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You are currently reading a thread in /r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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161 KB, 1860x1947
I have created a home for you losers to inhabit:


Includes a bot which collects hentai images and such.
How dumb do you think we are? This is our home.
You can have multiple homes friend.
Alright hey we're always looking for more people to actrually make this chat alive and it might be good for you guys to meet different people as well
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>Forcing redditor bullshit on /r9k/
please leave cancer
that's a twink with a wig
Hello there qt
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Holy shit is this guy creepy looking as fuck
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>So desperate that you call a ugly shit qt
new low
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im pretty gay
Are fembots allowed? ;_; Pls no bully ;_;
Yes! there is a mix of high bully and low bully content.
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164 KB, 600x488
Holy shit this guy is so fucking ugly and creepy at the same time
Are there any robot discords? All the ones getting posted are filled with normalfags.
Thread replies: 16
Thread images: 8

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