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Robots, what do you think of chubby/curvier girls and big butts?
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Robots, what do you think of chubby/curvier girls and big butts? I feel like I've grown to like these types of girls as I get older.
i love how there's always this group of faggots that comes in and cts like anything over 10lbs overweight looks the same as a morbidly obese woman

genetics are an actual thing, and every woman carries fat differently. some get a gut, others get a big ass, big tits, some just get shitty cellulite

sometimes in my eyes a girl 40 pounds overweight could look better than one 10lbs overweight, if it falls in the right places, and they have muscle mass in their thighs, ass, etc

there are so many factors that go into it, at this point for me it's "if i like how it looks, then i would fuck it"
oh god i just want to lick and suck her butthole and motorboat between those cheeks
that's my fucking wish to have a curvy/chubby girl
with big tits and big butts.

>100% waifu material for me.
Those tend to be closeted gay types or asian men that think like this I've found.
unhealthy obsession tbqhonest
I like chubby but that girl is just outright fat as shit. Why does everyone post obese trash and call it chubby or curvy? It's just a blob of fat.
I want to throw up.
there is also the matter of subjectivity

the girl in OP doesnt even have a gut, she has a big ass the doesnt have much cellulite on it, i feel like it would be nice to smack and grab and whatnot

i would gf
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these girls are the most arrogant, conceited, egotistical and snobby bitches there are. seriously, these girls are so over their head thanks to the nigger culture of liking big asses. don't even try to wife one of these whores /r9k/ they are all whores. girls with asses like that don't typically stick with one guy. too many chads hit on them for them to stick with one guy.
I'd kill for a gf like that. Chubby girls are so hot. Too bad they usually are attracted to tall skinny guys. I'm a tall chubby guy so I mostly attract short skinny girls with daddy issues.
>they usually are attracted to tall skinny guys
then explain why i'm still alone
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>tfw 5'8, 18, and builtfat mode (like lifted for a few years but never got lean)

triple threat, worst combo

girls my age want guys that look like the damn daniel meme kid and girls in their 20s want tall white collar guys who make lots of money
because your personality is beyond repulsive
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What if I'm a black chad?
but they wouldn't know that without talking to me
and they never even talk to me
You're still a chad. Girls with big asses are typically for every Chad, no matter race.
Why does everyone suddenly like big asses? I remember in the '90s when the most cliche insult you could give a girl was to tell her her ass was fat, now they get upset if you say it isn't, spend thousands on injections, and design their workout programs to entirely focus on their glutes.
nigger rap culture
i don't remember the 90s, i was born in 97

all i know is, i love big asses

small asses are so fucking boring and disappointing
I want one
What about skinny manlets?
Probably has something to do with the people you're referencing, the people that would use fat ass an insult, and the present generation that like big asses, are entirely different people, growing up in entirely different societal circumstances.

90's kid here (born in the 80's but grew up in the 90's)

I never got it.

I loved women with huge asses even when I was 5 years old.

I used to fap to magazines where women talked about how they got their butts to look smaller. And I'd fap to the before pictures much more than the after pictures.
>expecting to get lean
You also forgot to mention your brain damage m8.

It blows my mind that you were born in 97 and now you're (pretty much) a grown man.

You should still be three, and I should still be a teenager.

Fuck...where did the time go?

Buddy enjoy your youth while you still can. Don't do anything stupid but you had better go out and have fun because the years start going by a lot faster.
Yeah, as far as women can go, nothing tops a nice, firm, round ass
>enjoy your youth

well i havent, i've been coming to this place pretty much daily since i was 14

i think in memes now basically. i don't have any friends except for my cousin, we meet up once a month with his friend, my cousin in 19 and has a big beard and they dont ask for his ID at a certain liquor store so he buys us all liquor and we stay in a hotel and drink and i smoke weed

that's the most fun thing i do though

Man you have got to start living your life for real. Now's your chance. Don't blow it.

Learn some skills, go hang with girls, study some philosophy and science and stuff.
A fat girl is just going to get fatter over time. She might look decent now but she'll be pushing obese in a few months or years.
Fuck off back to rebbit and tip your fedora there old timer
this same argument again, over and over again with no end in sight

i don't want a fucking wife, just a girlfriend
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I like the big butt and can not lie

But at the same time, larger girls tend to lack stamina and agility

There really is nothing worse than doing an activity with someone who can't keep pace for more than 5 minutes and are ready to quit and do something sedentary any chance they get

I used to know someone who said his gf would routinely stop riding him during sex because she quote, "would get tired after about a minute".
SAME i think its instinctual, child rearing hips and motherly figure and all
A literal meme feature for digusting, lazy women to feel good about themselves born from the need of American men to say something positive about their women. If there are no slim people in the country anymore, you have to condition yourself to find fat people attractive.
some chubby girls can pull it off but a actually fatty is disgusting.
Because seeing a girl in a pic and seeing a girl in real life are completely different things.

If you saw a hambeast like your pic related next to you, you'd most likely get the urge to vomit on her face... The problem is that you never go out of your house.
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This is as far as I would go
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>tfw not living in the 90s where girls with big asses were insecure and easy to get because of it
I like a slight bit of chubbs, like 10-15lbs overweight type of chubbs, any more than that and it gets gross. fit women with abs and all that shit kind of gross me out, I don't like gym rats.
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I'd prefer a girl with a belly that I can look at then squeeze and feel her weight

Oh well
>chubby/obese/curvy/fat/heavy/meaty/high test

Whatever you want to call it, it's repulsive.

What does "fedora" even mean at this point?

I thought it was about atheism, but now it's just something you tell people you don't like, or what?

Dude, I fucking know.

When I was a little kid I used to think, "Man, all these women with huge butts don't like them. When I grow up they'll all love me because I won't rag on them for having big butts"

Then the






It's bullshit!
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Don't you want a real woman, anon? :^)
I'd fuck the shit out of them, but I'd never date a chubby.
>girls who have personality flaws that turn out to help their aesthetics a lot of the time
Vapid whores anon. It's not what I want and I hope you learn before it's too late.
I would spread her cheeks and stick my tongue as deep as possible into her anus. I would love for her to sit on my face while watching television and letting urine dribble into my mouth as I suckle her urethra.
What's the salsa familia?
reverse image search only brings a bunch of fetish tumblrs
You know everyone regardless of gender or voluptuousness shits rank feces right?
No he doesn't know this because he is a virgin and thinks girl farts smell like roses and they poop rainbows. He's in for a very rude awakening assuming a girl ever gets within 100 feet of him consentually
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I didn't like them much until I turned 27 or 28, then it was like some switch was flipped in my head and I craved big asses and wide hips. I even got fit to attract these kind of girls, I was also incapable of pulling out of any of them.

Eventually I found one who was mother material with body like pic related and knocked her up. No regrets, even though children are hard work.
I long for physical intimacy so much I feel like I'm going crazy, like I'm some kind of freak for wanting to hold a woman. I hate life
This. This so much. My heart hurts from the crushing loneliness.
I wish I was gay so I could have casual sex and hopefully he can hug me or I can hug him afterwards.
Not sure anyone would agree to just hugging. That would be enough. I'd do that for hours.

It's so easy to become pessimistic concerning women when they clearly don't share these same needs.
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The "fat ass with small tits" is the absolute worst body type, something about it just looks retarded and irritating, if I could explain it better I would.

>inb4 waddababout obese women
This obviously only includes body types that have any shape at all, the ratio between tits to ass.
Dude senpai, Sauce??
Low test general. I bet youre from sweden or another cuck country
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can you not read filenames lad?

Go see a sexual surrogate or some other thing along those lines before you snap.

A guy in China snapped and cut off his own dick because he couldn't get sex. When he came to his senses he RODE A FUCKING BIKE to the hospital but they were unable to reattach his dick. I wonder if he an hero'd by now.

It's dangerous, bros.

Go play with women before you go insane.

There are all kinds of things you can do to get to play with women.

They even have "meditation" sessions where you masturbate them. Yeah paying to rub a woman's pussy isn't that great but fuck, it's something

but with the surrogate idea they'll actually have sex with you.
>projecting this much
Nope but she needs to have tits. Big tits, big ass.
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I can't speak for the other anon, but I don't even have money for a sexual surrogate otherwise I would've done it already.

I tell myself that I can make it until marriage, but seing as how I spend most if not all of my free time on this site, the chance of marriage is slim to none. It sucks that women will never really know this feeling. If they want someone to cuddle with they have at least 5 guys at their disposal.

We robots don't have that luxury so we sit around and watch anime in an attempt to drown out our feels. The thought of never getting to hold a woman close to me is devastating. I have suicidal thoughts almost every day.

I just want to know what it feels like to be loved.
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