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and oregano
This is extremely accurate. God bkess.
>tfw not on drugs
You got to savor those first times you try a drug, because it is never going to be the same.
Enjoy the downward spiral :^)
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When you first try opiates
I was high during Easter service today and I toked a little before the early afternoon family dinner

My eyes never get droopy or red when I smoke so no one is the wiser about how much my brain is partying inside
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>I was high during Easter service today
>tfw when you take adderal all you do is shitpost and fap
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>tfw you smoke some dank and have some benzos
it's the second coziest high, next to opiates of course
Opiates with a small dose of benzos is the coziest imo, you've just got to be careful with that combination
tfw I can't get drugs because I'm a shut in with no connections

tfw I know how great drugs are from a few times doing them

hey man, it made everything so much more spiritual and emotional. I felt closer to God today than ever before.

I loved it
You sound like a fag from a shitty seth rogan movie Tbh
order RC's
Not really, they would say some cheeky anti-Christian joke
Christian god hates drugs so you weren't closer to him tbhwy
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>tfw smoking hookah tobacco
I know it's not a major drug but it's still top fun and comfy
I wasn't that guy, I was just saying he didn't sound like one. I'm actually the guy who posted this >>27442187 All I was saying was he didn't sound like one. Fucking relax m8
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>tfw your parents are pot heads so they smoke you out daily

i have neet life on easy mode except im scared for my future ayyy lmao
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>dad smokes weed
>just give him a bud for his birthday, father's day, and Christmas
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>tfw weed isn't fun anymore
>guy posts spearing christ chan
>tells others to relax

calm down you christian neckbeaerd
I'm pretty calm m8. How about you calm down? XD
I don't even get the past experience.
I have pot connections at work, but I live with fundie Christian parents that survived the 60s. I could never get away with anything.
I don't think that's actually in the biblical cannon. Moderation is, though. So is Jesus partying.
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