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Ask a guy who gave away his virginity to a prostitude anything.
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Sex is really overrated
I want to also so few questions
Should i wear a condom?
Should i fap same day or day before?
Should i drink alcohol before?
Is this possible that she will refuse to have sex with me?
How do i make this less ankward?
PLEASE tell me you did not pay more than eighty bucks max. That should be plenty for 1 hour.

Sex is only great if it's with someone you care about.
> She will proably provide a condom, if not bring your own you never know where she's been
> I didn't fap before, i came from a blowjob, but after a minute or so, it was back up
>don't drink alcohol if you are afraid that she will reject you
>just joke with her, and keep the conversation light.
i paid around fitty bucks.
I am kinda scared of buying condoms desu
why? they cashier might look funny at you, but if its a girl, they'll see you as less of a sperg, and guys are just gonna be a little jealous.
>I worked in a convinence store for a year
Was with a prostitute this Saturday. Her ass was soft and body but damn sex isn't all it was portrayed as. Forgot I even did anything within 30 minutes.
same here, she was really hot and easy to talk too. but i'm sitting here wondering why sex have become so fucking overrated.
Self checkout at Walmart.
But they will see me as sperg with condom, and laugh in soul at my pathetic life of whore fucker. I am also scared of meeting old friends in pretty much every places i go
You could also ask the cashier if the comdoms are good.
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Are you pic related?

Original comment, i swear.
Nope, this happened 2 hours ago.
and i'm 19.
no it's not, the sex you had was just really shitty
Good job comrade perhaps next time I'll buy a visit for you.
might aswell post the pictures from her site
Are you circumcised? This is important
i'm a europoor, so i'm not circumcised. and i don't think it matters
Lol it matters trust me. Maybe the condom ruined.
Jerk off less and don't wear a condom
maby it did, since the blowjob she gave felt alot better.
Of course its overrated if you spend all your time jerking off to porn. Real stuff will never compare.
same here breh
she was loose as fuck and with the condom I felt basically nothing
also tits arent even that great desu
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well, atleast we can say that we are no longer pathetic virgins.
Now we're just pathetic.
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Did you tell her you were a virgin? / Did she know you were a virgin?
I told her, and she said she had no problem with it.
Sex is overrated. Making love seems great though.

Too bad i'm a KV.
Sex with someone you love has got to be a lot different than sex with someone you don't.
Not surprised that that one got through Mr robotic man
lol i did the same thing op

did it so i knew what sex would feel like was very disappointed, it was only mildly better than sitting down with some good porn
I lost it at 29, met her that night. I didn't pay for it mind you.

Technical aspects of the sex wasn't that good. Did not feel that much, blowjob kinda hurt, never came.

Experience as a whole though? Without a doubt the happiest and best memory of my life.
Love isn't real dipshit
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Physically I guess you could say masturbating technically feels better. Though I really enjoy the warmth of a pussy, it's very comforting and there's something about knowing there is a woman wrapped around your cock rather than a Kleenex that just feels right. Maybe I just like doing God's work.
I bought a 36 pack on amazon. I'm a virgin and talk to no girls. You can have mine.
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