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>tfw working today in a Hispanic area
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>tfw working today in a Hispanic area
Que lo disfrutes amigo
Be careful out there bubs
wew le racism
>poor little white boy complains about having to be around "scaaaaaary brown ppl :(" and yet probably unironically believes that anti-white racism is a serious issue
Hola amigo te voy a meter el piton en tu culito
>he doesn't know that non-whites commit more crime
>he doesn't understand statistics
>he thinks unbiased facts are racist

Wew lad
Pick me up a dozen tamales please.

It's good Friday you tards, you know how busy it is in a Hispanic area?
No, not really

>>>27393331 (tu)
>es un buen viernes tratados, saben que tan ajetreada es el area hispanica?
Perfecto para un arrimon en tu culito
It's busy af. I guess they like searching for eggs
>working on Good Friday
you are a double cuck
Ive worked in food places before. Latinos are by far the worst fucking customers imaginable. Not like a purple haired NEET would know what its like to have a job
when did this place become tumblr?
>tfw working todya in the callcenter getting call from costumers who barelly speak my language
>Not wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat with ICE on speed dial
I work with Cubans all day. All we do is talk shit and stare at women.

The best part about my job is that there are literally no women working here.
Holy shit, all this edge from one guy.
how was that edgy at all? go back to your safespace blog on tumblr
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