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Why don't we all immigrate to Sweden? >immigrants rape
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Why don't we all immigrate to Sweden?

>immigrants rape small girls and women all day everyday
>police turn a blind eye if an immigrant does it
>we lose our virginity
>roasties get even more BTFO

It's a win-win situation.
>small girls
get help mate
File: 1458904192460.jpg (55 KB, 588x444) Image search: [Google]
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because the migrants will assfuck us too
But they love to get raped and murdered by immigrants. They would rather get raped in a dark alley by 100 Jamals and get stabbed and bleed to death than go on a date with us.
The word is emigrate
The word is rapefugee.
Sweden no!

original! NOOOO
All women are innately whores you fucking nigger.
because I'm not brown
>brown enough to be looked down upon
>not brown enough to be granted brown rights such as free food and qts

because -- and sorry if this blows your tiny under developed mind -- not all of us want to rape women and small girls. fucking mental innit bruv?
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