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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only >tfw
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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only >tfw no gf.

It is the 41st millennium, MGTOW'd and the women only reside in the warp.

Now that the women are gone the men have decided that dirt bike races and video game tournaments were the best way to settle disputes.

And no matter who won at the end of the event they all shared cold beer chicken wings and laughs.

so gender cleansing when?
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>tfw ywn be a true robot
Why is it that so many robots love 40k? Shit is awful
fuck you heretic

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Say it to my face and not online and see what happens, heretic.
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Pic for (you) for
Most robot like army in the 40kverse?
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Oh man....

Even within the 40(r9)k universe this is heresy.

And this is war not a fashion show, horned freaks.

Purge the heretics!
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Heresy should be a bannable offence
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die, heretic
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Feels good being a heretic man, imperium cucks can suck my cock for all i care.
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