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*looks at you through girlfedora*
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*looks at you through girlfedora*
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The thing is, other than 4chan, no one makes fun of a woman with those, so even though I agree it's fedora tier women get away so it doesn't matter anyway. Women are just better than us since they can skip anything bad.
These fucking glasses. They are the exact equivalent of fedora for a woman. Screams pretentiousness and lets you know she's probably gonna throw her pseudo-intellectual ideals at you. Also makes them look like a goofy villain.
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I think they look cool
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>Female Fedora
>Short, closely styled dyed hair
>Round, slightly chubby chin
>Look of impending disgust, despite not knowing anything about you

This is the female Fedora Lord, and Neo-Feminism is her Atheism, Anita Sarkeesian, her Dawkins.

The funny thing is that feminism has way more in common with organised religion.

I'd be willing to bet that Big Red is submissive as fuck in bed.
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I can't explain it, but to me these hippy slut headbands are the female version of the fedora, just not in the same way because it's the feminized version

Honarary mention: choke collars
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Even before the meme those glasses were a red-flag for me because they reminded me of Elton John or Velma from Scooby Doo They've always had an association with batshit liberals and gross androgynous women.
Dawkinsian atheism is essentially evangelical atheism.

Proper Atheism is just not believing in God. It's an inherently private matter.
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>I can't explain it, but to me these hippy slut headbands are the female version of the fedora, just not in the same way because it's the feminized version

nah I've seen a lot normal Stacies wear those. Dreads on the other hand are granola-girl trademarks which is a red-flag for me because I think hippy chicks are gross.

>choke collars

sad to read that because much like tats and piercings, chokers were a huge turn-on for me because they were associated with goth and rivethead girls but now they've been appropriated (read ruined) by these crazy tumblr landwhales to look "countercultural"

fuck em
Those are completely different glasses though
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yeah she is.

feminist girls are always submissive. I bet you they're the types that have rape fantasies as well.
>I bet you they're the types that have rape fantasies as well
You know how anti gay people always get caught with gay lovers?

Same thing for these women as well, they want to be treated like sex objects, but feel too ashamed because their zealous ideologies tell them they're bad.
And a trilby is totally different than a fedora. Anon, it doesn't matter, black thick rimmed granny glasses are Tumblr as fuck.
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There is no "female fedora". Women go around wearing dopey-looking fedoras just like men do.
The true way to identify a feminist is if their hair color is anything that's not a natural color (blue, green, pink etc.)
Yeah, but not as frequently.

Problem glasses are the most frequent indicator of trouble.
I think fedoras look cool, they're better than base-ball caps. I just can't cause social-stigma. I'm fine with showing my power level through words if forced, but I can't do this or wear shirts.
I want to fuck pistol so bad.
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Fedoras look cool when they're on rugged men from the 20s-40s, not chubby nerds in Star Wars t-shirts.
What about emo or scene chicks?
Think about it though. The ones I've met were really "empowered" females. They thought they were a little too cool for school and better than your average female

It might not be completely the same as a "fedora" but when feminized I think it is
They're basically extinct at this point.

The alt aesthetic has been coopted into the Tumblr subculture.
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>tfw Zoe Quinn posed for alt porn sites like Blue Blood and Broken Dollz back in the hey-day of alt-porn
>tfw that many of my favorite alt porn starlets are most likely SJWs now



maybe that's another reason why I'm attracted to "red-flag" girls. In fact my ex kinda fitted the description of an SJW (thick-frame glasses, dyed hair, piercing other than ear/belly-button, batshit libtard) and she loved it when I tied her up, ass-fucked her and "put her in her place".
No because my mom and aunt wear them. My dad would never be caught dead in a fedora though. Cat-eyed glasses are 24/7 wear while fedoras are SUPPOSED to be formal wear


100% no.

Fuck both of you ridiculous retards. Fedoras look completely fucking stupid on everyone except select cool old men. Everyone else looks like a cunt.
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It's what I said in my other post here >>27340226
and the main reason why I have such a bad case of the feels.


You and me both buddy.

>ywn live in 2007 again
>ywn go to goth-industrial discos with a petite emo-goth qt g/f
>ywn go clothes shopping with her in fetish stores

BRB I need to work on my exit bag. No use living in this world any more.

>tfw no super
I literally said that, you illiterate.

No you didn't you lying cunt. Fuck you, you worthless, lying piece of shit
on that subject (counter-cultures like emos, goths and scene girls); what kind of music do you think socjus tumblrinas listen to? I'm guessing stuff goths and emos listened to is passe to them due to influence of arrogant hipster groupthink

So I'm guessing probably PC music or chiptunes. I know The Beatles are a big thing among nu-males.

I'm actually legit curious about this.
Passion Pit
giving them way too much credit. they listen to whatever female artist is huge at the moment (lady gaga, beyonce, not sure who the flavor of the month is currently) and talk about positive and feminist her lyrics are

Oh shit I just remembered: Paramore, Fly-Leaf or other "aletnative" rock with female vocals.

I would also guess Lady Gaga (she made an anti-rape music video + her crazy fashion style) or that one black chick with the pompadour but that's too mainstream for them I think.

I know Adelle had an socjus following when she was a landwhale (obviously)
>passion pit

This was true a few years ago, not sure if it's the still case.
Lana del rey, Melanie Martinez, Halsey.

so that's good to know that they stick to mainstream billboard top-100 corporate-peddled garbage (ironic isn't it?) because I like less mainstream or underground music and I don't want nu-male cucks and their 200+lbs mistresses shitting up the scene for me with their gender-studies BS.
Do you actually think anything we say is true?

Fuck I don't know.
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