to your life you dumbwhore
Oh god I got so embarrassed, I'm sorry for ending the call anon, I'm not used to voice chatting with strangers (you seemed pretty qt)
like thats what you think and thats also what i thought but yet i still get harassed and stalked on random accounts so?????? like im literally irrelevant at this point leave me the fuck alone
who won't you an hero????
it's all i want
just gtfo the internet
how dense are you
where is the population control at
go away
I need your help I'm in Wisconsin I need a place to crash we can share a bed I'll keep you warm
Are you voting for Trump, anon?
I haven't seen horseface for a while.
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Someone said I'm a good looking chinanon.

>feels good man
>a woman upset when she realizes there's consequences to be an attention whore

you knew what kind of people used this board before you started leading them on and teasing your pics threads and you have the gall to act offended. women, everyone
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stop skipping me fags
looking at you makes me fucking sick.
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say that 2 my face irl not online n see what happens punk
Is that Donatello?
>Be grill
> Get on Cam chat for a few seconds
>Instantly asked if I am a trap
> called a roastie and a whore.
> You guys wonder why you don't have a grillfriend
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